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Found 5 results

  1. Witam, Probuje napisać dość prostą scene ktora po wykryciu 150lux wysle mi komunikat. Problem w tym ze ta scena moze byc aktywowana przez inną scene lub zmiane profilu. { contitions = {{ duration = 120, id = 43, isTrigger = false, operator = ">", property = "value", type="device", value = 150 }} } Taki o to warunek wgl nie chroni akcji... akcja wykonuje sie za kazdym razem, na scenariuszach blokowych jest to samo. Wygląda na to że mechanizm warunkowania jest do kitu... albo ja czegoś nie rozumiem
  2. I would like to propose adding the feature userLabel to the Conditions / Triggers this way a user could find out what was the trigger event that triggered a scene where multiple conditions are present, simply: example: { conditions = { { isTrigger = true, operator = "match", property = "cron", type = "date", value = { "00", "22", "*", "*", "*", "*" }, userLabel = "time22" }, { isTrigger = true, operator = "match", property = "cron", type = "date", value = { "00", "07", "*", "*", "*", "*" }, userLabel = "time07" }, { isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "sunrise", type = "date", value = 0, usrLabel = "Sunrise" }, { isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "sunset", type = "date", value = -30 userLabel = "Sunset -30mins" } }, operator = "any" } Then the scene code: local label = json.encode(sourceTrigger.userLabel) local myString function stripChrs(myString) -- You need this as the sourceTirgger.* always returns "" newString=string.sub(myString,2,string.len(myString)-1) return newString end label = stripChrs(label) if label == "time22" then -- Don something
  3. Hi, I am fighting with the triggers and conditions of a scene and it does not want to work ? There is a motion sensor, a door sensor and a light. What i want to achieve is the following: check as condition if Lux value <10, and also if any of the sensors are breached then turn the light on. { operator = "all", conditions = { { id = 82, isTrigger = false, operator = "<=", property = "value", type = "device", value = 10 }, { operator = "any", conditons = { { id = 167, isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "value", type = "device", value = true }, { id = 80, isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "value", type = "device", value = true } } } } } Any idea why this does not work please? Thank you
  4. I have a problem with my HC-2 and 12 Fibaro roller shutters. What I want is easy and logical: When I press a button on my remote, a scene will start so the blind will close when the door / window status is "safe", for that I use a door sensor. This works great for an individual blind. But I made a scene as well that closes more blinds at the same time, using the scenes that I made for every individual blind. When I start that scene on the remote there is no check anymore about the status of the door and the blinds will close under any circomstances. Somebody told met that if you run a scene from another scene the conditions of the underlying scene are not checked anymore, but that sounds not logic to me. Anybody an idea?
  5. All, I have configured a fibaro motion sensor and a z-wave alarm on my home center lite. I would like to be able to start a scene (e.g. when leaving the house) to turn the alarm on (manually). I've configured the following scene (see below), but when I run it, it immediately triggers the alarm, without any movements detected by the motion sensor. I've already tried to change parameter 1 of my motion sensor (sensitivity) but when I save it always returns to default state. Scene (also attached) Motion sensor == Breached and armed (no green time) (0 s in red delay box) Then Alarm = Turn on (no green time) (0 s in red delay box) I've tried with delays on both the motion sensor and the alarm but no luck. What I do to activate the scene: arm the motion sensor and then hit RUN on the scene -> this immediately triggers the alarm, without motion of the motion sensor. When I activate the scene even without the motion sensor being armed, it triggers right away (without any motion). Furthermore the motion sensor works pretty fine... . Anyone experience with this or any other way of configuring an alarm with manual triggering? Tx.
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