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Found 25 results

  1. cag014

    Z-wave monitor

    Version 3.0


    This scene monitors and catches Z-wave commands traffic between controller and devices. The data displayed to user as a table which includes total commands and their properties per device, in addition same data displayed at graphical chart and shows system activities over the time. Since Z-wave protocol is not a fastest one (in many case it's just freeze) this code helps to analyze the data and to take necessary actions to reduce overall Z-wave traffic and system load. Scene functionality 1. This is not an auto started scene. You need to start it manually. While the scene is running, you can switch views between table/chart and monitor (follow instructions on screen). 2. User configurable parameters are: gVar = true-- Create and use global predefined variable. The scene could work with local table as well, but by using global parameter you can keep history of the traffic. It very helpful when you're updating the system to new release, to compare Z-wave performance. In case you have decided to use global variable, copy the data to other variable to keep the history. To view data of saved variable please download and use Z-wave Viewer scene. Z-wave Viewer could be executed in parallel to Z-wave Monitor as well (when using global variable only) logRate = 5 -- Time rate in minutes to log Z-wave activity. Used as axis X scale in charts view. Reasonable value 5 to15 minutes for 24 hours of monitoring. In case to achieve better resolution the value could be decreased down to 1 minute. time2monitor = 6 -- Time-slot in hours to monitor z-wave traffic, after that time, table and chart will be displayed on debug window and scene will stopped. Value of 0 hours disables auto ending. User needs to stop the monitoring. If less than hour monitoring required please use decimal fraction. For example to set monitor time to 15 minutes set, time2monitor = .25 markId = "|0|0|", " Cyan" -- Devices (IDs) list and text color to display specific devices in defined color at monitor view for follow up purpose. In few cases you need to monitor specific device, so fill-in the device ID and it will be highlighted by different color from other devices. deadOnTop = {true, "maroon"} -- Display DEAD devices on top of the monitor view list in defined text color. Since we're not always looking on the screen, so in case the system will identify dead device it will continuously display the device (in red) on debug window. All variables below are the same for Z-wave Monitor and Z-wave Viewer chartHeight = 100 -- Chart height in percents (%). Chart's default height fits debug window. The variable changes height of all charts (devices.scenes and events) chartWidth = 100 -- Chart width in percents (%). Chart's default width expands according to number of samples. User could expand the width to get better detail view or to stretch to visualize the load on time axis or to take snap shot of entire time line. The variable changes width of all charts (devices.scenes and events) topDev2disp = 6 -- Number of most active devices to display on devices chart. If set to zero chart won't be displayed. topScene2disp= 10 -- Number of most active scenes to display on scenes chart. If set to zero chart won't be displayed. darkSkinMode = true -- Charts display skin mode. Set false for light (white) skin. dev2review={false,"|470|804"} -- Generate chart for every device in list of actual device readings over the monitoring time. For devices with two results (like power and energy) both reading will be displayed. On left and right sides of the chart applicable scale displayed. Please note, no chart is generated for devices like motion, door and any other sensors, which provide values of true/false. userDev={false,"|504|_531|"} -- User defined devices and scenes IDs to generate specific combined chart. Please write underscore before scene ID |_531| stackedChart=true -- A stacked line chart is an line chart in which lines do not overlap because they are cumulative at each point. Set to false to view standard line char. All charts except ZKG chart (events,CPU and RAM) will be displayed according to this variable. Brief explanation what is displayed: 1. Monitor view This snap shot includes top and dead devices marked in different color from other devices. Two main sections in this view: Header 1:08:07/ 6:00:00 1824 events/77 devices event/2.3s (Click Start for ) Elapsed Time/Monitoring time Number of Z-wave events/devices Z-wave traffic rate Click to switch to table/chart view Devices list Every device displayed at follow format - #2/34TV509@Salon(216.7 power) #2/34 -First number is number of events during logRate slot. Second number is total number for events so far. TV509@Salon - device name, ID and room name (216.7 power) - actual reading and reading property 2. Table view total # - number of total Z-wave events on device total % - Percentage of device's events of total system Z-wave events. All yellow marked headers are received Z-wave properties, except two properties, dead and deadReason which are marked in red. For each device displayed the total number of this specific properties. Red marked ID, means that device was or is "dead" By hovering mouse over device IDs, device and room names will be display (tool-tip) at popup box. At the end displayed few extra summaries Elapsed time and Start-End timestamps Sample log rate as defined by user. Total samples during monitoring time Total Z-wave events and total number of active devices Average Z-wave traffic rate Z-traffic range. Shows the highest and lowest z-wave activities during monitoring time. If dead devices have found, list of them is displayed 3. Most active devices chart This chart shows events number of most active devices ( up to number of all active devices allowed by setting topDevNum variable ) on monitoring time-line. On the right-upper corner displayed ID, name and room of the device. By hovering mouse on diagrams or legend, selected item will emphasized in bold to make the item more visible. 4. Most active scenes chart This chart shows triggers number of most active scenes ( up to number of all triggered scenes allowed by setting topDevNum variable ) on monitoring time-line. On the right-upper corner displayed ID, name and room of the scenes. By hovering mouse on diagrams or legend, selected item will emphasized in bold to make the item more visible. 5. Review device's actual readings - (dev2review) For devices with two results (like power and energy) both reading will be displayed. On left and right sides of the chart applicable scale displayed. This chart most useful to identify if device configured to send reports interval at high rate and " differ in readings to send report" set to very low value. By hovering mouse over the chart, will scale down the diagram to make visible entire range. In case the horizontal scrollbar is not in the middle of the chart , the diagram will flicker. 6. User defined combined chart In some cases we need to inspect behavior of some devices and scene that triggered by the device. This chart shows user defined devices and scenes on monitoring time-line. On the right-upper corner displayed ID, name and room of the scenes and/or device. By hovering mouse on diagrams or legend, selected item will emphasized in bold to make the item more visible. 7. ZKG Chart View Chart view shows Z-wave traffic and system load on time line (based on logRate value). You actually could see your smart home beating heart (like EKG). I have named as ZKG (Z-wave cardiogram). Now it's possible to see the "rush" and "quiet" hours of the system. Chart view includes 5 diagrams displayed over time-line of monitoring period. The diagrams are: Z-wave events Triggered scenes CPU1 percentage CPU2 percentage RAM percentage At top-right corner of the screen, displayed legend of the diagrams and colors. Events total number in same color as a diagram line. CPU1 min > avg < max in same color as a diagram line. CPU2 min > avg < max in same color as a diagram line. RAM min > avg < max in same color as a diagram line. Triggered scenes total in same color as a diagram line. Most triggered scene ID and scene's name in same color as a triggered scenes In case dead devices have found during the monitoring period, the time stamp where it happened will colored red and at the top of the screen, directly above the time stamp, dead device(s) ID displayed. Axis Y has two scales. Left scale represents occurrence numbers of Z-wave events and triggered scenes. Right scale is a percentage and it related to CPU1, CPU2 and RAM measured values. By hovering mouse on diagrams or legend, selected item will emphasized in bold to make the item more visible. I'm strongly advising to use global variable and to view the data using Z-wave Viewer in parallel to Z-wave Monitor The idea behind, that you can change parameters to view different devices/scenes on the fly. By changing user configurable parameters in Z-wave Monitor you'll need to start the scene all over again. Note: The debug text of these scenes is very big, so If you're using Clear Debug scene, please remove these scenes from the list. Please let me know if extra info is required. Please report if any bug occurred.
