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  1. Dear Forum-gurus, I´ll try to explain this as briefly as possible. It might not even be such a big problem, but i just can´t seem to find a solution by myself. Heres the explanation of what I want to do: At our cabin/vacation home, we would like to be able to control the temperature with two different modes; Home and Away. The salesman who put us up to the idea of Fibaro, suggested the Wall Plug as a unit to control the on/off power of the Heating Panels in the different rooms and use the Temperature Sensor built in to the Smoke Sensor to trigger different scenes depending on the temperature. Now; I am able to tell the Wall Plugs to activate and turn on the heating panel if the temperature of a room gets below say 20°C and turn off again if the temperature reaches say 23°C - by using scenes. What i don´t seem to be able to is to make a "MASTER" scene to activate all the different scenes within the cabin. This means that per wall plug and temperature sensor, i need two different scenes for the low and high temperature - as well as two different set of scenes depending on which mode i need to activate (I.e: Home or Away). This means that i´m left with quite a lot of scenes to trigger on or off. I guess my question is if theres any possibility of making a "MASTER" scene that triggers a defined number of scenes to turn on or off - and that way make both a Home and an Away mode? I´ve tried looking into the "Heating Panel", but it doesn´t seem like it´s compatible with the Wall Plugs. The system i use is the FHC Lite. Please let me know if theres any relevant info i´ve left. Kind of hard to put this into words.
  2. Has anyone done this before. or know if this is possible? I have 4 of these sensors i need to hook up? Alternatively, is it possible with another z-wave compatible device?
  3. Has anyone done this before. or know if it possible? Or maybe with another z-wave compatible device?
  4. cag014

    All about icons

    Version 3.1


    Did some rework on Fibaro and Aeon sensors icons and few others The stand alone sensor icon actually has a little human figure stand still (white color) to use as part of inactive motion icon. Added linear icons
  5. Hi I want to implement a bathroom which switches lights only when a person is present inside. And it will OFF the system when no body is there. Can Anyone help me how to do this
  6. Does anyone else have this same issue with the fibaro motion sensor? Did you resolve it, if so how? you add the motion sensor to home center and it works for a month then all of a sudden it will not detect motion and becomes a dead. it will not wakeup or respond to any commands in HC2. checked the sensor and has full battery so its not a battery issue. this has happened twice already. supposedly it is "up to date" in terms of software updates. Fibaro please fix this issue!!! *yes I have re-added it to HC2 but that does not resolve the issue permanently.
  7. Hello, I've been trying to use the REST API to make my own application and in order for this to work I'm heavily dependant on the Serial Number which each Fibaro sensor has. The problem is that Fibaro doesn't seem to have any Fibaro Sensor which also measure the Humidity. So I have bought a Cleverio Humidity sensor ( https://www.kjell.com/no/produkter/smarte-hjem/smarte-hjem-losninger/cleverio-smarte-hjem/cleverio-z-wave-temperatursensor-p51112 ) but the problem is that in the REST Api it isn't provided a serial number under the "properties". I am also not able to edit these "properties" in the api. I then bought a Netatmo weather station, but the problem is the same here, no serial number. My question is, do anyone know of a Humidity sensor from Fibaro or a 3rd party humidity sensor which I can connect to my Home Center 2 which contains a serial number?
  8. Version 1.0


