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Found 20 results

  1. FIbaro really needs to get with the picture and play catch up with modern technology of 2017. To allow for a more fluid integration with other third party services, like; google home, alexa, IFTTT, homee, etc. the Ha bridge was the only true 'natural speech" technology that felt natural without having to "request or tell __ to increase the volume, etc. before it simply worked very well, once set up correctly. hey google/alexa turn on the living room light. now im stuck with an extra step of "asking" google home/alexa to tell fibaro to do something. pretty stupid if you ask me. this is not home automation. this "half assed integration. IFTTT first solved this by being able to link alexa/google home to make it feel more natural by saying "hey google/alexa, turn on the hall light." stop twiddling your thumbs and get with the picture and start getting serious. your facebook page is nice, but it does nothing for your existing customers that already own your system. with each day of in-action, you risk losing them to other controllers that "actually" do listen to their users and add their requests.
  2. Hello, I'm a newbee with Fibaro. I have a Fibaro Home Center 3, and created my Fibaro ID. Once I try to integrate Fibaro into Google home, the link is not created between them 2. I tried several times, I do not have any error message... But Fibaro is not added as a service into Google home (neither as a device...). I searched for tips in the web, but nothing I found gives a solution. Do you have any idea on how to proceed ? Thank you for your help.
  3. As for now, I need to choose which HC to sync to Google. I would really appreciate the possibility to syncronize all (or possibly select which) HC's to Google. Would lift the Fibaro solution to a new level for me. User story: As a user I want to select one or several HC's from the Remote Access Dashboard as active for integrations (to sync to Google Home) So that I can manage which units will be available in external systems
  4. Hi I have a Fibaro button and I would like to use it with Google Home. In my Google home app I go to the "works with Google" section in Google Home, I find "Fibaro smart home" and select it. I am prompted for my username and password which I enter. A small banner opens with a blue wiring circle - "Linking your Fibaro smart home account". After a little while, another box opens with text - Could not reach your FIBARO Smart home. Please try later. The link fails, I have tested my username and password - all correct, and I have tried on different days and different mobile phones. Please can anyone assist. Can The Button work with Google Home and Google Assistant? Regards and thanks for any help in solving this problem Terry
  5. Hi everyone. I wrote this message some time ago but no one replied to me (by now I understand that Yubii Home / Fibaro we use it in four cats or in any case those who do it may rely on an installer for which there is no info and a nice discussion group as to instead there is an example for Home Assistant & Co., okay). I have a somewhat particular configuration ... after a thousand searches I was able to find a Yubii Home gateway which is basically a Fibaro Home Lite 3 plus the management of Nice radio devices at 433 and 868 MHz and I managed to " home automation "of my 11 shutters with which I have been opening and closing through 11 Nice TT2N control units for a few years using a Nice remote control. Not wanting to throw away all the control units (and above all not finding ZigBee / Z-Wave / WiFi devices that are as tiny as my TT2Ns and therefore can fit in my crowded 503s ..), I folded for this gateway and ... it's bad. The Yubii app for Android is decent, even a little more, but I have some doubts with using it via Google Home, and more precisely: 1) When I connect Fibaro accounts in Google Home, in my opinion, the pairing does not end "well" as it should, since not all the devices detected (the 11 shutters) are proposed, but simply returns to the account list of the various brands and it seems that Fibaro is not connected. But returning to the Google home ... home (;)), however, the rooms and the various shutters that I created from the Yubii Home interface are there and work both individually and per room, so it seems ok. 2) The 3 scenes I created that basically open all the shutters, close and stop them (I had to create them because, being 11 devices at 433 MHz, it was necessary to distance each shutter by 2 seconds, otherwise with interference there is it was always something that didn't work randomly, but that's okay, in 20 sec. they all start) they work if I'm the one to start them via Google assistant, but nothing to do if my her does it with her voice. I wonder ... his user from the Yubii Android app uses them quietly (the Widgets are comfortable I must say), so the grants are there, so why is he unable to use them from GH, perhaps because it was the admin who hooked them to the home? Either it's a bug, or you tell me if it just happens to me. 3) I did a test that left me perplexed: I tried to connect Fibaro account to GH with my hers user account ... error. Then from the web interface of the Yubii gateway I made her admin (Settings - Access - TRANSFER OF THE ADMINISTRATOR ROLE), always error. With my user (which I renamed to my liking) but which is the one that started admin from the beginning, the default one to be clear, everything ok. Well ... In summary ... to work it works, only the user user cannot recall the scenes from GH, as if there was some grant problem, mah ... Give me a tip, I'd like to understand if I'm the one who's wrong, but it seems to me simply a bug on the Fibaro server side (only they don't reply on their forum, really sucks). Thank you all...
