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Showing results for tags 'http api'.
Hi. I've been reading the posts for days but unfortunately I haven't found anything I could cope with. Is there a way to change the global variable value by a HTTP command, like http://<HC2-IP>/api/globalVariables/<GLOBALVARIABLE> ?value=1 ? Hi fibro please make it easy for us hobby programmers.
status from one device using http rest commands
Cleverson posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
Hi, I need some help about one integration we are doing here! with another system, my scenario is: I have a Door Lock kaddas running perfectly on HC Lite, what I need is: When I do that http Get requisition: We receive this Json Structure below and that's ok for me: {"id":299,"name":"Porta Dos Fundos","roomID":4,"type":"com.fibaro.doorLock","baseType":"com.fibaro.securityMonitoring","enabled":true,"visible":true,"isPlugin":false,"parentId":298,"remoteGatewayId":0,"interfaces":["accessControlEvent","battery","fibaroFirmwareUpdate","pinCode","zwave","zwaveAlarm"],"properties":{"parameters":[],"pollingTimeSec":0,"zwaveCompany":"","zwaveInfo":"3,5,3","zwaveVersion":"3.1","alarmLevel":"0","alarmType":"0","batteryLevel":"58","batteryLowNotification":"true","categories":"[\"security\"]","configured":true,"dead":"false","deadReason":"","defInterval":"0","deviceControlType":"0","deviceIcon":"79","emailNotificationID":"0","emailNotificationType":"0","endPointId":"0","firmwareUpdate":"{\"info\":\"\",\"progress\":0,\"status\":\"UpToDate\",\"updateVersion\":\"3.1\"}","log":"","logTemp":"","manufacturer":"","markAsDead":"true","maxInterval":"0","maxUsers":"12","minInterval":"0","model":"","nodeId":"34","parametersTemplate":"0","productInfo":"2,29,0,3,0,1,3,1","pushNotificationID":"6","pushNotificationType":"0","remoteGatewayId":"0","saveLogs":"true","secured":"255","serialNumber":"h'52475a57444c414e81190401010c0056","smsNotificationID":"0","smsNotificationType":"0","stepInterval":"0","updateVersion":"","useTemplate":"false","userCodes":"[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"User 1\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"User 2\",\"status\":\"Occupied\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":3,\"name\":\"User 3\",\"status\":\"Occupied\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":4,\"name\":\"User 4\",\"status\":\"Occupied\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":5,\"name\":\"User 5\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":6,\"name\":\"User 6\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":7,\"name\":\"User 7\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":8,\"name\":\"User 8\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":9,\"name\":\"User 9\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":10,\"name\":\"User 10\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":11,\"name\":\"User 11\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":12,\"name\":\"User 12\",\"status\":\"Available\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":13,\"name\":\"User 13\",\"status\":\"Unknown\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":14,\"name\":\"User 14\",\"status\":\"Unknown\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":15,\"name\":\"User 15\",\"status\":\"Unknown\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":16,\"name\":\"User 16\",\"status\":\"Unknown\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":17,\"name\":\"User 17\",\"status\":\"Unknown\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":18,\"name\":\"User 18\",\"status\":\"Unknown\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":19,\"name\":\"User 19\",\"status\":\"Unknown\",\"update\":\"Ok\"},{\"id\":20,\"name\":\"User 20\",\"status\":\"Unknown\",\"update\":\"Ok\"}]","userDescription":"","value":"true"},"actions":{"abortUpdate":1,"getMaxUsers":0,"getUserCode":1,"reconfigure":0,"retryUpdate":1,"secure":0,"setInterval":1,"setUserCode":4,"startUpdate":1,"unsecure":0,"updateFirmware":1},"created":1651407264,"modified":1651407264,"sortOrder":51} what I need to do is exactly what field on this structure is about the real state of the door right now, or in other words, if is open or not!! i have tried compare two situations with the door open and close, but the information is the same!! is there a better way to do that: get the status on one device via http Requisition ? -
i need to do an http request, put method with a JSON command in the body. Error 400. why? how i can fix the error? function QuickApp:instantArm() self:debug ("function instant arm called") local kseniaip = self:getVariable("IP_PORTIOT"); local kseniaport = self:getVariable("PORT_PORTIOT") function putMethod(requestUrl, data, successCallback, errorCallback) local http = net.HTTPClient() self:debug(requestUrl) http:request(requestUrl, { options = { method = 'PUT', headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json", ["Accept"] = "application/json" }, data = data }, success = successCallback, error = errorCallback }) return args end local url = 'http://' .. kseniaip .. ':' .. kseniaport .. '/partitions/5' local data = [[ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <s:Body> .. "{\n\"mode\": \"disarm\"\n}" .. --JSON COMMAND TO INSERT IN THE BODY { "mode": "disarm" } </s:Body> </s:Envelope> ]] putMethod( url, data, function(resp) print('Status: ' .. resp.status) end, function(err) print('error' .. err) end ) end
Hello, I have an empty QA device (temperature device). What's the easiest way to set the value (temperature) using HTTP call (from outside HC3) to the API? Or do I need to provide some method in QA that i.e. the `callAction` REST API will use? I'd prefer to have empty QA and do everything via REST API.
