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  1. Hi everyone, I've been developing a QA and while doing so I have added more buttons than I needed. Labels are easy enough to remove as there is a trash can to delete them but for some reason I cannot remove a row of buttons that has no code linked to them. Does anyone know how to get rid of these excess buttons? Thanks, Anthony
  2. When you drop any of the buttons on the designer and then select a button. On the right hand side you can chose the type Choose Type to be Button or Switch. When I make it a switch, I expect it to look like a ON/Off switch. But it still looks like a button. What is the purpose of this and how do you use it ?
  3. Whats the call to press a QAuickApp button from another QuickApp ?
  4. W krótkim okresie czasu zdechły mi ostatnio 2 buttony. Jakiś rok wcześniej miałem pierwszy przypadek z trzecim, wtedy oddałem na gwarancji i został naprawiony ale później znowu się uszkodził mechanicznie. Czy aktualnie przyciski te zostały już na tyle poprawione konstrukcyjnie, że działają prawidłowo przez dłuższy czas? Co proponujecie jako zamiennik buttona? (najlepiej na z-wave)
  5. Is there a way to hide the "+ Add Device" icon on each of the rooms of the Dashboard?
  6. Hi I have a Fibaro button and I would like to use it with Google Home. In my Google home app I go to the "works with Google" section in Google Home, I find "Fibaro smart home" and select it. I am prompted for my username and password which I enter. A small banner opens with a blue wiring circle - "Linking your Fibaro smart home account". After a little while, another box opens with text - Could not reach your FIBARO Smart home. Please try later. The link fails, I have tested my username and password - all correct, and I have tried on different days and different mobile phones. Please can anyone assist. Can The Button work with Google Home and Google Assistant? Regards and thanks for any help in solving this problem Terry
  7. Using HC3 lite, I am trying to install "The Button". Steps done: 1) In HC3L app selected Config / Devices 2) Pressed "Add button" 3) Selected "Z-Wave device" 4) Clicked "Start adding" 5) Using the "The button" Enabled battery and 6x clicked (all that managed in 30 secs) 6) HC3L logs declare learning mode (see figure bellow) Problem: The device (The Button) was not added found and no any log announced (message "No Devices Found"). (Adding "Motion Sensor" was added without any problems) Thank you very much for any help.
  8. Hello everyone! I'm working on solution that should bring easier sharing and installation of scenes and virtual devices for users. What I'm missing is a way how to change button and label 'Name' or 'caption' using LUA code and/or REST API. See picture bellow: @T.Konopka, Please if you know answer to this question can you share it, or of it is not possible with latest version 4.120 can this be added to the todo list for some future release? Really appreciate your help! Sincerely Sankotronic EDIT This is solution to the question provided by @A.Socha: --id of VD id = 105 --contecting to HC2 to get VD who you want modify local HC2 = Net.FHttp("", 11111) payload = "/api/virtualDevices/" .. id response, status, errorCode = HC2:GET(payload) if tonumber(errorCode) == 0 and tonumber(status) == 200 and response ~= nil and response ~= "" then jsonTable = json.decode(response) --changening caption jsonTable.properties.rows[1].elements[1].caption="testazz" --sending it back local response, status, errorCode = HC2:PUT(payload, json.encode(jsonTable)) end After changing label, slider or button caption please refresh HC web GUI interface page and do Refresh Network data on mobile devices to make change visible!
  9. How to make a button in a VD what will restart your HC2 ? Thanks for your help -sbo
  10. For watering our plants I develop a Virtual Device with HC2 using control buttons to open a valve during 15, 30, 45 and 60sec. I also had a emergency STOP button to close the valve immediately within the same VD. When I reproduce the same with HC3, it is not possible to call the STOP button (interrupt) untill the watering in progress is not completed. Any help? (and not entionning those buttons are not displayed on the portable Android/IOS...)
  11. The title says it all. It would be nice if we could choose the color of the virtual device button so it is easier to the eye and change the color of the text inside. Thank you!
  12. How to create a BUTTON ON/OFF in HLC to start a scene (turn on/off all lamps, turn on/off alarm) from vidget? Is there some example?
