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Request for Assistance: Shutter Relay Malfunction
Ananta Creation posted a question in Roller Shutter 2
I'm experiencing a problem with my shutter relay that was working fine until recently. Now, when I give the "Open" command, the curtain opens as expected but automatically closes after a few seconds. I suspect it could be a software issue. Can anyone help me figure this out? A few things to note: No changes have been made to any settings or parameters. I’ve already done both a hard and soft reset of the relay. It works temporarily, but the issue returns after a while. I tested the motor separately, and it works fine without the relay. When testing the relay, power is correctly supplied to the Q1 terminal for opening, but after a few seconds, it switches to the Q2 terminal for closing. I even replaced the motor, but the issue persists. I started with a Fibaro FGR-222 and upgraded to an FGR-223. It worked for a day, but the problem came back. Any insights or advice would be appreciated! -
HI, I have some problem with Walli Roller Shutter. I can't add it in to Home Center 2. [4.620] - Home Cennter 2 in learning mode, - Device added, - Problem with learning mode. Refresh page and try agan. - End of learning mode. Polish: [22:09:01] Centrala weszła w tryb uczenia [22:09:11] Dodano urządzenie [22:09:11] Poszukiwanie sąsiednich urzadzeń, proszę czekać... [22:09:13] Wystąpił problem z wejściem w tryb uczenia. Odśwież stronę i ponów próbę. [22:09:13] Zakończono dodawanie urządzeń
Hello, ive got a question to HC2 and Triggers... I would like to set up a scene like this: if the motion detector trips between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m., the shutters should open. Is that possible in the HC2? I cant find this trigger. In HC3 is this time trigger... can help me someone or do I have to buy the HC3 because of that??? Thanks for answers Tschorden
Hello together, I just wanna give you some insights to my Rollo Shutter scene control by using global Predefined variable Guestmodus. The intention was, to update my Rollo shutter scene that the Rollo blinds will be stay closed in the morning for guest room, if guests are stay over night. 1 Step: I crated a global Predefined variable with called "Guestmodus" with the states "On" and "Off". 2. Step: I created a VD to set the Status if guests are going to stay tonight. Button ON fibaro:setGlobal("Gaestemodus", "On") Button OFF fibaro:setGlobal("Gaestemodus", "Off") Primary loop: selfId = fibaro:getSelfId() guestmodus = fibaro:getGlobal("Gaestemodus") fibaro:call(selfId, "setProperty", "ui.guestmodus.value", guestmodus) 3. Step: I updated my Rollo shutter scene with the a Inner-If-Loop: local var = fibaro:getGlobal("Gaestemodus") if ( var=="Off" ) then fibaro:call(309, "open"); -- Gästezimmer Fenster end Result: If I set the Guestmode to "On" the Rollo Blinds will not move up in the guest room and my Guests can sleep w/o to be disturbed. Greetings Footnote to the icons I used: icon set from @Cannon_82 modified by @master_jo1
I bought 5 fibaro FGR222 early July 2018 on amazon. I motorized my 5 shutters. All goes well for 3 months. This morning, I wanted to open the shutters using the physical wall command. The fuses jumped and a small smoke came out of wall command. I opened the wall command and I could see that the fibro FGR222 was burnt. I can smelt the electrical burn. Why after 3 months without manual intervention? Will this situation be repeated on my other four shutters ? Do I need to fear a fire hazard? How to I contact the Warranty service ?
Hi, I'am new to the Fibaro community so first of all: hi! I’m having problems with pairing my shutter FGR222 to Fibaro home center. I already searched for similar problems, but no solutions yet. Hopefully you can help me. When I put my HC2 in learning mode and press the “B-button” for three times nothing is happening. What I tried: Switch connected to the s1 input pressed for three times -à nothing happens Only connect supply voltage and press B-button for three times à nothing happens I bought this device second hand so it could be the device is broken. Is there a way to check this? Some additional information: Home Center is next to the FGR222, so it’s in range. (I can connect to a motion sensor) When I press the B-button longer à first I get a blue light, after a few seconds it gets green. No other colors after that. According the manual it should reach other colors. Hopefully someone can help me. Thank you in advance. Emiel
Hi, My name is Dave and I'm new here. I have five Windows with electic roller shutters. I want to use the Roller Shutter v2 from Fibaro to automate these things. But I'm not sure if I will be able to connect the exesting switch to the system. The regular swithes uses three wires but mine has six wires. Please find attached some pictures. I there someone who can help in this matter ? Thx, Dave
can anyone see why this simple block scene doesn't seem to function on Qubino DC shutter? (see attached). It should lower or raise to 50% if temperature between 16 -18 degrees. I have separate scenes to raise above 18 and lower below 16 which appear to work ok (The module is actually connected to my greenhouse door!). The LUA converts to this: --[[ %% properties 149 value %% globals --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(149, "value")) > 16 ) and ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(149, "value")) < 18 ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then setTimeout(function() end, 100000) end Thanks.
