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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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  • Posted (edited)

    sorry but MQTT have relate to node-red like rastaman to no ganja smoking :) 

    MQTT server (service) it's independed service. it settuped / installed separately from NODE-RED, configured separately from NODE_RED.

    Edited by 10der
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    how can i disable user and password in mqtt?




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    I use mosquitto and I just leave in the mqtt.cfg file the 2 lines for user PW commented:
    You can of course also delete the 2 lines.

    But the question belongs rather to a MQTT area than to this area.

    If your question is regarding sonoff then leave in the user_config.h the 2 lines below as they are:
    #define MQTT_USER "DVES_USER" // [MqttUser] Optional user
    #define MQTT_PASS "DVES_PASS" // [MqttPassword] Optional password
    Like this you have no PW set in the server and you do not care, what sonoff is sending.


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    on mosquitto configuration file there is an option for anonymous allowed. If this is set to TRUE you can come with any password and any user and even empty ones and have full access.

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    Posted (edited)

    Tanks for the flow ctyd

    I am trying to get heating node to turn on/off my wallplug . But as i can se in debug it only get command false, and i dont understand where that command coming from. Trying to upload flow here.

    But i dont understand how i should get the commands true or false to be sent to the node wallplug.   Should it be sent from heating node or are i missing somthing here 


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    Edited by oddmn
    Posted (edited)
    On 3/27/2020 at 3:46 PM, 10der said:

    sorry but MQTT have relate to node-red like rastaman to no ganja smoking :) 

    MQTT server (service) it's independed service. it settuped / installed separately from NODE-RED, configured separately from NODE_RED.

    Ok, Mosquitto installed on my RPI and now the WD is working properly.
    Only a question :
    Colud you suggest the right way to manage the DV loop crash after this exception error (see screenshot)?
    This happens when the RPI rebbot or if the HC2 <-> RPI connection has been lost.

    Many thanks

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    Edited by anonymous_66
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    1) check via scebe/device warchdog (search by forum)

    2) cover VD code via pcall

    3 hours ago, 10der said:

    1) check via scebe/device warchdog (search by forum)

    2) cover VD code via pcall

    I meant a your VD source solution.
    The fish ? Now is too expensive

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  • Posted
    2 hours ago, anonymous_66 said:

    meant a your VD source solution.

    yes. in my VD.

    you may wrap code via pcall 


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    not tested,


    i am not use HC2 at this time as developer. all functionality ported to NODE-RED


    new node (ported from HA) 



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    /monthly_2020_03/image.png.c5dec0df7e5e9e52c66fb4b4f111e66a.png" />


    turn on off by remotec keyfob




    trigger event for more sources



    motion event triggerd when all lights is off





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    about a new node


    I want to turn ON/OFF my lighting (969) according my light lux sensor (1449 )

    it's very easy

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    /monthly_2020_04/image.png.9291401c052b8fcaf94b8afb81527418.png" />





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    On 3/30/2020 at 9:16 PM, 10der said:

    yes. in my VD.

    you may wrap code via pcall 


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    not tested,


    i am not use HC2 at this time as developer. all functionality ported to NODE-RED




    Thanks to your suggestion , let me post the VD code that avoids the main loop crash in case of RPI connection lost.


    local MQTT_TOPIC = "home/fibaro"

    function callback(topic, payload)
        fibaro:debug(topic .. "=>" .. payload)


    local function shift_left(value, shift)
        return (value * 2 ^ shift)

    local function shift_right(value, shift)
        return (math.floor(value / 2 ^ shift))

    local function encode_utf8(input)
        local output
        output = string.char(math.floor(#input / 256))
        output = output .. string.char(#input % 256)
        output = output .. input

        return (output)

    function message_write(tcp_socket, message_type, payload)
        local message = string.char(shift_left(message_type, 4))

        if (payload == nil) then
            message = message .. string.char(0) -- Zero length, no payload
            local remaining_length = #payload

                local digit = remaining_length % 128
                remaining_length = math.floor(remaining_length / 128)
                if (remaining_length > 0) then
                    digit = digit + 128
                end -- continuation bit
                message = message .. string.char(digit)
            until remaining_length == 0

            message = message .. payload

        return tcp_socket:write(message)

    function connect(hostname, port)
        local function uuid()
            local random = math.random
            local template = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
            return string.gsub(
                    local v = (c == "x") and random(0, 0xf) or random(8, 0xb)
                    return string.format("%x", v)

        local payload
        payload = encode_utf8("MQIsdp")
        payload = payload .. string.char(0x03)
        identifier = encode_utf8(uuid())