  13. Hi there, just bought a Homekit enabled Button to use as a panic button for an elderly person. I use an Apple TV 4 as the hub. The intention was to make a single click on the button send a push notification to my iPhone (and perhaps combine it with some Hue light actions). However, as far as I can see, there is no way to enable notifications without a Fibaro Center 2 or Lite. Can this be right or am I missing something? Best wishes J. ADDITION: I should mention that this ability is part of the advertisement for the Button: https://www.fibaro.com/en/products/the-button/
  14. Is it possible to check if the virtual device button was pressedin lua? Is there any function for that in lua? I want to code something like this: (If Button "3" of virtual device with ID 674 was pressed than a=a+1) for example
  15. Cześć, Chciałem ustawić asocjacje button2x -> turnOn w 3ciej grupie asocjacyjnej. Ustawiłem parametry (wydaje mi się że wszystkie prawidłowo) Dodałem światła do 3ciej grupy Wzbudziłem butona do transferu (4x) i.. nie działa - czy coś robię źle? zaznaczam że taka sama sekwencja wystarczyła żeby skonfigurować asocjacje dla drugiej grupy - działa bez zarzuty. Co może być nie tak? Pozdrawiam Bartek
  16. Drodzy Instalatorzy, Mam taki problem: button steruje światłem (1x -> oposite state - zrobione przez 'magic scene') - niemniej jednak raz na jakiś czas dzieje się tak że to przełączanie strasznie muli, po kilku przełączeniach zaczyna reagować normalnie. Załączam zrzut z panelu zdarzeń gdzie widać z jakim opóźnieniem reaguje światło. Może ktoś ma pomysł co może być przyczyną i jak to poprawić?
  17. Most of the time (more always then most of the time) I have to wake up my button (4 clicks) to be able to get the button to work and even then my button isn't always working when I click ones or twice, to switch on/off my light. How can this be resolved? It's starting to get annoying when I can't use it properly.
  18. I don't know if this is working as designed or a bug I wanted to group a button to a dimmer . I went into the advanced configuration and added the dimmer to the Switch in the Device grouping. After saving the dimmer disappear , at this point i just can switch the lamp on or off dimming is not possible anymore as I can only push the button
  19. Hi I can't delete a "reaction" I should have just programmed it as I was going to but thought, heck, why not try out this new fangled reaction idea .. thought it was simple and useful, until I tried to delete one .. Now i have eventually, but it's not very intuitive .. or may be I'm not :). I click the 'x' to delete, the popup box says are you sure ? and the only responsive button on the popup box is no .. if i click yes, nothing happens, and the box remains. So I have to click yes, then no then click the button 4x to wake it up then refresh the browser page The item does remove the 'reaction' once it is 4x clicked to wake it up again .. is this by design ? Cheers, al.
  20. Hi, I'm trying to create associations with a remote control that I have (an octan nodon remote control). The remote was already configured before I started working here. I'm seeing a warning message (see screenshot attached) asking to change battery. However, I checked the battery levels by pressing • and + and it's showing Green (>50% battery according to the manual). Has anyone encountered this issue? any ideas why this is happening? Thanks a lot! Regards, Raul.
  21. Hi there, Does anyone have a simple scene for the following: Exhaust Fan can be controlled (and overridden) buy press button. On/Off If exhaust fan is running for more than 10min, turn off.. Cheers
  22. Hi, Is it possible to interrupt a scene when a button is pushed? Either to interrupt it or launch another scene. I already have remote control with 4 buttons but I'd like to also buy an emergency button that would terminate the scene that is running. Could you please give me a hand with this or refer me to any other open topic related to this? Thanks a lot! Raul.
  23. After a good night sleep I go downstairs and push "The Button" so all my lights switch on. But I need to wake up the device with my phone app before it works. That's not why I bought a Button (-; It's so my wife doesn't have to get her phone to get the lights on in the living room. I did see a script for the HC2 that wakes up dead nodes every 15 minutes. Is there something like that for the HCL?
  24. Hi, is there a way to have 2 buttons for VD's on the UI? Two buttons like a regular light (on/off). any suggestion are welcome
  25. I am making up an occupancy panel. So that the automation for a particular room only works if the occupant is at home. If they are away for a while, they will mark themselves absent and the automation should stop. This is to save power on heating, towel rails, exhaust, led lighting etc. I have made up a virtual button, image attached. This sets some predefined variables that I can use in scenes. What I really wanted was a latching button. I couldn't do that. Then I tried to change the colour of the button - no dice. I couldn't change the button caption either. So, finally I have a label changing to indicate whether the person is here or away. It is not satisfactory. Its too error prone, someone could press it accidentally. Its not obvious (without colours) what the current status is. Am I able to do any of the following dynamically with lua - Make the button latching (I can then have two buttons labelled here and away) Change the colour of the button Change the caption of the button Hide the button Add a pin pad on press Add a confirmation on press
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