Hi I have a few wireless Somfy motors for my roller blinds installed in my house- will the Fibaro Roller Shutter 2 work with it? If so, how? Thanks Yasser
Witam, To mój pierwszy post na forum, więc proszę o wyrozumiałość tydzień temu kupiłem HC2 i po minutach euforii i godzinach walczenia z bugami i innymi problemami, próbuje zwalczyć sterowanie roletami. Sytuacja wygląda tak, iż mam Fibaro spięte z Satelem. Na Satelu mam sterowanie roletami (i niech tak zostanie, nie uśmiecha mi się kupno 14 roller shutterów). Niestety domyślna integracja nie posiada pożądanej przeze mnie funkcjonalności - namiastki stanu otwarcia rolety. Zrobiłem sobie zatem wirtualne urządzenie posiadające przyciski dół, góra, stop, a także wskaźnik procentowego otwarcia. Przeliczanie robię na zmiennych. Docelowo ustawienie suwaka w danej pozycji będzie ustawiało roletę. W momencie kliknięcia dół lub góra suwak mi się przelicza. Natomiast w momencie kliknięcia przycisku STOP, zatrzymuje on roletę, ale ewidentnie wątek od wcześniejszego przycisku nadal działa - przelicza mi nadal wartości procentowego otwarcia rolety. I tu pojawia się pytanie, w jaki sposób mogę to rozwiązać. Czy jest jakiś mechanizm ubicia wątku wciśniętego przycisku lub wykrycie zdarzenia wciśnięcia innego przycisku? Ktoś spotkał się z takim problemem? ps. wiem, że mój kod jest ułomny, bo procentowe otwarcie rolety nie będzie się przeliczało w przypadku wciśnięcia lokalnego przycisku, natomiast sterowane z satela/fibaro powinno być ok. Mogę odwdzięczyć się definicją całego urządzenia wirtualnego . . poniżej kod. Przycisk stop: local timeout = 24000; local shutter_id1 = 161; local shutter_id2 = 162; local global_status = "Rol_Balkon_Stan" local vd = fibaro:getSelfId(); local local_status = 0 --0 - off, 1 -up, 2 - down -- czy tu można wstawić kill procesu innego przycisku? local runningUP = fibaro:getValue(shutter_id1, "value"); if(runningUP=='1') then fibaro:call(shutter_id1, "turnOff"); fibaro:setGlobal(global_status, 3); end local runningDown = fibaro:getValue(shutter_id2, "value"); if(runningDown=='1') then fibaro:call(shutter_id2, "turnOff"); fibaro:setGlobal(global_status, 4); end Kod przycisku dół: -------- --[[ %% properties 161 value %% globals --]] local timeout = 25; local shutter_id = 162; local global_status = "Rol_Balkon_Stan" local global_status_open = "Rol_Balkon_StanO"; local slider = "ui.Slider1.value"; local desired_state = 0; local local_status = 4 --0 - off, 1 -up, 2 - down, 3 - prev up, 4 - prev down --assuming that value might be changed by pushing local remote local local_status_open = 100; --fibaro:getGlobalValue(global_status_open); local thismodule = fibaro:getSelfId(); --Parse Slider prop local opening_step = 100 / timeout; local sliderValue = fibaro:get(thismodule, slider) ; fibaro:debug("Opening Step: " .. opening_step); fibaro:debug("Opening Value " .. sliderValue); fibaro:debug("Openning State: " .. local_status_open); fibaro:call(shutter_id, "turnOn"); fibaro:setGlobal(global_status, 2) while(local_status_open > desired_state) do -- czy tu można wstawić jakiś catch eventu wcisniecia przycisku stop??? fibaro:sleep(1000); local_status_open = local_status_open - opening_step; fibaro:setGlobal(global_status_open, local_status_open); fibaro:call(sliderValue, "setProperty", slider, local_status_open); -- show progres fibaro:debug("Global Status Open: " .. fibaro:getGlobal(global_status_open)); end fibaro:call(shutter_id, "turnOff"); fibaro:setGlobal(global_status, local_status) fibaro:debug(global_status); fibaro:call(thismodule, "turnOff"); pętla główna - przeliczanie suwaka: local global_status_open = "Rol_Balkon_StanO"; local slider = "ui.Slider1"; local status = fibaro:getGlobal(global_status_open); local thismodule = fibaro:getSelfId(); local sliderID = fibaro:get(thismodule, slider) ; fibaro:call(thismodule, "setProperty", sliderID, status); fibaro:call(thismodule, "setSlider", 5, status); pozdrawiam Paweł Domagała https://pl.linkedin.com/in/paweldomagala