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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

All-in-One Scene: How to do it Better


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8 hours ago, cag014 said:

I'm using local variables

global4local= {true,gVarName="localTank",varArray={acInd="init:0",iDoor="init:0",rclr=0,gclr=0,bclr=0}}

Setting variables where is needed and using setColor command



By the way have RGBW device which changes random color every hour (just for fun) like that


TNX @cag014, nice solution.

8 hours ago, cag014 said:

By the way have RGBW device which changes random color every hour (just for fun) like that


Funny application ?

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Hi cag,


I have a question for you.

I have a Fibaro Single Switch, and I want to use the This Year energy data in a global varriable. How can I do this?


What is the code, what I need?



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13 hours ago, Rover said:

Yes, setColor works. I have used that already for a long time. And it also in the action set of RGBW 2.

But I want also set a color (red, green, blue, white) without changing the existing values of the other colors. Therefor is setB, setG, etc.

So the question is: how to change one color, leaving the other colors untouched, using setColor?

I have found that {"`BlueIn`",{trigAll=true, trigAct={{"`Blue`", "setValue,255"},{"`Blue`", "setValue,0","30"}}, }}, has the desired behaviour of setB.

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  • 11 hours ago, Rover said:

    I have found that {"`BlueIn`",{trigAll=true, trigAct={{"`Blue`", "setValue,255"},{"`Blue`", "setValue,0","30"}}, }}, has the desired behaviour of setB.

    Good to know...

    14 hours ago, SmartLifeSystems said:

    Hi cag,


    I have a question for you.

    I have a Fibaro Single Switch, and I want to use the This Year energy data in a global varriable. How can I do this?


    What is the code, what I need?



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    Currently I'm on business trip...  will check that on Sunday..

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    Hi @cag014,

    Hoping you returned well from your business trip.

    Simple question: I want to set a Smart Implant out relais in the status On from start of AOQ. How to implement this with initAct or otherwise?

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  • 2 hours ago, Rover said:

    Hi @cag014,

    Hoping you returned well from your business trip.

    Simple question: I want to set a Smart Implant out relais in the status On from start of AOQ. How to implement this with initAct or otherwise?

    Yes, set initAct={....} and every time you start AOQ this command will be executed.

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    11 hours ago, cag014 said:

    Yes, set initAct={....} and every time you start AOQ this command will be executed.

    How does the complete jM line with initAct in it looks like?

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  • 5 hours ago, Rover said:

    How does the complete jM line with initAct in it looks like?

    The initAct={} has same format as trueAct={} or any other action.

    Since you probably don't have any specific device to set the jM line, so use $blank keyword

    {"$blank",{state="whatever", iniAct={"`sImplant`","<set relay command>"}}},


    • Thanks 1
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  • On 11/11/2021 at 9:58 PM, SmartLifeSystems said:

    Hi cag,


    I have a question for you.

    I have a Fibaro Single Switch, and I want to use the This Year energy data in a global varriable. How can I do this?


    What is the code, what I need?



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    OK here is the api command for device ID 83

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    here is the response

    Please login or register to see this code.


    Just use your device ID and get the data you need from response and save in global variable. You need to create QA for that and to call it from AOQ.

    Another idea is to use

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    in parallel to AOQ and you can write your own function as part of the

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    8 hours ago, cag014 said:

    The initAct={} has same format as trueAct={} or any other action.

    Since you probably don't have any specific device to set the jM line, so use $blank keyword

    {"$blank",{state="whatever", iniAct={"`sImplant`","<set relay command>"}}},


    TNX @cag014, that is what I needed. Something to add in the guide?

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  • Just now, Rover said:

    TNX @cag014, that is what I needed. Something to add in the guide?


    please pay attention it should be initAct ={} (my bad)

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  • @Rover

    Have used your AOQ "advertising", hope that's OK by you


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    3 hours ago, cag014 said:

    Have used your AOQ "advertising", hope that's OK by you

    Of course @cag014, AOQ cannot get enough advertising. ?

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    On 11/15/2021 at 2:36 PM, cag014 said:

    OK here is the api command for device ID 83

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    here is the response

    Please login or register to see this code.


    Just use your device ID and get the data you need from response and save in global variable. You need to create QA for that and to call it from AOQ.

    Another idea is to use

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    in parallel to AOQ and you can write your own function as part of the

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    Hi cag,


    Thanks your answer, but how can I make this QA. I know the API address, but I can't make the QA programming. Can you help me?

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  • 22 hours ago, SmartLifeSystems said:



    Hi cag,


    Thanks your answer, but how can I make this QA. I know the API address, but I can't make the QA programming. Can you help me?

    Please let me know what parameter exactly you need to save as a global? (pls provide global name also)

    In addition what exactly you want to do in AOQ?

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    6 hours ago, cag014 said:

    Please let me know what parameter exactly you need to save as a global? (pls provide global name also)

    In addition what exactly you want to do in AOQ?




    I would like to get the energy consumption data from the device and save as a global variable.


    The global variables name:


    - TodayEnergy

    - ThisWeekEnergy

    - ThisMonthEnergy

    - ThisYearEnergy


    Thank you very much!

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  • 4 hours ago, SmartLifeSystems said:




    I would like to get the energy consumption data from the device and save as a global variable.


    The global variables name:


    - TodayEnergy

    - ThisWeekEnergy

    - ThisMonthEnergy

    - ThisYearEnergy


    Thank you very much!

    DO you need that for one device only? Otherwise it might be a good idea to add device ID to variable name, like:

    TodayEneregy483 and etc.

    Another question - are you looking current or total energy? 

    I can create QA where you pass parameters : current or total and device ID. Is it good enough for you?

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  • 7 hours ago, SmartLifeSystems said:




    I would like to get the energy consumption data from the device and save as a global variable.


    The global variables name:


    - TodayEnergy

    - ThisWeekEnergy

    - ThisMonthEnergy

    - ThisYearEnergy


    Thank you very much!

    OK, here is the first try...

    Create standard global variables as defined by you.


    - ThisWeekEnergy

    - ThisMonthEnergy

    - ThisYearEnergy

    download attached QA.

    At function QuickApp:onInit()

    Change variable devId to your device ID. (currently defined 83)


    Currently the QA updates the data every 15 minutes. To change that set wanted time interval in mSec. at following line:

    setInterval(function() self:getData(devId) end,   900000)
    Please ignore data in Advance tab, it always will be zero.
    The real data displayed on device UI as labels. There are two buttons (current and total) work same as at advance tab.

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    7 hours ago, cag014 said:

    Oké, itt az első próbálkozás...

    Hozzon létre szabványos globális változókat az Ön által meghatározottak szerint.


    - ThisWeekEnergy

    - This MonthEnergy

    - ThisYearEnergy

    töltse le a mellékelt minőségbiztosítást.

    QuickApp:onInit() függvénynél

    Módosítsa a devId változót az eszközazonosítóra. (jelenleg definiált 83)

    devId= 83

    Jelenleg a QA 15 percenként frissíti az adatokat. A kívánt időintervallum msec-ben történő módosításához. a következő sorban:

    setInterval( függvény () self:getData(devId)  end ,    900000 )
    Kérjük, hagyja figyelmen kívül az Advance lapon lévő adatokat, mert mindig nulla lesz.
    Az eszköz felhasználói felületén címkékként megjelenített valós adatok. Két gomb (aktuális és teljes) ugyanúgy működik, mint az előzetes lapon.

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    Ohhh I'am very happy! Working fine! Thank you very much!!!!

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