About This File
Netatmo Weather Station suite standalone v3.4
Netatmo Weather station suite brings complete integration of Netatmo weather station to HC2 users including rain and wind gauges and support for more than one station.
Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.160 or greater
Sankotronic Lab. Emoji VD standalone(not required since v3.4) -
Netatmo Weather station
Complete integration of Netatmo weather station with HC2 including rain gauge and anemometer
Support for multiple Netatmo weather stations
Support for maximum 3 additional indoor modules
Smart update system that follows Netatmo weather station cloud updates
Completely independent installation does not require any more Weather State VD or Main scene FTBE
Netatmo weather station measurements can be shown on Weather State VD and HC2 web GUI and mobile applications by means of Weather State VD and Weather
provider plugin
VD has built in multi-language support with 27 languages included (see APPENDIX 1 for the list). VD can use HC selected language or user can select any other available
Easy setup for VD icons (on UHASTM compatible version is this even easier)
Global variables are automatically added, monitored and repaired and does not require user intervention
Please check provided User Manual and video from @MarcoTorino71:
- Netatmo Main module VD
- Netatmo Outdoor module VD
- Netatmo Additional indoor module VD
- Netatmo Wind sensor VD
- Netatmo Rain sensor VD
- Netatmo Weather station scene
- Set of icons for all VD's and scene
- Netatmo Main module VD main loop and update button new code
- Netatmo Outdoor module VD main loop and update button new code
- Netatmo Additional indoor module VD main loop and update button new code
- Netatmo Wind sensor VD main loop and update button new code
- Netatmo Rain sensor VD main loop and update button new code
- Netatmo Weather station scene
NOTE - User manual is now provided as separate download.
Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author.
This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the ABC VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.
- 3.4 - Scene code changed to use new Netatmo API grant access by replacing username and password with tokens. All VD's since v3.4 do not need Emoji VD to be installed to work properly.
- 3.3.1 - Scene code changed to get rain amount for past 3 adn 6 hours to better support Irrigation Control VD. All VD's corrected some translations. Rain gauge VD changed labels content to display last 3 hours rain amount
- 3.3 - Check below version description or consult User manual for more details
- 3.2 - Corrected rain sensor code and cleaned some bugs in scene. Indoor modules corrected handling of CO2 measurement, improved updating code.
- 3.0 – This new version is completely redesigned and made independent. Does not require Main scene FTBE and Weather State VD anymore. Updating is now synced with Netatmo cloud so readings are always up to date.
- 2.0.2 – Code optimized and resolved some bugs
Here is look of the Netatmo Weather set:
Enjoy coding and your new Netatmo weather station suite!
Edited by Sankotronic
Uploaded new version 3.4
What's New in Version 3.2 See changelog
- Corrected rain sensor code in scene to properly get data for different periods.
- Corrected some bugs in scene code for calculation for different units of measurement
- Improved updating code in main loop of Netatmo Indoor Main Base module
- Added checking of CO2 reading for indoor modules to properly update data if measuring of CO2 is not available due to calibration
- Delete old version of Main base module and Additional indoor module and replace with new ones.
- Replace scene with new one and restore your setup.
- If after upgrade you notice any strange behavior during updating then just delete NetatmoMain global variable and Indoor Main Base module will rebuild it.