  2. W krótkim okresie czasu zdechły mi ostatnio 2 buttony. Jakiś rok wcześniej miałem pierwszy przypadek z trzecim, wtedy oddałem na gwarancji i został naprawiony ale później znowu się uszkodził mechanicznie. Czy aktualnie przyciski te zostały już na tyle poprawione konstrukcyjnie, że działają prawidłowo przez dłuższy czas? Co proponujecie jako zamiennik buttona? (najlepiej na z-wave)
  3. For a long a time I'm looking for efficient Z-wave repeater. Have tried Aeon Labs, DÜWI, Leviton repeaters w/o any success at all. Recently have found Neo coolcam repeater and relatively at low price (~$40 USD). Honestly, I thought it will be a waste of money, but have placed the order anyway. Yesterday I have received and included the repeater, unbelievable it does work!!!! Surprisingly, the repeater installed very close to the controller (a little bit further from devices than controller himself), but devices surrounded by concrete walls now works w/o problems (had many Zwave disconnections with them - dead/wakeup issues). Have no idea how to explain that the controller is closer to devices and doesn't work properly as a repeater. Note: Please exclude devices (which use repeater) from polling or the devices will end up as disconnected. In addition, the repeater has temperature and humidity sensors also. So here is the link... NEO Coolcam Z Wave EU Repeater Sensor Compatible Zwave System 700 Series Home Automation|Building Automation| - AliExpress Please don't ask for refund from me, If the repeater won't work for you. 😁 BTW, have placed an order for two more....👍
  4. Does anyone know if fibaro has any compatible bulbs that you can change the colors with the HC2 GUI (without using LUA)?
  5. I am desperate and need help I’ve been trying to pair a couple of Fibaro double switches FGS-223 and roller shutter 3 using Smartthings hub actually its a full set of smartthings wifi which has a built in ST hub I’ve followed all installation instructions however i am unable to find these devices on ST app, i will be listing down all the trials i did after installation with no hope to even connect: Using Double Switch 2: 1- pressed S1 3 times but couldn’t find it. 2- pressed B button 3 times but the same. 3- reset (yellow indicator) and did the same steps but didn’t work. 4- disconnect power and reconnect and do the steps again but not working. 5- I’ve tried another 3 switches with no hope. Note: during these process I haven’t seen any flashing lights that can be indicator that I’ve entered paring mode. Using Roller shutter 3: I’ve done exact the same except I have only one device to try, also i’ve been able to see a flashing green/yellow light indictor for pairing mode. Last, I couldn’t find the fibaro in brands so i’ve been trying Z-wave generic, I’ve tried another account with a UK region where i was able to find fibaro in the brands list but couldn’t pair as well. Looking for help as i am not sure if i should go and pay extra money to get Home center hub or its another issue Thank you
  6. I have a Fibaro Wall Plug FGWPE/F-102 and a Z-Wave+ Controller, you can check from here. I want to include my Fibaro wall plug into z-wave controller. However, the wall plug is not discovered by my z-wave controller. I have read and follow the instructions came with the wall plug. I have tried to press the B button quickly triple click as it says in the instructions but it did not work. I have also tried some other combinations to press B button I saw on the other sources and videos. I have also watch the video on the official manual site given below; https://manuals.fibaro.com/wall-plug/ Do you have any ideas? Any possible solutions?
  7. Hi, I'm trying to get my central heating pump to switch on when my Aeotec TRV valve is open. This ought to be easy. The TRV has a parameter which allows it to report the value position when it changes: Parameter 6: Valve percentage report Reports the valve percentage on change. Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0 Setting Description 0 Reporting disabled 1 - 100 Reporting Delta in percent It should be possible to create a scene that switches on the Fibaro Switch 2 which is connected to the heating pump/boiler relay. Now I've installed the devices I can't see how to do this from the Home Centre 2 UI. I don't see any way of specifying the value change message value in a scene. I also can't see how to see the messages that are received from the TRV to verify that they are being received. I guess that initially I need to work out how to switch this parameter 6 on - Fibaro don't appear to have added template support for the Aeotec TRV (nor my TKBHome thermostats ). Is this going to be a problem, or can I set them manually somehow? Can someone please give me a steer? Many thanks, Joe
  8. This is probably zwave basics but i don't know how zwave networking works in depth and I have an issue Sometimes the HC2 does not get a status change (close) of a fibaro door/window sensor the first time, if not after 10 seconds the signal is getting through. How can I reconfigure the path from the sensor to the HC2 (through other sensors?) Is this what "Mesh network reconfigure" in the ZWave section under settings means? and do I have to Mesh reconfigure that particular sensor only? I have a system with 95 physical modules
  9. I have been looking to increase my core zwave knowledge and came across this article from Honeywell. It is like a zwave 101 and is a very easy read for anybody interested... http://library.ademconet.com/MWT/fs2/L5210/Introductory-Guide-to-Z-Wave-Technology.PDF Enjoy..