[MINI-TUTORIAL] - simple http-api vd and Alexa HA Bridge setup
AutoFrank posted a question in Scenes and Interface
Hi, Hopefully this will be replaced in a few months with direct control of Sonos from Alexa through a native skill supplied by Sonos themselves In the meantime if you are using the http-api and have the HA bridge running then this may provide a stop gap for you if you require one This compilation builds on work from a number of people including @morpheus75, @lennypenny, @matt1981 and others. This solution has two parts and both will be needed for each zone you have. 1 - A simple sonos VD to provide limited control over a player. (volume, mute, play, pause, favorites and playlist access) There is no main loop code (as we are not displaying status) and should be light enough on your system 2 - The commands for the VD that will need to be entered into the bridge There are three files included below The sonos VD ( required for step 1 below) A summary of the commands that with a simple find/replace will work for you (required for step 2 below) A outline of how to structure the entries in the HA bridge and what the alexa verbal commands are for each function (required for step 3) Lets get started.... Step 1 Import the VD and add a name (should match the name of player in sonos) IP address (of sonos-api) and Port (normally 5005) You will need to customise the VD for your favorites and playlists. Modify and confirm all is working, Make note of the VD id number Screenshot of VD and a suggested icon Step 2 Open Commands file attached in your preferred editor Replace the text user with your email (something like auto.frank%40gmail.com) Replace the text password with your password, (something like JackBox$) Replace the text hc2ipaddress with the ip of your HC2 (something like Replace the text VDid with the id of your VD created above (something like 245) You will also need to modify the HA bridge entry names (#8 to # 13) to match the favorite and playlist changes you made in step 1 This will then give you the command strings that you will need for your system that need to be entered into your HA bridge Step 3 Enter the commands into the HA bridge. @morpheus75 has an excellent video on how to add entries to the HA Bridge I have added a link to the youtube video below - skip to timeslot 27:00 for the part that outlines how to add an entry to the bridge. Files Step 1 Virtual device : Roomname.vfib Step 2 document: HA bridge commands.txt Step 3 document: HA bridge entry instructions.txt Adding HA Entries: Youtube link.txt Hope this will be of use to forum users _f -
Changed HTTP API interface when adopting FibaroID?
erik.simonson posted a question in Home Center Lite
Hello, I have been on 4.120 and now 4.130 almost since the respective firmware was released by Fibaro. However, it was only as of today that I adopted the FibaroID fully by completing the HC Wizard that from what I understand erased my previous admin account and replaced it with my FibaroId. All good so far. However, previously (i.e. on 4.130) I have been accessing scenes by using the following format: http://admin:[email protected]/api/sceneControl?id=56&action=start (For the security minded person: Yes, I am aware I am using my password in clear text above.) However, with adoption of FibaroId the user name in the string above is now containing an @-character and so I decided to create a new user (not the super user). I did that and I changed it also in the client that is making the HTTP-call to my HCLite (and yes I enabled the corresponding scenes for the new user). I have tried both of these formats http://newuser:[email protected]/api/scenes/56/action/start http://newuser:[email protected]/api/sceneControl?id=56&action=start None of the above is working. When entering the same string in my webbrowser I get error 501, connection refused. When using!/scenes/sceneAction by filling in scene 56 and action start I get the expected result from the scene. So I am quite sure that it is some sort of access issue Can someone point me in any direction? Thanks, Erik