        -- Connect flags (byte 10)
        -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        -- bit    7: Username flag =  0  -- recommended no more than 12 characters
        -- bit    6: Password flag =  0  -- ditto
        -- bit    5: Will retain   =  0
        -- bits 4,3: Will QOS      = 00
        -- bit    2: Will flag     =  0
        -- bit    1: Clean session =  1
        -- bit    0: Unused        =  0

        if (will_topic == nil) then
            payload = payload .. string.char(0x02) -- Clean session, no last will
            local flags
            flags = shift_left(will_retain, 5)
            flags = flags + shift_left(will_qos, 3) + 0x06
            payload = payload .. string.char(flags)

        -- Keep alive timer
        payload = payload .. string.char(math.floor(60 / 256)) -- seconds (maximum is 65535)
        payload = payload .. string.char(60 % 256)

        -- Client identifier
        payload = payload .. identifier

        -- Send MQTT message
        local tcpSocket = Net.FTcpSocket(hostname, port)
        local bytes, errorCode = message_write(tcpSocket, 0x01, payload)
        if (errorCode == 0) then
            -- all OK
            return tcpSocket
            fibaro:debug("Error on connect")   
            return nil

    function subscribe(connection, topic)
        local message_id = 1

        local message
        message = string.char(math.floor(message_id / 256))
        message = message .. string.char(message_id % 256)

        message = message .. encode_utf8(topic)
        message = message .. string.char(0) -- QOS level 0

        return message_write(connection, 0x08, message)

    function unsubscribe(connection, topic)
        local message_id = 1

        local message
        message = string.char(math.floor(message_id / 256))
        message = message .. string.char(message_id % 256)

        message = message .. encode_utf8(topic)
        return message_write(connection, 0x0a, message)

    function parse_message_publish(message_type_flags, remaining_length, message)
        local topic_length = string.byte(message, 1) * 256
        topic_length = topic_length + string.byte(message, 2)
        local topic = string.sub(message, 3, topic_length + 2)
        local index = topic_length + 3
        local qos = shift_left(message_type_flags, 1) % 3

        if (qos > 0) then
            local message_id = string.byte(message, index) * 256
            message_id = message_id + string.byte(message, index + 1)
            index = index + 2

        local payload_length = remaining_length - index + 1
        local payload = string.sub(message, index, index + payload_length - 1)
        callback(topic, payload)

    function parse_message(message_type_flags, remaining_length, message)
        local message_type = shift_right(message_type_flags, 4)
        if message_type == 0x02 then -- CONACK
            fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", "CONACK")
        elseif message_type == 0x09 then -- SUBACK
            fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", "SUBACK")
        elseif message_type == 0x03 then -- PUBLISH
            fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", "PUBLISH")
            parse_message_publish(message_type_flags, remaining_length, message)
        elseif message_type == 0x0d then -- PINGRESP
            fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", "PINGRESP")
            -- print(message_type)
            -- unknown
            fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", "DATA")

    function handle_response(buffer)
        if (buffer ~= nil and #buffer > 0) then
            local index = 1

            -- Parse individual messages (each must be at least 2 bytes long)
            -- Decode "remaining length" (MQTT v3.1 specification pages 6 and 7)

            while (index < #buffer) do
                local message_type_flags = string.byte(buffer, index)
                local multiplier = 1
                local remaining_length = 0

                    index = index + 1
                    local digit = string.byte(buffer, index)
                    remaining_length = remaining_length + ((digit % 128) * multiplier)
                    multiplier = multiplier * 128
                until digit < 128 -- check continuation bit

                local message = string.sub(buffer, index + 1, index + remaining_length)

                if (#message == remaining_length) then
                    parse_message(message_type_flags, remaining_length, message)
                    print("Incorrect remaining length: " .. remaining_length .. " ~= message length: " .. #message)