  10. Hello everyone, I already opened a support ticket for this problem about 20 days ago. But nobody at fibaro is responding. I wanted to do a soft reconfiguration and I can't cancel this on the "Cancel" button. Is there any other way to remove this as "root"? Thanks in advance. Cu, Speedoxx007
  11. Hello, I am new to the Fibaro product line. I have a smartthings hub and am trying to use one of the FGBS222 inputs to activate a z-wave command which I could then program an automation to trigger a chime always, and turn on lights between sunset and sunrise. The driveway sensor is connected to a Security panel zone, which can provide a dry closure or an active low output. The FGBS222 is powered from the control panels 12vdc supply. I can add the Fibaro module to smartthings as a door /window sensor and it shows contact status open. (I didn't see any option to add it as a UBS device) However, when I apply or remove a ground for an extended period to in1 or in 2 the status doesn't change. If I cause a very quick ground, then it will toggle open & closed respectively. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  12. Zapraszam do konkursu na naszym profilu na facebooku, wystarczy polubić stronę i wziąć udział w konkursie . Można zgarnąć kilka gadżetów https://web.facebook.com/Z-World-Z-Wave-Technology-434763013220423/ Zapraszam
  13. Hi there, I'm running a heat controller on fw 4.3 with a issue (running on a non-fibaro controller). When installed on a valve with the RA-N adapter the controller stays in a open position, turning the knob to white doesn't do anything and calibration closes the valve for a second and than open again. After the calibration the controller still don't close. I tried to install the controller on a other valve (one without the need for a adapter) and the controller works perfectly. Hope somebody can help me to figure this out. Cheers Alexander
  14. Dear All, I've installed a vision sirene in my HCL but i would like to add a parameter for only the strobe light and not the sound. I red the document/manual and found some parameters. I added the parameters into HCL but the sound is still there. Maybe i overlook something? Parameter 1 (Siren/Strobe Mode) 1 0 (All Enable) - Default 1 (Siren Only) 2 (Strobe Only) Parameter 2 (Alarm Auto Stop Time) 1 0 (30s) - Default 1 (60s) 2 (120s) 3 (Will Not Automatically Stop) (Parameter 1) Siren/Strobe Mode: User can change value from 0 to 2 to turn either Siren sound, Strobe light, or both when triggered. (Parameter 2) Alarm Auto Stop Time: User can change the duration of siren time when triggered. Help would be appreciated. thanks...
  15. As I anounced already, I want to explore a simple main control scene. The main goal is to have as few scenes as possible that run continously ('autostart') to improve overview and avoid contradictions and racing conditions. Because it is meant as an exploration I will keep it very simple. At some time I will probably join either the @Sankotronic stream or the @jgab event model. They are far beyond my experience on this platform for this moment. And too complex for me as a beginner also. I already presented my time calculation model, based on integers from 0 to 2359, with two very simple functions to work with decimal hours (7+1.5 -> 830) and timesteps 759+5 -> 804. One thing I learned from the last month or so was "zwave freeze". Causes can be multiple, but one of them certainly may be poor programming practices. Therefore I want to fire fibaro calls at low speed and log them when needed. local testmode=true function deviceCall(deviceID,value1,value2) if (value2 == nil) then fibaro:call(deviceID,value1); log(fibaro:getName(deviceID)..': '..value1) else fibaro:call(deviceID,value1,value2); log(fibaro:getName(deviceID)..': '..value1..'='..value2) end fibaro:sleep(1000) end function switchOff(deviceID) deviceCall(deviceID, "turnOff"); end function log(AMessage) if testmode then fibaro:debug(AMessage) end end The deviceCall function can handle most of the commands at a beginners level anyway, so fine for now. A built-in sleep certifies a low pace. It checks testmode on the log funtion. Without testmode no logging.
