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  1. Hello, Does anyone know any rechargeable battery that is compatible with Door/Window Sensor?
  2. Hi all! I have a problem with the battery reading of door/window sensor 2 in HC3L (5.120.10) Once I installed the sensor, in dashboard the battery was at 50%. After one week, the battery level was 0% (and that is strange). So I replaced it. For 1-2 secs the battery indicator was 100%....then it falled to 0%. I tried with another battery and with another door/window sensor 2....but the results is the same. Despite this, the sensor is working and it correctly notify me when the door is open and closed. Why this behaviour in battery reading? Is there a bug in my HC3L current firmware version?
  3. Is there a battery in HC Lite? What type? Can I change it myself? Is it needed if I am connected to mains via a power adapter?
  4. Version 1.0


    INTRODUCTION Advanced Battery Check VD (further in text ABC VD) scans for all included battery devices and adds them to the list sorted by either battery level, device ID or room ID depending on user settings. Also it can send list of all devices or just devices that needs battery to be replaced to e-mail and/or popup. Can also send push notification with the worst battery status. PREREQUISITES Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.160 or greater FEATURES Scans for all battery powered devices adds them to the list and shows their battery level status. It is possible to scroll through the list of battery devices and see battery level, type, amount of battery needed for selected device and price of the battery (if entered by user). Easy adding or removing battery devices to be ignored Included 30 types of battery devices (products) in ABC VD version 1.0 for the list please check APPENDIX 2 Automatic recognition and adding of not included types of devices (products) for which user can setup battery type, amount needed and price Predefined types of battery types including Unknown and Rechargeable Sends list of all battery devices found or only dead devices and devices with battery level bellow 35% to e-mail and popup notification depending on user selection. Calculates total price for devices that need battery replacement on the bottom of the list sent to e-mail (user need to setup currency and price for batteries) Sends push notification for device with lowest battery level found or dead device It can automatically remember date when battery is replaced on device after updating the list. This is done by comparing previous measured battery level with the currentone. VD has built in multi-language support with 28 languages included (see APPENDIX 1 for the list). VD can use HC selected language or user can select any other available language. VD will be automatically translated to selected language (visible after refreshing page on browser or refreshing network data on Fibaro mobile application) Easy setup for VD icons (on UHASTM compatible version is this even easier) Global variables are automatically added, monitored and repaired and does not require user intervention INSTALLATION Please check provided User Manual and video provided by @MarcoTorino71: PACKAGE CONTENT Advanced Battery Check VD v.1.0 Standalone Icon pack User manual EN TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permision to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licencing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the ABC VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required. VERSION HISTORY 1.0 – First release used as a base for UHAS version Here is look of the ABC VD: Enjoy coding and your new ARM virtual device! Sankotronic
  5. Version 1.2.4


    [SCENE] Battery Check scene v1.2.4 Hello all, Here it is, scene that will check battery level on all your battery operated devices and inform you on time when replacement is needed. I wish to thank very much to @petergebruers and @szmyk for code that searches and sorts all battery devices included to HC! THANK YOU! VERSION HISTORY: 28/09/2017 - v1.1 - first release 29/09/2017 - v1.1.1 - added translations for Dutch and Slovak 29/09/2017 - v1.2 - added possibility to define excluded and rechargeable devices. Added 3 new messages and added translations for German, Czech, Swedish, Danish and French, but need translation for new 3 messages. Also added emoji symbols to e-mail notification. 30/09/2017 - v1.2.1 - Corrected level for devices that report level 255 since Sensative strips can report battery level higher than 100%. Corrected translations for Polish, German, Dutch, Slovak, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Chinese, Italian languages. Removed testing code that was accidentally left for checking devices with rechargeable batteries in v1.2 01/10/2017 - v1.2.1 - added Romanian translation 01/10/2017 - v1.2.2 - If HC reported battery level is 255 then it is shown as 0 % just to avoid any misunderstandings. 