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Found 12 results

  1. Dear Forum-gurus, I´ll try to explain this as briefly as possible. It might not even be such a big problem, but i just can´t seem to find a solution by myself. Heres the explanation of what I want to do: At our cabin/vacation home, we would like to be able to control the temperature with two different modes; Home and Away. The salesman who put us up to the idea of Fibaro, suggested the Wall Plug as a unit to control the on/off power of the Heating Panels in the different rooms and use the Temperature Sensor built in to the Smoke Sensor to trigger different scenes depending on the temperature. Now; I am able to tell the Wall Plugs to activate and turn on the heating panel if the temperature of a room gets below say 20°C and turn off again if the temperature reaches say 23°C - by using scenes. What i don´t seem to be able to is to make a "MASTER" scene to activate all the different scenes within the cabin. This means that per wall plug and temperature sensor, i need two different scenes for the low and high temperature - as well as two different set of scenes depending on which mode i need to activate (I.e: Home or Away). This means that i´m left with quite a lot of scenes to trigger on or off. I guess my question is if theres any possibility of making a "MASTER" scene that triggers a defined number of scenes to turn on or off - and that way make both a Home and an Away mode? I´ve tried looking into the "Heating Panel", but it doesn´t seem like it´s compatible with the Wall Plugs. The system i use is the FHC Lite. Please let me know if theres any relevant info i´ve left. Kind of hard to put this into words.
  2. Hi, we use 6 MCO MH7 devices in our house and all have the same behavior. I have scenes with the Device MCO MH7 Heating Control. They worked propely. I am switching the temperature based on a heating plan for our water florr heating. Since the inclusion of the "Engery safing heating" state I got the problem, that the temperature isn´t set well to the new values. fibaro:call(420, "setSetpointMode", 11) fibaro:call(420, "setThermostatSetpoint", 11, "21"); fibaro:call(420, "setSetpointMode", 1) fibaro:call(420, "setThermostatSetpoint", 1, "21"); to be safe I also send it to both "setpointMode", but sometimes the device doesn´t catch the new value. Is some one here who has the same issue or know how to solve it?
  3. Hi, I would like to receive a notification, when the temperature on the fibaro heat controller is manually changed. I tried to write a lua scene, but I don´t know how to use change of "Setpoint" as trigger. Thanks for your help
  4. Hi, I have 3 The Heat Controllers - 2 seem to be working fine. One, however, is not responding to commands sent from the Fibaro UI (mobile or web) and also manual changes are not having an effect. From time to time I get "Motor Failure" messages: Error occured - possible motor failure of thermostatic head. I have performed the following troubleshooting: Put the device in standby Removed the device, making sure it was properly installed Removed from z-wave network Performed Factory Reset Re-added to the network When performing the standby mode, the motor was activated (it made noise). However whatever I do, the motor is not activated and I get the above error messages. What would be the best way to troubleshoot this? Is this device just dead and should I return it? Running FW 4.3. Thanks in advance! Kristof
  5. Witam Posiadam 4 termostaty trzy z nich są nówki sztuki z wersją oprogramowania 4.6. Wszystkie trzy mają wydaje mi się błąd w oprogramowaniu ponieważ jak bateria jest już na wyczerpaniu otwiera się zawór i grzejnik zaczyna grzać. Testowane na 3 wiec to raczej nie przypadek za każdym razem przy wyczerpaniu już głowicy ten sam efekt. Głowice dobrze są skalibrowane itd.