  6. Hi all, I'll try to provide as much detail as I can. So I recently bought HCL and Walle dimmer and Heat controller. As manuals say, devices should be google home compatible. So I happily install walli dimmer and also heat controller. I've used fibaro home android app. And I was happy because everything was working. Then I've decided to connect it google home so that I can control it using my voice. So I did as the manual said and I was able to control dimmer which was perfect and I was impressed. But when I wanted to set the temperature on my Heat Controller I was not able to. So did a lot of research and without any success. I found that I can connect to fibaro directly through google asistant. When I tell google to connect it said "I could not find any devices", I said "ok list home center", he told me "found 1", so connect to first it seems it did but he said, "I had a problem loading your setup names". And after all the next research, I was not able to set the temperature using my voice. So last option is to write on the forum. So please help!
  7. I have two Fibaro installations (HC Lite 4.570) and I am planning a third. In all houses I have installed Google Home. Integrating the first Google Home with Fibaro went well and I am able to control switches via Google Home. Then I went to the other house and set up the Fibaro system. The same Fibro ID is set up to control both. I initially had the same log-in credentials on both systems. When trying to integrate the Fibaro installation in Google Home, only the devices from the first Fibaro installation were available. Any one having an idea on how to solve this, how to control several Fibaro installations with Google Home? Is it a bug at the Fibaro side?
  8. Hi! I have setup google home and linked my Fibaro Home Center 2, when I asked Google Assistant to talk to Fibaro, a dude speaks out saying "I couldn’t find any devices." Is it because of software version? Do I need to update to the latest 4.153 beta version?
  9. Witam Tak jak w tytule, mimo wielu prób nie mogę połączyć Fibaro z Google Home Wchodzę w Home, chcę dodać nową usługę, wybieram z listy Fibaro Smart Home, loguje się do Fibaro ID, wyskakuje komunikat "łącze twoje konto Fibaro Smart Home". Na pierwszy rzut oka wszystko prawidłowo, niestety po "połączeniu" nie wyświetla urządzeń Fibaro w Home ani nie wyświetla Fibaro na liście powiązanych usług. Próbowałem już wszystko resetować, konfigurować na nowo w aplikacji Fibaro, próbowałem dodać Fibaro do Home z różnych telefonów i efekt zawsze jest taki sam.Szukalem już na forum i w internecie rozwiązań jednak nic nie znalazłem dlatego proszę was o jakieś rady,pomysły jak można rozwiązać ten problem. Zestaw jaki posiadam to centrala Home Center Lite, dwie głowice termostatyczne i dwa czujniki temperatury.
  10. I installed the google home app, and google assistant. After that I attempted to add the Fibaro Smart Home service, but ended with the notification 'Couldn't update the setting. Check your connection'. Since I'm be able to connect to my homecenter remotely using the Home Center app, en locally using the Fibaro app, I believe there is nothing wrong with my connection. When I tell google assistant to talk to Fibaro, It calls Fibaro, resulting in a male voice saying 'I couldn't find any devices'. When I say 'List all homecenters', it says '1 home center found. Please choose the number from the list. Number 1. HC2-******' When I say 'number one'. The male voice replies with 'I had a problem loading your setup names. please try again' Today I spend most of the day trying al kinds of options to be able to successfully link Fibaro to Google home app, but have no luck so far: -First I assumed that 'setup names' had something to do with the naming of my sensors and scenes, they where all in Dutch. So I renamed everything to English. -On the Fibaro site I found that my input language 'English (Dutch)' is not supported, so I changed that to 'English (United States) -In another blog post someone suggested that the 'couldn't update the setting' error could have something to do with the standard browser used to link Fibaro to Google Home, so I changed the standard browser. between Samsung Internet, Chrome and Firefox. -I normally use a Galaxy s9+ with android, but also have access to an iPhone7. When I connect the Fibaro service on my iPhone I get the message 'something went wrong. Try again' -Someone suggested to use the same username and password on the Fibaro ID account and the local account, so I renamed my Fibaro ID username and password to match my local account. After al this testing I have a few questions: 1. After the 'couldn't update the setting, check your connection' message I am be able to use the command 'Hey Google ask Fibaro, and also get my fibaro listed when I ask to list all home centers. When I search into my Google Home App, I can't find the Fibaro service. Does this mean that there is still some kind of connection made between Google Home and my Home Center? 2.Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong in my settings, causing the 'couldn't update the setting, check your connection' message, and the 'I had a problem loading your setup names. message? I believe I haven't found any other forum post about the setup names error. It will be greatly appreciated if someone can point me in the right direction.
