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Error with Home Center 3 REST API when trying to add device
jooftian posted a question in Home Center 3
The example JSON in swagger states that a request similar to the first code in this post sent to IP/api/devices as POST should create plugin. Well, response is (verbatim) the second code. I think that extra quotation mark appearing twice in "message" is an indicator of an internal error, and HC can't recongnize the device type. And I'm certain of that because after querying another device (IP/api/devices/{deviceId}), or querying device type hierarchy (IP/devices/hierarchy), that device type exists. I'm open to other opinions, perhaps I'm doing something wrong even. JSON in swagger: { "name": "name", "type": "com.fibaro.binarySwitch", "roomID": 219 } Server response: { "type": "ERROR", "reason": "Type not found", "message": "Plugin for type 'com.fibaro.binarySwitch'' does not exist." }- 2 replies
- bug
- device type
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Witam, Probuje napisać dość prostą scene ktora po wykryciu 150lux wysle mi komunikat. Problem w tym ze ta scena moze byc aktywowana przez inną scene lub zmiane profilu. { contitions = {{ duration = 120, id = 43, isTrigger = false, operator = ">", property = "value", type="device", value = 150 }} } Taki o to warunek wgl nie chroni akcji... akcja wykonuje sie za kazdym razem, na scenariuszach blokowych jest to samo. Wygląda na to że mechanizm warunkowania jest do kitu... albo ja czegoś nie rozumiem
Configuration: - RGBW led strip connected to RGBW 2 controller + monostable (GIRA) wall switch - HC3 - Fibaro iOS mobile app System by default use "white" colour through mixing only RGB channel from RGBW led strip and white (W) chanell is not use (turned off) . If you want to use white colour from your RGBW led strip you have to define white colour ( #000000) by yourself in fibaro web application. All is fine if you are use such a configuration and use only wall switch. When you changed led colour (i.e. yellow, magenta, blue, green or whatever) through mobile application you will not be able turn on/off led light with your wall switch. It doesn't work any reaction from led strip To "fix" this issue you have to login to web application and choose once again earlier defined white colour ( #000000). Have you ever meet such a problem/bug ? Thank you
I have a smart switch 6 made by AEOTEC. It took several attempts to add it correctly in HC2. Once it did it added the switch and a Volt and Amp meter. The Amp and Volts work just fine but switching the switch on and off does nothing. to turn it on and off I have to press the action button on the switch. even if I do that the status does not change on HC2. Can someone explain what is wrong? Fibaro bug? I know there has been some issues in the latest versions with parameters but I don't see why it would cause this issue. *Note when I added it on my first several attempts it would say not configured but. was able to turn the device on and off successfully (so I know it does work). this did the same thing on 4.540 and 4.541 beta.
- 6 replies
- 1
- aeotec
- smart switch
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Hej, od wczoraj dzieje się coś dziwnego z termostatem w jednym z moich pokoi. Jak widać na screenie mam tam zestaw z czujnikiem temperatury. Sytuacja wygląda w taki sposób, że termostat jest cały czas otwarty, pomimo nastawy niższej niż aktualna temperatura w pokoju. Prawie się ugotowaliśmy w nocy. Pomogło dopiero ustawienie termostatu na OFF, dopiero wtedy się zamknął. O co tu chodzi??
HC3, version: 5.050.13 API endpoint: /events/history Parameter: lastId (Description: requests with id<=lastId will be skipped (only more recent entries then lastId will be returned) Test call: https://HC3-IP/api/events/history?lastId=330776&numberOfRecords=2 Result: [ { "data": { "id": 78, "newValue": 23.5, "oldValue": 23.6, "property": "value" }, "id": 330775, "objects": [ { "id": 78, "type": "device" } ], "sourceId": 0, "sourceType": "system", "timestamp": 1606766914, "type": "DevicePropertyUpdatedEvent" }, { "data": { "id": 27, "newValue": false, "oldValue": true, "property": "value" }, "id": 330774, "objects": [ { "id": 27, "type": "device" } ], "sourceId": 0, "sourceType": "system", "timestamp": 1606766874, "type": "DevicePropertyUpdatedEvent" } ] It seems data are returned in wrong order, not recent but older entries are returned.
Witam Posiadam 4 termostaty trzy z nich są nówki sztuki z wersją oprogramowania 4.6. Wszystkie trzy mają wydaje mi się błąd w oprogramowaniu ponieważ jak bateria jest już na wyczerpaniu otwiera się zawór i grzejnik zaczyna grzać. Testowane na 3 wiec to raczej nie przypadek za każdym razem przy wyczerpaniu już głowicy ten sam efekt. Głowice dobrze są skalibrowane itd.
Hello, I can't change the location of my house. The problem looks like a bug in the system. At first, I couldn't find the possibility to change the location at all, as the Longitude and Latitude information appear like static labels on the Configuration->Location page. Then, after using Safari browser, I found a hidden button (please see screenshot #1). But, after clicking this button, I was redirected to the page with the broken map (please see screenshot #2). I stuck on this page as no matter what I do, the location doesn't change. - If this is a bug, how to notify HC2 developers so they could probably release a fix in next firmware version? - If it's not a bug, how to overcome this problem? Thanks
My Home center lite seems to hang up after a while, more and more common, the only thing that solves the problem is to restart it. It often happens when logging into home center via the mac. I have now 13 devices, wonder if it can have something to do with the memory? Or is there any way to refresh it? Or can it have something to do with the new Beta version 4.501 ? This is my second Home Center Lite. The first started to get buggy after some month. Anyone with the same problem? Regards Øystein Krossli
- 4 replies
- homecenter lite
- bug
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In most of my VD's on the WebGUI, I got a slider on the right side from label. It only appears in labels from VD's Before 4.150 it was ok Now at V4.160, not solved yet. Can Fibaro confirm this as a BUG ? Update: I noticed that on Internet explorer it turns out ok, would it be a cache thing from the chome browser?