    Device features Periodic reports on air quality for a defined location. Be warned about the smog conditions at your place instantly. Advantages for everyone Automatic status update. Custom interval value for update queries. Manual update is also available (via button). May use "interpolation mode" (enabled by default in Lua scene). Airly gives you an option to calculate estimated values for any location near their stations, to see more then just what is exactly measured by the station. You may select the language used for Airly messages. Polish and English are supported. Colors to visualize Smog description. This will work on PC only. The mobile app does not interpret HTML tags. Icon color is changing according to air quality measured. The colors are in correspondence with Airly recommendations. One of three different air quality indexes from Airly might be selected. Airly supports: "AIRLY_CAQI", "CAQI" and "PIJP". Each may have different levels, descriptions, and pieces of advice. Customizable location for reports. The location might be read automatically from your Home Center box or it might be set as a fixed one. Data retrieved from Airly are stored in a global variable. The variable might be used to trigger another scene. Advantages for geeks Using the newest API 2.0. Missing pieces of data from Airly are properly detected and do not stop the device from working. No label "flickering" ("50%" → "missing data" → "52%", e.g.) on data updates. Changes on any update are reported once. Clear information about the license (MIT). Make any changes you want, distribute, sell or whatever. Just include my name and the copywrite information. Easy to change labels content, data grouping within labels, etc. (data selectors within one config variable labelConfig). Source code easy to maintain and develop: rich debug information; separation of acquisition, extraction and data presentation, etc. Installation Import the virtual device and create a new Lua scene with the code provided in the file. Add device icons and update their IDs in the virtual device main loop. Replace 'xxx...x' with the key you can get from Airly free of charge. Start the Lua scene manually (just for the first time). (optional) Customize: update interval, display language, labels content and many more (see details below). Configuration Read comments in Lua scene and VD main loop. Each configuration parameter is described there in details. Zip file content Virtual device: "Airly Status". Lua scene for grabbing data from Airly: "Airly Status scraper". Nine device icons to visualize air quality. Screenshots. FAQ How can I get Airly API key? Get one from developer.airly.eu. When you register an account within that website you will get your free API key. How to upload/add device icons? Open (any) virtual device configuration page. Press "Change icon". Press "Select file" (in the bottom), choose file, then confirm with "Add" button (even lower). Please make sure to execute step 1 properly. Icons in Home Center are divided into several categories. If your icons are placed not in the "virtual device collection", they will not be visible for the device. How can I get an icon ID? Open (any) virtual device configuration page. Press "Change icon". Right click on the icon you want to get an ID. Select "Open graphics in a new tab". The address should be like: "http://hc2/fibaro/n_vicons/User1003.png". 1003 is your ID in this case. How can I change the language for all displayed information? Change config variable in Lua scene. Only "pl" and "en" messages are supported by Airly API. Update display name of each label. Update labels content (if needed) by editing labelConfig variable in VD main loop. There is the same string formatting as for the Lua print function.
  9. Hi, When a device suchs as a dimmer, switch or Fibaro eye needs to be replaced it gets a different device number. so i have to change all the scene's where its in. is'nt there a way to replace the device without change the device ID? its quite a lot of work to change al scenes where its used in. If this aint possible, it might be an idee of adding it to one of the next firmware updates? Like a button: Replace device >> delete old device>> then include the device >>> and it keeps the same Device ID, so no changes need to be made in all the scene's it is in. Greetings TSN
  10. I have the following scene set up with fibaro sensor and fibaro dimmer. It all works fine except the events log shows that the sensor keeps reverting to 'safe' seconds after sending a 'breached' message so the light does not stay on. After doing this a few times it finally stays on for the full 900s set. Is there a parameter I need to set on the sensor, or perhaps make two separate scenes?
  11. If a temperature sensor is installed in a room, that one is selected as temperature for the room (displayed at several places on the UI and used in heat control or so). Is is possible to have a value of virtual device defined as temperature of the room? Sorry, I found another item about this subject. This can be closed.
  12. I sometimes recognize that some scenes are not called as soon as they should be. A couple of my scenes are triggered by a motion sensor to switch on the light for example. Sometimes the light get on as soon as I enter the area of the motion sensor (or by triggering a door sensor). But sometimes it takes about 5 seconds until the lights are getting switched on. There are hardly any other scenes running (about four), there do exist only one VD (sonos), the amount of free RAM is at 73% and the CPU usage is between 3 and 12%. So why is it taking longer some times? Thinking about one second might be fine but more than 3 seconds? Is there any possibility to check out why this is happening? One thing is I will try to compare the event log entry with the time stamp of a debug line in one of my scenes. Would it be a good idea to having one huge scene to cover most other scenes (so this scene stays cached)?
  13. Anyone used these for more then temperature and door bell yet? The 1-wire techonolgy could be applied for more then temperature, so it should be possible in theory to have other input with 1-wire. I was looking for sound sensor for my Fibaro HC2 and came across the UBS. I am not good in programming, so need to find someone that have done projects and want to share. It would be great to have light sensor, sound, PIR and other trough the 1-wire. I also found some paper about someone having a thesis in medical engineering about simulation of 1-wire sensors. The aim of this project is to program the microprocessor (Arduino) by using Arduino programming language to work as a temperature sensor type DS18B20 and also as a slave on the 1-Wire bus system. If you could get an Arduino to simulate 1-wire then the potensial could be huge in implementing things to the Fibaro.
  14. Hi, happy FIbaro users. Is there any expirience of using Fibaro battery powered sensors with Li-ion rechargable batteries? When you have 10+ devices like that, need also to have battery shop on a speed-dial.
  15. I have a New HC Lite, and i have started to add Devices and setting scenes. I try first With a motion sensor, that i want to start a wall plug. I have created a scene, see photo. When i start the scene using the play button, the wall plug turn on light, and after 60 Seconds it turn off. But - when there is movement in front of the motion sensor - nothing happens, light will not turn on. Often the play button is also in pause, even if i have put X that it will not allow alarm to stop scene. Anyone who can give me hint or tips for what i am doing wrong here? I want the system to og on "loop" so every time the motion sensor is trigged the light will turn on.
  16. I have two Fibaro sensor on my drive one at each end. i am trying to make a scene that says if sensor a is trigged first and then sensor b is trigged turn on lights but if sensor b is trigged first and then sensor a is trigged don't turn on lights not sure how to right it in Lua code
  17. Guys, I have seen some very cheap Z-wave devices at eBay... Please see link below http://www.ebay.com/sch/aixi-smart-home-security/m.html?item=122479369236&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Ia anyone has tried these no brand devices? It looks like "original" copy of some famous smart home manufacturers . Would like to hear your opinion on that..... thanks
  18. Hi, I was lucky to get one of these to test and was about to add a couple more near my two new wood-burning fires. I thought I would repeat my test and I am pleased to say the device past with flying colours. These devices do work well and warn well before the limit. Well worth adding if you have appliances that could produce CO. Loud siren as soon as it hit red and notifications flashing. I test like this: 1) Puddle of water to create a seal 2) a couple of matchsticks to hold sensor out of the puddle 3) place sensor on matchsticks 4) put a small candle on top of a shot glass. 5) light candle and let it get burning well 6) invert bowl over the rig 7) and leave it The alarm does not sound that loud until you remove that bowl but when you take that bowl off it is plenty. I also trigger the main house alarm to make sure as loud as possible. notification on alarm and return to safe 9 months and I know we have not had detectable levels of CO in the house
  19. Version 1.1.0


