Version 3.0
This is JavaScript code, which displays debug information (in parallel to code development) at full screen on desktop (supports HC2 and HC3 controllers)
Main purpose is to support scenes where debug information is in HTML format, like All-in-One Scene, Z-wave monitor/viewer, Z-Range analyzer . All other formats will be displayed in same format as in debugger window.
Since HTML format is not supported by HC3 and debugger window is too small, it could be a helpful alternative for better view and debug your code.
In many cases variables values include a lot of information (like jSON table) and it couldn't be reviewed by HC interface, this application offers to display Global variables (including QuickApp variables) on "big" screen.
Follow information and features are supported:
Display debug information of selected scene. (HC2)
Display scenes debug information filtered by messages tags including levels (trace, warning,error). (HC3). Note: Currently all scenes print info in same debugger. Issue reported to Fibaro Group - in Progress.
Start scene. (HC2/3)
VD main and buttons' debug information. (HC2)
Select and Press VD button. (HC2)
Display current value of selected global variable. (HC2/3)
QuickApp debug information. (HC3) . Note: Currently when debug info is loaded it clears debug info from HC3 debugger window.
Display current value of selected QuickApp variable. (HC3)
Turn On/Off (toggle method) QuickApp (HC3)
Select and Press QuickApp button. (HC3)
Note: Since HC3 doesn't support HTML format anymore, this is the only option to view and analyze information on upcoming All-in-One Scene and Z-wave monitor applications.
After downloading the file please remove .txt extension.
Currently supported browser are Firefox, Chrome or IE browsers.
Recently Java Scripts are blocked by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism, please download Disable CORS file for further instructions how to disable CORS.
How it works:
Before execution, open the file to define HC IP-address and HC3 transfer protocol at User Configurable Parameters
// ============= USER CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS ================
var hcip={"HC3":"","HC2":""}
var protocol={"HC3":"https"}
On first run, login information will be required. (To keep your credentials secured, login data is not stored in file )
Application interface is very simple and self-guided.
Select controller: HC2 or HC3
Select item : Scene, V Device, Variable, QuicpApp...
Select item of previous selected section.
Press "Reload" button to load debug information.
By checking debug checkbox, API executed commands are shown.
1. If scene selected "Start" button appears.
2. If V Device selected list of available buttons shown and "Press" button appears.
3. If QuickAppDevice selected, list of available buttons shown.
"Press" and "Toggle" buttons appear. By pressing "Toggle" button, QuickApp will turned ON or OFF in sequential order.
4. If Variables selected,list of available variables shown. By selecting the variable, his current value displayed.