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Integracja Fibaro HC3 QuickAPP z ESP8266 Cześć, nie znalazłem nigdzie działającej integracji hc3 quickapp i esp8266, więc postanowiłem sam taką stworzyć. Instalacja Instalujemy ESPEASY po szczegóły odsyłam na https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/ESPEasy Konfigurujemy połączenie Wi-Fi do naszej sieci domowej Na routerze musimy zarezerwować adres IP który dostało ESP8266 Dodajemy QuickAPP: -> -> -> Wskazujemy plik z załącznika ESP8266_Przekaznik.fqa W zakładce zmienne edytujemy adres IP urządzenia oraz pin na którym znajduje się przekaźnik Jak działa kod Po otwarciu strony http://adresip/control?cmd=GPIO,0,1 zmienia się stan na naszym pinie Kod napisałem w ten sposób, że LUA analizuje zwrotny kod JSON z ESP8266 przez co mamy potwierdzenie że polecenie włączenia lub wyłączenia zostało wykonane. ESP8266_Przekaznik.fqa
Hello guys, I'm studing a way to watering all kind of plant in the garden. After that i'll implement sprinkler system inside this project. All plant needs different water quantity. I wanna use a lot of smart implant + 12v water valve + soil moisture sensor + temperature sensor. I see that smart implant can read DHT22 and DS18B20 sensor. I've also seen that there are some incomplete information on internet. I have NEVER used sensor like that, so i have LOT of question in my head. The aim of this project is to create some block scene where you can move output of smart implant in base of input condition + wheater prediction. First question: have someone done something like that before? I see on forum that fibaro may encounter problem with dht22 sensor, is it better to choose a ds18b20 sensor? Is a sensor like this ok for smart implant? Can i connect it directly on smart implant device? https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiRudnC16byAhUUt3cKHfbTArAYABAFGgJlZg&ae=2&sig=AOD64_1tIlSHN6i16Pi_hh7QVZKIz6d4zg&adurl&ctype=5&ved=2ahUKEwjJ-MrC16byAhVK4aQKHeVVDMAQwg96BAgBEDY&dct=1 If this is not ok, can someone suggest me a right soil moisture sensor? Can dht22 and ds18 sensors be read without creating virtual device? Thank you
Homeseer with FGBS-222
Accelerator Engineer posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
I'm using A hometroller SEL 3.16.0 running HS3 I'm working with a Fibaro FGBS-222 v5.1 smart implant (Z-wave version). I initially tried including as a secure node. When I did I got an error message about it not installing correctly and that some features would not work. I suspect that this is because they include a DSK number that you are supposed to use during inclusion that I was never prompted to enter. So I included it as non secure without errors. It created a total of 23 devices most of which I don't understand what they are for. However, the analog input works and the relay outputs work. The only thing that seems to be missing is the device(s) for the DHT22 temperature / humidity sensor. In the log file I see entries like this: (2) Sensor Multilevel Report for type Air_Temperature received, but the corresponding device Node ID cannot be found.(2) Node/Instance=54/-1 I have already tried going to the root node, opening the Z-wave tab, and clicking on the Rescan button. This added some of the devices listed above but did not add any for temperature and humidity. (I think there may also be a built in temperature sensor in the smart implant) Is there any way to get the missing child devices? -
Hello everyone, Is UBS compatible with DHT22 (DHT11) umidity sensors? What happens if you replace the DC18B20 with a DHT22? Is it possible to set UBS to read humidity values? Can you put together on the same link both DC18B20 and DHT22?