02/10/2017 - v1.2.2 - added missing Danish translation 10/10/2017 - v1.2.3 - added translations for Norwegian, French, Romanian, Russian and Ukrainian languages. 17/03/2018 - v1.2.4 - Corrected translation for Czech language. SCENE DESCRIPTION: This scene is searching for all battery powered devices included in your HC2 and then checks their battery levels. It will send one e-mail to users with list of all devices which battery level is as follows: battery level 15% or lower will send WARNING to replace battery immediately battery level between 15% and 25% will send REMINDER that battery should be replaced soon battery level between 25% and 35% will send INFO to prepare or buy new battery for replacement rechargeable devices if battery level is 20% or less then will remind you to RECHARGE if all device batteries found with level above 35% then no e-mail will be sent Above levels are set according to those used in most devices. Usually, battery is shown in red when device battery level drops to 35%, but there is still no e-mails sent by HC. Reminder 25% level is set according to my experience when it is last moment to order batteries if there are none in the drawer left. Replacement level of 15% is set because some devices can just stop working if level drops bellow. Since all battery operated devices most of the time sleep, it can happen that they might not be able to report back to the gateway due to rapid depletion of the battery at its end of life. Also, thanks to @I.Srodka to confirm that this levels are used by HC. This scene supports multiple languages as in the list bellow: HC included languages and for this you do not need to do setup English = "en" OK Polski = "pl" OK Deutsch = "de" OK Svenska = "sv" Portugues = "pt" Italiano = "it" OK Francais = "fr" OK Nederlands = "nl" OK Roman = "ro" OK Brazilian Portuguese = "br" Estonian = "et" Latvian = "lv" Chinese = "cn" OK Russian = "ru" OK Denmark = "dk" OK Finland = "fi" Czech Republic = "cz" US English = "us" OK Spanish = "es" Additional languages supported by this version: Set it up for local lng two letterrs between quotes Slovak = "sk" OK Croatian = "hr" OK Bosnian = "ba" OK Serbian = "rs" OK Slovenian = "si" OK Norwegian = "no" OK Ukrainian (NEW) = "ua" OK It is difficult for me to properly translate to all above languages so for now languages with OK are translated and the rest are still to be translated. I will really appreciate your help with translation for the rest of the languages. Please if you do translation of bellow messages you can post it here so that other know that it is already translated. I will also add OK for every language I receive translation and of course update scene code! THANK YOU! Thanks to @gucio1234 for Polish translation! Thanks to @Bodyart for Slovak German and Dutch translations! Thanks to @MaTi for Dutch translation! Thanks to @jakub.jezek for Czech translation! Thanks to @sonnyboy for Swedish translation! Thanks to @TurboWannaBe for Danish translation! Thanks to @speedoxx007 for French translation! Thanks to @Momos for Romanian translation! Thanks to @olekenneth for Norwegian translation! Thanks to @Momos for Romanian translation! Thanks to @jack.daniels for Russian and Ukrainian translations! NEW v1.2 (added 3 new messages marked with arrows) This are messages for translation in English. %s are insertion points for device names and battery levels: ["en"] = { title = "Battery check", subTitle = "Following devices need your attention:", info = "INFO! id: %s - %s %s battery is on %s %%", remind = "REMINDER! id: %s - %s %s battery is on %s %%", warning = "WARNING! id: %s - %s %s battery is on %s %%", ---> excluded = "EXCLUDED! id: %s - %s %s battery is on %s %%", ---> recharge = "RECHARGE! id: %s - %s %s battery is on %s %%", found = "Found %s battery operated devices", tobuy = "INFO! Please order replacement battery", soon = "REMINDER! Need to be replaced soon!", replace = "WARNING! Please replace battery as soon as possible", ---> charge = "RECHARGE! Please recharge battery!", lang = "English" }, SCENE SETUP: This scene is very simple to setup. First select Scenes on main menu in HC web GUI and then add new scene. Select LUA scene. Download BC scene and open with PLAIN TEXT EDITOR (please do not use MS Word or similar programs because they will add formatting that will make scene inoperable). After you paste it to upper code window then you can check and set it up as follows: LANGUAGE: If your language is on the bellow list: Slovak "sk" Croatian "hr" Bosnian "ba" Serbian "rs" Slovenian "si" Norwegian "no" Ukrainian "ua" You need to setup local lng with two letter abbreviation for your language: local lng = "hr" but leave it empty of your language is set on HC. USERS TO RECEIVE E-MAIL: Scene by default is set to send e-mail to superuser ID=2, but you can add or replace it with other users. Users ID you can find with this link to your HC docs: http://YOUR_HC_IP/docs/#!