[Bug] Everspring SP814-1 Parameter is not written
Lambik posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
When trying to change Everspring SP814-1 motionsensor parameters, the values will not be stored. I have seen this before in old firmware releases, but noticed it (again) when I re-added the sensor into the HC2. I wanted to re-use it, and it was still laying in some drawer. Now I know why.... Attachment: Manual_Everspring_SP814.pdf EDIT: Parameter 2 can be set once to 0. This disables the PIR-function. When setting this to 1, it will not be written. Enabled it again by soft-reconfigure the device. EDIT2: Added device template: id-0060-0001-0002-01-02-Everspring-.zip- 6 replies
- error
- everspring
- (and 4 more)
Hi, I'm having a problem with my Fibaro Home Center Lite. When trying to send a new password via email to users the SuperUser doesn't get an email. The password recovery works for other users, but not for the super user. I still get the message "New password has been sent to the email address from user configuration.", and im positive the email on the user is correct.
Hello there I've made a scene which should run when the sunsets, which never ran so I decided to add a timing incase it didnt work and neither of them run ! Please help me or fix this bug it's annoying thank you.
Hi Fibaro users Many of us are experiencing a very strange bug since a long time that kill our scenes. This bug appear without any reasons after several hours/days without any problems, it's a major issue that give us the feeling that the Fibaro box is not reliable. Just to give you my example of yesterday evening 19:41:06 : [DEBUG] 07:07:03: Module Parents (128) pressButton to 1 [DEBUG] 07:07:03: Module Espace Famille (123) pressButton to 1 [DEBUG] 07:07:03: Date : 2017/03/07 07:07:03 [DEBUG] 19:41:06: line 35: unexpected character @ character: 1 0:1 [�] line: [DEBUG] 19:41:06: � [DEBUG] 19:41:19: Redémarrage auto du script Réveil Matin (106): 2017/03/07 19:41:19 [DEBUG] 07:00:00: Réveil matin enclenché [DEBUG] 07:00:09: Ouverture volets matin phase 1 [DEBUG] 07:00:15: Module Parents (128) pressButton to 2 I saw several subjects in this forum with the same problem but without any clear answer to the problem, for examples : https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/22964-script-terminated-garbage-in-log-script-error-line-incorrect/#comment-100942 https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/22658-scene-keeps-quitting-on-error/#comment-99007 https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/23955-vdscene-weather-status-v10b-netatmo-weather-station-rain-wind/#comment-108439 https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/22801-issue-in-scene-after-update-to-41/#comment-99865 As you can see in the sample, i'm using (like many of us) another scene to check that the main scene is still active or not, and if not, to restart it. In french forums, users have done a specific virtual device to check scenes and vd. It seems it's a Lua bug that can be solved only by Fibaro. Could someone in Fibaro check that point to finally solve it one time for all? PS : Sorry for my english...
Dear Fibaro Team I wonder how a simple reboot of the box can delete many devices. Today, I added a motion sensor with a related scenario. I asked the scenario to power on a radio when motion are detected. Nothing happen !! So I rebooted the box. And I'm very suprised to see in the log window "Device successful deleted" !!!. I was thinking it was for unused devices ID. It was not the case. Many devices have been deleted without any reasons. Some danfoss valves (very nice for the heating system), some motion sensors, some ST814 and so on !!! So I'm really fed up with this unreliable box. It is not normal that some devices are deleted like that. Now I have to retrieve all the devices that have been deleted, updated related scenario. Or maybe I could restore a recent backup !! To be clear, I'm really irritated with this issue !!! David
i have a problem with my HC2. Over the last 4 weeks every 2 days my system crashes. I directly installed the latest, stable, version 4.800, it didn't work. Even now i installed the beta 4.082 but it chashed again tonight. My RAM memory keeps filling up and when it reaches 100% the system crashes. I dont no why my RAM keeps filling up, it has been working flawless for almost 5 years now. And out of the blue the problem is here. What i did: Disabled all events. ( no luck) installed the latest version ( no luck) Updatet the LUA scenes ( NO luck) can someone explain why my RAM keeps filling up?? Or help me fix this?? thnx!
I've just bought a new HC2 and some modules to play with. All the modules are properly installed, except this one Motion Sensor that frustrated me ! The device installation went fine (i presume), but when i go to advance tab, i cannot see any parameters setting installed. (screenshot attached). I also tried to renaming the device, but it stuck at loading bar for forever. NOTE: - I've tried to delete and adding the MS module again for like 5 times, but still not fixed. - Also tried to reset the Zwave already. - My HC2 software Version is 4.056 Is this Motion sensor that i got is faulty ? Or Should i update my HC2 to newest software version? though i've read a lot of bad reviews on this forum for the new software version. Any help would be appreciated.. Thank you !
- 3 replies
- motion sensor
- fault
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