  11. Hello everyone, google home is already available in Spanish, my question is when will the integration of google home with fibaro in Spanish be possible? Thanks in advance
  12. So I have two houses with a hc2 in both. I also have a set of Google home minis in both houses. However I'm only able to use voice to control one of the houses and the devices from the other house is not visible in the Google home app. I can add the devices from the other house by talking to fibaro and after listing devices choose the hc2 from the other house, but of course then the devices from the other house disappear from the Google home app... I don't know if this is for Google to fix or if Fibaro can list all devices for both hc2's. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem is appreciated.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Ikony głośnika Google Home Mini w trybie ON/OFF
  14. Hi, I have Fibaro HC2 and google home. I connected them together. Lights works fine, but i dont know how to control the blinds / curtains. I had a look at https://manuals.fibaro.com/knowledge-base-browse/gh-commands-list/ This does not cover anything for blind / curtain. Any pointers on how this can be controlled? Whatever i try Fibaro agent keep on asking "which device"? I tried "Switch On ...", Open <device> but none of them seem to work. Regards, Vijay
  15. Hi community, Perhaps you can help me understand how (if) to connect two houses that each has a HC2 and have them connected to my Google Home Mini for voice control. Setup I have two houses, in each house I have a HC2 that are linked to my Fibaro Cloud account. I can access them both remotely and everything is working fine through the app on my phone and as well as from computers. In each house I also have a Google Home Mini, that are configured to talk Swedish AND English. I live in Sweden should I say as well. Problem I've managed to link my Fibaro account to the Google Home app on my phone but only the devices in ONE of the houses are SEEN and can be controlled trough Google Home or Assistant. I've done multiple unlinking and re-linking as well. Both HC2's are on 4.510 I can switch to English and say "talk to Fibaro" and it lists both devices and I can control them from there. But through the Google Interface only the devices in one of the houses are seen - if you follow me here Any guidance or ideas to test would be highly appreciated! Have a good Saturday out there!
  16. Hi, my google home fibaro dude ( weird having a different voice ) keeps finding my hc2 with the correct serial number then when I select the number one for the device he finds he tells me “I wasn’t able to select home centre” .. so I’m not sure how to disentangle him from my google to resend the setup link and I’m so close its more frustrating than when I was using IFTTT !! Pretty fast responses too! Anyone know where / how to view connections in both directions so I can clear them and try starting again ? I’m on 4.153b and wonder if that has anything to do with it ? Cheers, al
  17. If you want to generate an audio message from a scene or virtual device and ear it on a Google Home or a Chromcast device, just do this: configure a server (e.g.: a Raspberry PI) with the following software: Google Home Notifier. add a global variable in Home Center create a simple Home Center scene activated by the variable And then simply put a text string into the variable and ear it play on the audio device. Expect between 3 to 6 seconds between the variable setting and the audio to play (depending on the various devices involved).
  18. Czy próbował ktoś podłączyć i skonfigurować fibaro wraz z google home?
  19. Hi there, I've been working on getting Google Home (GH) to work with my HC2. It requires a few components - IFTTT, AWS (for the web action) and an ESP8266 to poll AWS for actions. - ESP8266 - I use a WEMOS D1 Mini to use the built-in USB for power - configured to use Arduino code - AWS - I use API, Lambda and DynamoDB as a simple message process. - IFTTT - using the Assistant modules to call AWS and post data to the database I then use a Virtual Device to poll the ESP8266 to see if there are any messages on the database, pull them down and pass them back to HC2 as JSON. The ESP8266 then clears out the database record so the last command isn't used again. At the HC2, the JSON is used in an LUA script. It's a bit clunky, but the IFTTT integration is very fast to AWS, so any delay is really the second or two that it takes HC2 to poll a VC; about a second longer than the verbal response from IFTTT. If there's any interest - say 10 people - I'll rough up the components and post them over to Github.
  20. Hi, As I understood there is in progress to support alexa integration. What about the google home integration with Fibaro? I recently bought one and was thinking if shall I wait to have the integration ready or shall I consider moving all my smart home to smartthings? BR, Catalin
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