/users Just add users ID inside curled brackets separated by comma as in bellow example: local userID = {2, 55, 128} EXCLUDED DEVICES NEW v1.2 Now you can define devices to be ignored or excluded from report. Just add their ID numbers between curled brackets separated by coma: local ignoreDevicesId = {100, 345} or leave brackets empty to check all devices. DEVICES WITH RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES NEW v1.2 You can also define devices with rechargeable batteries by their type, like for example new Fibaro Thermostat which is by default already added in the scene: local rechargeDevicesType = {"com.fibaro.FGT001"} You don't need to remove it even if you still don't have that thermostat. Scene is Fibaro thermostat ready! RUNNING SCENE: Scene is not set to automatically run so you need to setup whatever scheduling scene you use to start this scene once per day. If you use then you can make following settings in Main scene FTBE: -- SCHEDULED SCENES SETUP ------------------------------------------------ local runSceneSchedName = {"Battery check"} local runSceneSchedID = {Batt_check_sceneID}; local runSceneSchedHour = {{"10:00"}}; local runSceneSchedWeek = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}; local runSceneSchedPushFlag = {0}; local runSceneSchedPushMessage = {""}; Of course, replace Batt_check_sceneID with ID number of this scene that will show up on General tab once scene is saved. And that's it! Enjoy! HOW TO UPGRADE From 1.1.1 or previous to 1.2 or higher: Just paste new code over previous one and setup as needed. From 1.2.2 to 1.2.3: Upgrade only if you need one of the added translations. You can copy only part of the language you need or from line 120 to the end of code to preserve your settings. From 1.2.2 to 1.2.Battery Check scene v1.2.4.lua4: Upgrade only if you need corrected Czech translation. NOTE LUA format of scene code is saved by ZeroBrane Studio v1.50. You can download it at this link: https://studio.zerobrane.com TXT version please open with TextEdit on Mac or Notepad on Windows. ICONS DOWNLOAD: For battery icons please go here to download: NOTE: After installing this scene and make it running once per day you can remove battery low e-mail notification from all battery operated devices. Just remove tick for "Notify when battery low via e-mail" on Advanced tab and press save: Battery Check scene v1.2.3.lua Battery Check scene v1.2.3.txt
  6. In HC3 battery-powered devices lack a free field to indicate the date of battery insertion. For example on the genaral tab. tx.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    The Virtual Device shows the battery status of battery powered devices. In addition, it will send an email to a user when the battery is low or dead. It is suitable for a small number of devices and gives you a snapshot view. Note that the Lithium battery drops suddenly and if its below 80 then its marked as low and should be replaced. The battery is checked once a day roughly. The lua code is attached. I have written it for efficiency instead of accuracy, as lua execution is so so slow. Hence the use of delays. You need as many labels in the VD as the number of devices and it uses label1..labeln for simplicity. CODE.TXT
  8. Does anyone else have this same issue with the fibaro motion sensor? Did you resolve it, if so how? you add the motion sensor to home center and it works for a month then all of a sudden it will not detect motion and becomes a dead. it will not wakeup or respond to any commands in HC2. checked the sensor and has full battery so its not a battery issue. this has happened twice already. supposedly it is "up to date" in terms of software updates. Fibaro please fix this issue!!! *yes I have re-added it to HC2 but that does not resolve the issue permanently.
  9. I have bought 5 smoke detectors and connected them to my Eneco Toon (Z-Wave). One of the detectors drains the battery within 2 weeks. It does not matter where I locate the detector. And it's strange that only one does it. Is there a solution??? Settings???
  10. Since I replaced the battery (new) from my smoke sensor, my battery level stays at 30% according to the scene from @Zoran Sankovic - Sankotronic. battery check V1.2.2 What i tried to resolve it 1. after replaced the battery i click on the b-button (even tribple click, no success! 2. soft reconfigure device, no success!! 3. exclude device from HC2 / include device in HC2, no success! 4. reboot the HC2, no success! I am out of options what i need to do, to get my battery level up to 100% again. Any ideas? HC2 version 4.531beta (in stable 4.530 version the above option didnt work either)
  11. Vinisz

    Battery empty

    Hi Guys, Hope someone can explain this. Why are batteries of the sensor suddenly empty ? I run a battaery check every knight , yesterday is wass still at 89%, today it is dead.... I changed the battery and everything up and running again. Any idea ? this is the third sensor that behaves this way.