  6. Version 1.1.0


    I have a number of Danfoss LC-13 valves around the house, together with a Secure SSR302 to turn the boiler on and off. The Danfoss valves are controlled by the Heating Panels, and I also have a Fibaro multi-sensor in each room. I've noticed from a number of posts on the forum that there are other people with the same or similar setup, and need a scene to control the boiler switch. The idea being that if any room needs heat, then the boiler will be turned on, and once all the rooms have reached the required temperature, then the boiler will be turned off. Setup required: Modify the device id for the Secure SSR302 (or whatever device is used to control the boiler) here: local boilerSwitch = 84 You might also want to tweak this value: local threshold = 0.3 This is used to build in some hysteresis into the system to prevent the boiler from being switched on and off too frequently. The boiler won't switch on until the temperature has dropped below the target temperature by this value or more. The scene is triggered by a global 'timer' variable to run every 5 minutes. There are a number of timer scenes on the forum, but this is the scene that I use. You should also change your Danfoss valves so that the Wake Up Interval is 300 seconds. I find that this doesn't have a detrimental effect on the battery but allows the devices to respond more quickly to the temperature change requests. The scene works off the temperature sensor and thermostat that have been defined in your Room settings, so ensure that these are correct: Note that this method of controlling the boiler assumes that your temperature sensors are working to the same temperatures as your Danfoss valves - ie: the Danfoss valves turn off once they've reached the target temperature, and that the temperature sensors are also reading this same value. You may need to tweak the temperature offset for the temperature sensors so that the two devices are in sync with each other. If in doubt then set the temperature offset so that the sensors read a slightly higher temperature. That way, the scene will think that the room has reached the desired temperature and turn off the boiler. Otherwise you may find that the boiler is not switching off because the room has reached the target temperature, but the Danfoss valve has already turned itself off. Other types of boiler switch might not use the 'mode' property to determine whether they are on or off. Consequently, the following line may need to be changed, for example to use the 'value' property instead of 'mode': local boilerOn = (fibaro:getValue(boilerSwitch, "mode") == "1") Side topic: Note that there is a school of thought that boilers should be left on all the time even if there aren't any rooms that require the heat, and that the boiler's control logic will detect this and modulate the water temperature accordingly. I don't necessarily uphold this view, but then I'm not a heating engineer either, so I'm happy to be persuaded either way. In my case, I believe that my condensing boiler operates most efficiently when there is a 20C difference between the output and input water temperatures, and as a result it needs the radiators to be drawing heat from the system. I also have radiators that aren't controlled by Danfoss valves (bathrooms and other small rooms), and I don't want to be heating them all the time, wasting energy. After all, the whole point of the Danfoss valves is to avoid having to heat rooms that you're not using, and thereby save some money. Maybe the more intelligent boilers that can regulate the water temperature according to the system's needs and outside temperature operate differently, and as a result more efficiently, and can be left on all the time. The general opinion, in the UK at least, appears to be that the heating should be turned off if not needed. Just my tuppence worth, but I know that views like this can be contentious so please don't shoot me down in flames. As another side topic, it looks as though the new Fibaro TRVs are far superior to the Danfoss TRVs with the built in algorithms and the ability to cooperate with another sensor in the room. They should certainly avoid a lot of the problems that we get with the Danfoss valves. Pity I can't justify replacing them.
  7. Hi Fibaro Team, I bought a Fibaro Intercom and am a bit confused after reading the manual. According to the product page it withstands rain and heat. The manual shows explicitly NOT to mount at places where rain can hit it or direct sun. I took temp. measurement with an IR cam and even in free air it reaches temp. of 46°C. Attached two pictures of the front and the side (heatsink). The manual shows max. operating temp. of 40°C. Mounting it in a wall will exceed it by much. Our walls are equipped with thermal insulation and the Intercom needs to be mounted in. My questions: 1. Is it possible to mount it into wall insulation? How can I do it safely? 2. Does the device have over temp. protection? 3. Why is it getting that warm in free air at 20-21°C ambient temperature? Thanks Alex
  8. Cześć, czy żeby obsługiwać np. Heat controller i czujnik temperatury trzeba mieć centralke czy nie. Jeśli nie to czy google home może zastąpić centralke?