  16. Fibaro, can you please add a diagnostics screen to the HC2? This should include: - Node information (type and capabilities) - Node connections (mesh overview) Examples: LinuxMCE Domoticz EPIsensors - Node wireless strength (including transmit errors) - etc.
  17. Hi all, My switch 2 is dead zwave. I can control by button S1,S2, but can't control by Fibaro inteface. A few months ago, All devices work well. NOW, i can't add/remote it from HC2 ( Distance between HC2 and Switch is 0.5m) The switch damaged zwave about 30 devices. Does anyone have this case? thank
  18. Drodzy Instalatorzy, Zainstalowałem właśnie zamek Danlock V3. Dodałem go do Fibaro HC2, niemniej jednak podczas instalacji dostałem komunikat że urządzenie nie ma zainstalowanych szablonów. No i rzeczywiście obsługa zamka opiera się tylko na możliwości zamknięcia i otwarcia. Nie ma żadnych opcji konfiguracyjnych, asocjacyjnych, nie można się też odwołać do urządzenia ze scen (ani blokowych ani LUA). Co robić? jak żyć? Pozdrawiam Bartek
  19. Hi, I have been looking foe this for some time and still no clear solution, maybe a third party tool from Zwave Alliance which I can't buy. When you build the zwave network in HCL / HC2, is there a way to get a file with all the mesh devices neighbors, some one told me that in HC2 there is a script to do that but still no way to do it for HCL. Any one faced this before or had to check that? Thank you in advance
  20. Hi I purchased an HC2 and accessories from the UK and have been running a system for 2 years in Hong Kong where the power plugs are the same as the UK. I am about to relocate to New Zealand where the Zwave band is different. Can a user change the Zwave band of a HC2 unit or is the Zwave chipset different for each Zwave region? If it cannot be changed in the field, I will sell all my UK Kit and start again! thanks Darren Breeze
  21. petergebruers thank u too. I have a question, but i can not find the answer on any forum. Maybe u can help me. I need some list of compatible devices with fibaro. I mean, for examp. i need to find best Thermostat for Fibaro, and i know that Nest, Ecobee, Honeywell and so on is available on market. So do Fibaro have some list, to see all devices?
  22. Hi to all, I'm new for this forum, but not for Fibaro system. My problem is very strange, and I don't know what to do in this case. So what is going on.... I have several sensors and devices like : Fibaro Smart Plug Aeotec Smart Plug Fibaro Smoke Sensor Aeotec Multisensor 6 Remotec IR blaster and so on... Also I have Fibaro HC2 and 2 Fibaro HC Lite. And the problem is that I can't add any device on any of this HC. Putting any sensor or device in adding mode, then Pushing add button in Add device, HC standing in learning mode. And nothing, 30 seconds, and nothing. I tried sensor reseting, HC resetting, Network and location changing, i tried everything. Also i asked from my friend, to add some of my devices to his HC Lite, not working. Then I asked to add some of his devices to my HCenters. NOT working! Also we tried to add his devices to his HC. NOT WORKING! I can't understand, what is going on? Anyone have the same problem?
  23. Hi all, Does anyone has a solution to switch off their water mains using their Fibaro?
  24. Hi All, Has anyone played with the GE 45631 Zwave controller keypad? I like the look of this as an easy on the wall button for turning on and off LED scenes in my back yard. All the LED's are RGBW Fibaro controllers with some LUA code kindly provided by someone on this forum to make one of the FG RGBWs the Master and 4 others slaves. So if this keypad can be made to turn on and off the Master hey presto! I have a single button on the wall outside with no hard wires to the FG RGBW master puck. Well thats the theory - what say ye all..am I dream'n or?
  25. Hello I have problem. Actually I dont know how to choose the real place of HC2 in my network. I have attached the simple plan of on 400m2 appartment. Where should I place the HC2 ? How is its range ? Consider that building structure is from Concrete. thanks
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