  12. Hi, I added a couple of more battery devices to my setup and decided I needed some type of a battery monitor This virtual device is triggered to run every 6 hrs (by @Sankotronic Main Scene Scheduler) and checks a set number of Battery powered devices and sends a message if the battery is below 30% It uses the Smart message Hub to send alerts but could easily be adapted to use email or popup In addition to the 5 battery devices monitored by this VD, I also have 2 Minimote remotes but since they don't report battery level I couldn't include them I know there are some excellent scenes and vd's that do this already. I kept mine very simple as this is what suits my needs. Sharing it as it may be of use to some HC2 owners Web UI VD Display and icon I use INSTRUCTIONS: Import the VD Comment out the HomeTable reference if you don't use one Amend the list in the devlist table Amend the battery level reference (line 19) Amend the messaging medium (line 21 and 29) Amend the labels as required and that's it.. Device_Battery_Check.vfib
  13. Hi, happy FIbaro users. Is there any expirience of using Fibaro battery powered sensors with Li-ion rechargable batteries? When you have 10+ devices like that, need also to have battery shop on a speed-dial.
  14. Hi all, I'm suddenly in a position where a lot of my sensors are showing low battery - which makes sense having bought a lot of them around the same time. I'm currently very nervous to change any of the batteries because there hasn't been a single time that I've changed a battery and had no issues with sensors. Door sensors in particular, it seems as though I change the battery, the sensor works for a few days before becoming unresponsive and ultimately killing the battery very quickly. This then leads to me being required to do a full reset of the module, delete/remove from Fibaro, scenes etc. Then re-add to Fibaro and redo all of the associated scenes, restarting the controller in between to ensure a clean removal and re-add. Now I have 2 x motion sensors and 3 x door sensors which need to be replaced - what am I actually supposed to do to ensure a smooth battery swap, without having to delete/add the device again, or risk having an unresponsive sensor that kills batteries again. I've had a quick search and the only real advice I have seen is to keep the door open when changing the sensor, but nothing really official or obvious. So, please do tell me how you change your sensor's batteries to ensure they have no issues, so I can try on some of mine. Thanks
  15. I have an VD to gather real time values for monitoring battery bank. I can see these values in HC2 but not in Fibaro App (android). Is there an Fibaro App bug? Could be fixed somehow? Thank a lot for any feedback, Tomas
  16. I have four door/window sensors compatible with HomeKit. Each consumes a brand new battery every three months or so. Is this right? For some reason, I have been under the impression that the battery should last over one year.
  17. Has anyone some experience with powerring battery operated devices? there are many step down converters in the market converting 5V DC (USB charger) to 3,3V DC - suitable for different battery operated Fibaro modules. Has Anyone tried this? Although after this modification the device will be still recognised by HC2/HCL as battery powerred, it can be a solution in some situations where powerline is present and we can then forget about checking batteries
  18. Hi, I'm monitoring hot water heater with Fibaro Door/Window Sensor and attached DS18B20 waterproof probe - temperature values in F are reported via Smartthings hub and seem accurate. Problem is that reported battery level is draining rapidly - about 10% daily! Referring to the Advanced Parameters in manual, #50 is "interval of temperature measurements", with a default of only 300 = 5 minutes. Why is it so low, and how can I increase to about an hour from Smartthings - is custom handler or script needed?. Thanks for any help
  19. Hi, Now, I've been down this path before, every year indeed I go through it .. the manual ( in this instance I am referring directly to the Fibaro Door Window Sensors and it's manual http://manuals.fibaro.com/door-window-sensor/ ) suggests you have to change the battery when it turn red ( in my case when I get sick of all the reminder emails which we can't control frequency etc ! ) but the reality is for a number that I change it will not go smoothly, and this year it has annoyed me more than usual <rant> The reality is, you need to ensure the door is open so as to avoid an accidental reset. The reality is, you need to wake the device up once you have finished. The reality is, you often have to reset the device. The reality is I've had to remove and re add a device once I've changed a battery. Why does the manual just say change the battery !? Am I doing something wrong all these years ? ( not according to the manual .. just change the battery ! ) Is there a way to change the frequency of reminder emails ? I'd like one a week then perhaps one a day, not one every 2 hours for the duration </rant> Cheers, al.
  20. Hi, to get to the point: - I am on HC2 software version 4.056 - I have 14 (!) HRT4-ZW version 5 which work astonishingly well together with the HRT4 ASR BUT since my update to 4.x I am running around each week-end to change the battery in at least one thermostat. The bug is mentioned by Fibaro itself in v 4.018 exactly ONE YEAR AGO (http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/16346-update-hc2-4018-beta/?hl=hrt4-zw) and is since then on the "we know it"-list. I do not dare to ask when this fix will be in.. So instead I tried to set the "wake up interval (s)" in the advanced tab to 1800 (default) as it shows me currently 900. Entering 1800 and clicking on save - does nothing, 900 shows up again! Any ideas, anybody? Winter is coming - so ideas welcome from all of you, including Fibaro... Thanks all!
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