                index = index + remaining_length + 1

            -- Check for any left over bytes, i.e. partial message received
            if (index ~= (#buffer + 1)) then
                --- why I am here?
                print("Partial message received" .. index .. " ~= " .. (#buffer + 1))

    function handler(connection)
        local bytes, errorCode = message_write(connection, 0x0c, nil)
        if (errorCode ~= 0) then
            fibaro:debug("MQTT.client:message_write(): " .. tostring(errorCode))
            return errorCode
            local response, errorCode = connection:read()
            if (errorCode ~= 0) then
                return errorCode
                if (string.len(response or "") > 0) then
                    fibaro:debug("Error: Invalid response. response length: " .. string.len(state or ""))

    function publish(connection, topic, payload)
        local message = encode_utf8(topic) .. payload
        return message_write(connection, 0x03, message)

    --if not connection then
    --    connection = connect(fibaro:get(fibaro:getSelfId(), "IPAddress"), fibaro:get(fibaro:getSelfId(), "TCPPort"))
    --    local bytes, errorCode = subscribe(connection, MQTT_TOPIC)

    --fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", "OK")

    while true do
    local ok, result =

    --local echo_topic = "home/fibaro"

    local connection = connect(fibaro:get(fibaro:getSelfId(), "IPAddress"), fibaro:get(fibaro:getSelfId(), "TCPPort"))
    local bytes, errorCode = subscribe(connection, MQTT_TOPIC)
    local bytes, errorCode = subscribe(connection, "prova")      
    --print(bytes, errorCode)

    fibaro:debug("MQTT Loop started")      
    --local bytes, errorCode = publish(connection, MQTT_TOPIC, "Hello from HC2!!!")
    --print(bytes, errorCode)

    local error_message = nil
    while (error_message == nil) do
        fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", "OK")    
        error_message = handler(connection)

    if error_message == 2 then
           fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", "AUTH ERR")
           fibaro:debug("Disable password authorisation in mosquitto or set alow_anonymous true")
           fibaro:call(fibaro:getSelfId(), "setProperty", "ui.lblStatus.value", error_message)

    fibaro:debug("Error code "..error_message)

    unsubscribe(connection, MQTT_TOPIC)
    connection = nil




    On 3/30/2020 at 9:16 PM, 10der said:






    • 2 months later...

    Hello  @10der congratulations for the excellent work!


    i am very bad with programing, i am trying to write it propertly but it is not working, would you be so kind to build a code for the following; I have a fibaro motion sensor, if it detect movement i want to switch on a light.

    How can i do that?


    Thanks in advance

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    @MadHouseINC already publishe more than 1y ago node for it.

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    working  with this node 

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    about  Overrides



    by default 60 min time for off

    but owerride sction can obwerride any riles here

    for exampe i want timeout from sunset  till 24h -  30 min and from 24 til sunrise 15min... and at the day 5 min 

    {"times":{"sunset..00:00":{"timeout":"30m"},"00:00..sunrise":{"timeout":"15m"}, "sunrise..sunset":{"timeout":"5m"}}}",


    another ex


    i want to overrude default min lux at the day
















    Posted (edited)

    Ah ok, thanks for the info @10der. i thought with the actual installed repository nodes it could be possible, maybe i didn’t explain properly exactly what i want to achieve.


    I saw in one of your examples that you have a Fibaro Sensor Node that caches the Lux levels and switch a light on or of with a FibaroXactor.


    What i am trying to do is to use the fibaro motion sensor that if it detects movement to switch on a light, the only way i manage to do it is by connecting it with a http request via api, but i was wondering if it is possible to do it with a fibaroActor 

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    Edited by MadHouseINC
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    the 1st of you are wrong wire MOVE-M1

    it should be UP connector


    sorry my ignorance @10der what is the UP connector? i am really a noob with programing... how can i set it up. as of now it is working with the example of http request via api but i rather have it with your solution.



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    5 mins @MadHouseINC

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    thanks a million @10der you are a rockstar!! i will do some test later and report back. ?

    • 4 weeks later...

    You've alread mentioned you won't get a hc3 but I ask anyways: Does your node red modul work with hc3? If not, could hc3 compatibility be added in case just some minor tweaks would be needed to make it work?



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    /monthly_2020_06/image.png.ca38a3d12e73c817c523227e229787de.png" />

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    Edited by 10der

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