  9. Hi! I have been using HC2 for 2 years now. I have 3 scenes, in which i use when i leave the house or come home. 1. Nobody home - Turns off all lights, and turns the heating down on multiple devices. WORKS 2. Gone Away - The same as nr 1 but more extensive heat management. WORKS 3. Came Home - This has the problem. I use this to turn on the heat again, and to turn off some general lighting. The heating works like it should, no problem, everything get the SetTemperature that it should. The problem is the lighting. You can see them turn on in the Interface for a second, then they all fall to off again. If i run the scene multiple times, it may eventually turn them on. I have tried the following: - Changed the triggers to and from a device's state, to a variable. No change, and why should it? The scene never fails to trigger, just to work properly. - Changed the scene from using my premade "general lights" scene and instead, configuring all the lights by themselves. Even if i Trigger my general lights scene with the come home scene, or have them all configured in the come home scene individually, i get the same result. I can see them turn on in interface, the falls off again. I have built the scene with blocks, but changed it to lua for easy reading. Scene 104 at the end is just my General lighting scene, which works just fine outside this scene. --[[ %% properties 84 value %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(84, "value")) > 0 or tonumber(fibaro:getValue(84, "value")) == 0 ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(339, "setThermostatSetpoint", "1", "23"); fibaro:call(348, "setThermostatSetpoint", "1", "25"); fibaro:call(324, "setThermostatSetpoint", "1", "20"); fibaro:call(71, "setThermostatSetpoint", "1", "20"); fibaro:call(79, "setThermostatSetpoint", "1", "24"); fibaro:setGlobal("HjemmeBorte", "Hjemme"); fibaro:startScene(104); end Anybody seen this? Best regards
  10. Witam Chciałbym zaproponować zbudowanie nowego (FLIRS), prostego kontrolera dla zaworu termostatycznego w instalacji grzewczej z wymienialnym, ładowanym akumulatorkiem. Posiadałby jedynie 3 funkcje: 1. Kalibracja dla skrajnych położeń zaworu, 2. Sterowanie procentowym otwarciem zaworu w zakresie od 0% do 100%. 3. Raport zwrotny stanu otwarcia zaworu ( w % ). Zaręczam, że byłby to najlepszy, najlepiej sprzedawany kontroler zaworów termostatycznych na rynku !!!. Wielorakie zastosowanie: sterowanie zaworami grzejników, sterowanie ogrzewaniem podłogowym, sterowanie podlewaniem, sterowanie przepływem wody ( zawór odcinający ) itd.
  11. Cześć, Niedawno zakupiłem na próbę jedną sztukę Fibaro Heat Controller (wersja bez czujki). Do tej pory korzystam z produktów Danfossa lecz już po jednym dniu jestem zadowolony ze zmiany, szczególnie z interfejsu w aplikacji. Pewnie niedługo wymienię głowice w pozostałych pomieszczeniach. Kupiłem wersję bez czujnika, ponieważ nie mogłem nigdzie dostać wersji z czujką (ogólnie tragedia z dostępnością produktów ). Po dodaniu urządzenia do centralki widzę dwa urządzenia: głowicę czujnik temperatury I tutaj mam kilka pytań: Czujnik temperatury zawsze pokazuje 0*C lub "--" (screen w załączniku). Czy tak powinno być? Sama głowica nie zwraca temperatury do centralki? Jeśli tak to trochę bez sensu, że zawsze dodają się dwa urządzenia, a nie po prostu sama głowica. Po ustawieniu ręcznie temperatury (przekręcając głowicę) temperatura wraca do tej z harmonogramu? Pytam, ponieważ po dłuższym czasie zastałem głowicę w stanie "OFF"-"NA STAŁE". Dzięki Wam poznałem nowe słówko: nastawa (https://sjp.pwn.pl/szukaj/nastawa.html) Z góry dziękuję za pomoc!
  12. Could someone please point me in the right direction to control 3 electric panel heaters (in the same room), using HC2, Fibaro wallplugs and Aeon multisensor. All 3 heaters are supposed to be controlled simultaneously as if they are 1 device? Thanks Thomas
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