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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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yes, glamour and love to create new things for love to create new things and for the joy and fun of others ;-)






anybody has an idea how i can see the input with the fibaro Keyfob in node red? Keyfob is a remote for Z-Wave devices and i want use it for my garage door.

i try it with fibaro sensor node and query node but in the debug i cannot see anything.

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    11 hours ago, ctyd said:


    anybody has an idea how i can see the input with the fibaro Keyfob in node red? Keyfob is a remote for Z-Wave devices and i want use it for my garage door.

    i try it with fibaro sensor node and query node but in the debug i cannot see anything.

    no problem as for me.


    connect to second output and catch events. I hope keyfob send some central evenets... too more details can says @drboss cuz i have fixed some bugs some monthes ago here for him.


    with pleasure ;-)


    In current version isn't need  check [ Handle additional events ] and use second output.

    from normal output of device you receive data like this:

    image.png.4a14ed6e9bb0976b00bcdf75598637f3.png or image.png.116812563e9c835e27a0fa071a88beba.png

    and without problems use standard node from node-red to work with events, like this:

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    • Thanks 1
    Posted (edited)

    thx for help drboss, but with the keyfob it doesnt work. with my aeotec quad wallmote it works, i think i has to realize it with the HC2.


    works now trough node red with check [ Handle additional events ] and use second output.

    Edited by ctyd
    • Thanks 1

    i have an another problem with my heating. I use the Xaktor node for my Thermostat, i install "node-red-contrib-heater-controller" and i dont know how to add the Slider for temperature to the Aktor? all my work doesnt work, can you help me and say how you connected it? or what are you use?

    Posted (edited)

    I will check with keyfob, yes isn't work via [fibaroSensor] but work via [fibaroAPI] or via mqtt in node if you send before data from fibaroAPI to mqtt out or by HC2 device created by @10der .

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    /monthly_2020_02/image.png.d6bb327832ca9b3bfb984b644fbcd614.png" />

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    For dashboard thermostat all is written on

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    You need adopt data retrieved from HC2 thermostat to heater controller node accepted payload and vice versa convert result of controller node to data accepted by fibaroActor


    ex. you received from heater-controller after any change this data:

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    and you can send to fibaro thermostat target temperature you need to set payload for thermostat with payload.targetValue from heater-controler-node



    Edited by drboss
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    @drboss Boss can you [provide more detailes here - what I should fix for working keyfob? what event?

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    /monthly_2020_02/image.png.ebb6323fd24ea1305744769e5254b191.png" />

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    about keyfob


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    Posted (edited)

    small update, after restart of node-red, all work fine. The data for keyFob or others remote is accessible by second output if Handle [additional events] checked.


    When I checked remotes for @ctyd the Nodon create before test of "trick add topic tp MQTT server OUT " work via first output but nodes created (like for keyFob) after test nothing send to any output.

    But after restart node-red (in this moment the nodes for trick are disabled) the events for any remotes work fine via second output.

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    /monthly_2020_02/image.png.6f46f95a208ed190086303f2d0a65f19.png" />


    @ctyd I tested with Fibaro, NodeOn and anoter one remote who work via scene and all work fine as sensor in nodered. Maybe you need change parameters for your keyFob in HC2.

    You need activate for example for "△"

    Parameter 24 Scene activation for △ button
    This parameter determines which actions result in sending assigned scene IDs and attributes to the controller

    Edited by drboss
    • Thanks 1
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    8 hours ago, drboss said:

    one remote who work

    Slavic detected ;) 




    Posted (edited)

    ok i will try it but first i have to get this heting node function. i dont know how to make it, i try it to split the output from the heat node and pull this in the fibaro xaktor but it doesnt work. at the moment i have no idea how i can tell the fibaro xaktor what i have pressed in my dashboard in the heat node.


    but if it works i give you the flow.


    now i can split the node from the heat-node in each-node, can you pls tell me what i have to put in the xaktor node for heating that the thermostat heat for the temperature?


    example: i have a number with: 19 from my node and i want that the thermostat heat for 19C° what have i to add in the xaktor node so that it will work, because with only the number 19 it doesnt work.

    Edited by ctyd
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    @ctyd stop. Your thermostat is not zwave? I do not understand why you install some nodes in node red for you thermostat 

    so if you have not zwave thermostat why you used xactor for what purposes 

    Fibaro component can’t works with non zwave devices 

    and back to keyfob 

    I haven’t keyfob alas but have another one like key fobs devices for example ZRC and China faked keyfob ;) and both works 

    when I press some keys on device my sensor node in second output send some central events with key no 

    Posted (edited)

    my bad english srorry, but i think you dont understand.


    The thermostat comes from Fibaro its the Heat Controller and works with z-wave. The node that i install is: "node-red-contrib-heater-controller". it is a node that shows me a UI in the Dashboard for the Thermostat.


    I want to add this ui to the xaktor node but the problem is what i have to pull in the xaktor node? is it Setthermotatpoint? 


    i only want  to know the commands that i can send to the Xaktor node so that the thermostat will work with

    Edited by ctyd
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    ok. give me some time to install and reproduce.



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    /monthly_2020_02/image.png.6e2cddd8c0f8aad17a5e1069effae1e5.png" />




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    Edited by 10der

    Big THX @10der now it works.




    i use your code for my thermostat and it works good but sometimes the xaktor node dont set the Thermostat. if i slide for a new temperature, node-red set the correct temp and in my HC2 i can see the temp is set but the controller dont work. If i click in the HC2 Webui on the Thermostat and so that you can se parameters.. the Thermostat is OFF. in node red all works good i think its a problem with the xaktor node or with my HC. anybody has this problem to? 


    The node red work fine if you see change on GUI of HC2. In this case the problem is in thermostat or in transmission. For ex. the thermostat from TKB randomly ignore command from controler. 

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