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Found 12 results

  1. This is probably zwave basics but i don't know how zwave networking works in depth and I have an issue Sometimes the HC2 does not get a status change (close) of a fibaro door/window sensor the first time, if not after 10 seconds the signal is getting through. How can I reconfigure the path from the sensor to the HC2 (through other sensors?) Is this what "Mesh network reconfigure" in the ZWave section under settings means? and do I have to Mesh reconfigure that particular sensor only? I have a system with 95 physical modules
  2. Hi all, Got home this evening to find I couldn't connect to the HC2 with the Fibaro app on my mobile. I then tried connecting on the laptop which didn't work also. While testing a new ethernet cable I noticed the network activity LEDs front and rear on the HC2 would turn off everytime I tried to load the UI. Anybody else experienced this? Thanks in advance.
  3. I can not find my HCL on the network, perform the recovery mode but I can not see the HCL on my network. I configure my PC in the IP range 192.168.81.xx, but there is no way to see it.
  4. Hi, Running 4.180 version of HC2 SW. But, I have noticed the phenomena also on the 4.170. Not sure about earlier versions though. Situation/Scenario: 1. Leaving home for a week to business travel. 2. Cautious about risks for lightning - pulling all electronics apart from "absolute bare minimum". 3. HC2 is using regular network cable. 4. As HC2 is to run during absence, but rest of network is not, cable between HC2 network outlet and rest of network (switch, router etc) is disconnected to avoid "rolling lightning bolts" still hitting electronics just because they are physically connected. Expected outcome: Any scene triggered automatically, based on time or other local value/setting/trigger device, should still run. Actual outcome: Scenes not triggered automatically. Extra information: Once network cable is connected to switch/router, scene activation starts to work again as per expectation. Please let me know if you need more data to trouble-shoot this phenomena. Kindly, DrPepper
  5. Hi, After 2 months my HC2 suddenly stopped responding. I can't ping it, I can't access it via web interface. I decided to connect monitor to external port and first message I got after boot was: e1000e: 0000:01:00.0: The NVM Checksum Is Not Valid Looks like critical error. Probably eth0 device cannot be created and HC2 doesn't receive IP address from dhcp server as there is no connection. I tried to reboot device several times. Sometimes lights on the ethernet card are completely off and sometimes they are on (both green and yellow). Any ideas? By the way - HC2 was very hot when the error appeared. Kind regards, Michal
  6. D-Vine

    Ubiquiti UniFi

    Version 1.0.0


    Some network icons.
  7. I'd like to add the Fibaro HC2 system to my Zerotier network. Anyone managed to this, or does this have to wait for an update by Fibaro?
  8. robd

    http module

    to make a connection between the HC2 and other IP base units like a raspberry PI you need to use the LUA code local name = Net.FHttp("IP adress", port) in my case this leads to a error message telling me that I am trying to index or assign a nil value to the variable "Net". some investigation leads to the assumption that my HC2 is missing a HTTP module. to test this I used the lines if Net == nil then fibaro:debug("no net") end alternatively if Net ~= nil then fibaro:debug("net") end I get "no net" as result. then I read that I should install the network module with local name require ("socket.http") see http://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/http.html the require function should take care of all the dependencies and install the network module. unfortunately this also leads to a error saying that I am trying to assign a nil value to a variable. where am I going wrong? HC2 with latest software version
  9. It is possible in next updates to have a shortcut in bar menu at bottom of mobile app or shortcut in home screen with Refresh data network ? Is very difficult to go in setting so much... And maybe RESTART HC option (with pin or some protection...).
  10. Hi I was looking through the messages from my lan monitor and came across a few interesting anomalies. My Humax Sat receiver connects each night at 3 to update the EPG but I know this is normal as I'm running custom firmware. I also spotted that my sat box is not part of my shutdown routine and that's easy to rectify. I'm also not picking up on the internet coming back online so I'll need to look at why. I recently connected an Echo Dot and that seems to sleep at no real definable pattern so I must watch that more closely. The real mystery are two Sony TV's of different vintages seem to go online and then offline during the night but I'm not sure why. I have another TV (samsung) , bluray player, etc that seem to stay offline until I next use them Does anybody else have any similar activity to this on their networks ?
  11. Hi, Im starting here on the Fibaro system and I have a big house where there is no way with just one Home Center 2 i can get all systems connected. I would like to know what are the best practices to be able to control different Home Center Lite's with just one Home Center 2. I will have motions sensor's and smoke sensor's on the Fibaro network. Any good ideas?
  12. Hi, I was wondering if anybody had tried this before. I am looking to ping a device on my home network to see if it is 'online' and then store something like an online/offline in a variable that I can display. I use static IP's for all the devices I am looking to monitor I was thinking about using the arp approach and see if the device is returned as part of the list Has anybody tried this before .. or do people think it may be possible or is there another route ? Thoughts appreciated Thanks Frank
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