    Urządzenie wirtualne odczytująca parametry jakości powietrza z najbliższego czujnika sieci AIRLY.EU Wirtualne urządzenie odczytuje z ustawień centralki jej współrzędne geograficzne i znajduje najbliższy czujnik w promieniu 5 km. Jedynym ustawieniem użytkownika jest wpisanie klucza API dla AIRLY.EU w kodzie LUA (jest to odpowiednio opisane).
  20. Dear All, I've installed 3 Fibaro Smoke sensors fgsd-002 throughout my home and have them connected to Domoticz; allong with some other zwave devices. Now i am a bit stuck with regards to integrating them in scenes i want to make. Do i have to make virtual switches for them, if yes, which type and how to know you did it right? Are they setup from the factory to send some kind of notification to domoticz triggering what? I suppose many home automators are using the software, also integrating Fibaro sensors? Tips for getting to know the software/tutorials for a non-IT background are most welcome! Cheers, Q
  21. Hi all, I'm suddenly in a position where a lot of my sensors are showing low battery - which makes sense having bought a lot of them around the same time. I'm currently very nervous to change any of the batteries because there hasn't been a single time that I've changed a battery and had no issues with sensors. Door sensors in particular, it seems as though I change the battery, the sensor works for a few days before becoming unresponsive and ultimately killing the battery very quickly. This then leads to me being required to do a full reset of the module, delete/remove from Fibaro, scenes etc. Then re-add to Fibaro and redo all of the associated scenes, restarting the controller in between to ensure a clean removal and re-add. Now I have 2 x motion sensors and 3 x door sensors which need to be replaced - what am I actually supposed to do to ensure a smooth battery swap, without having to delete/add the device again, or risk having an unresponsive sensor that kills batteries again. I've had a quick search and the only real advice I have seen is to keep the door open when changing the sensor, but nothing really official or obvious. So, please do tell me how you change your sensor's batteries to ensure they have no issues, so I can try on some of mine. Thanks
  22. Witam, ostatnio door sensor zakomunikował o niskim stanie baterii. Pojechałem do sklepu, wymieniłem a komunikat wciąż ten sam. Aby wyeliminować problem baterii zakupiłem jeszcze jedną i problem dalej bez zmian. Resetowanie, usuwanie i dodawanie sensora w centralce także nie pomogło. Czy ktoś miał podobny problem ?
  23. Hi, I have two Fibaro Door/Window sensors on my HC2 but both are not communicating with my HC2. They have worked ok in the past. I have changed batteries, removed and re-added them a few times but still no joy. Can anyone help? Thank You,
  24. Hi All! I'm experiencing strange behaviour with my fibaro door/window sensor. The battery scene from @Sankotronic shows battery status for that sensor 64% But one of the slaves is calling for battery replacement. Anybody an idea? Thanks in advance for your replies.
  25. Hi, After I change the battery, the Motion Sensor stuck in motion. In app, it always shows that there is motion (continously). From outside, it looks it works normal, it flashes when it sees a motion. However, in app, there is continuous motion (breached). I performed reset several times and restarted HC2, but it didn't work. Dou you have any advise about a solution? Thanks in advance...
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