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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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HC3 no motion for X time = lights off, how to?





How do you configure a scene that will turn on lights when motion and does not turn off until motion sensor has been safe for X time?

I am looking for both Lua and block options, if available.

Until now I have only found option for "delay" meaning lights will turn off after given time no matter if there has been motion during "delay" period.


Hope someone has found a solution for this.

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On 7/26/2020 at 12:08 AM, theuksbest said:

@BrianDS I use a mixture of scenes and associations. Associations work faster in my experience and have some failsafe but limited in functionality, especially with some sensors. The Fibaro sensors are pretty good compared to the Aeotec MS6 for example. 


I recommend setting Parameter 9 as well which determine night and day from the lux level - that way you can control when the lights turn on at least.


cool stuff.


Unfortunately, association didn't work for me in this case.

As soon as the lights turn on after a detected movement, the measured LUX-level increases above the value I inserted in Parameter 9 (due to all the lights that are on).

As a result the motion sensor will not detect a movement anymore, always resulting in switching off the lights after the delay I set in Parameter 6.

And when I increase the LUX detection value to a level above "all-lights-on-LUX-value", the lights will come on way too early during the day.


Making a Block scene was the only solution for me.


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On 6/28/2020 at 12:34 AM, SmartHomeEddy said:

You can start simple. If it works, you can always make it better.


Add a lua scene


Use this for declarions

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Use this for Actions


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in this code 254 is my motion sensor,

256 is my lux sensor and

251 is the light switch.

You have to fill in the ID’s of your setup. 


“value = 3” represents the lux value. So in this code <= 3 lux (and motion) will turn on the light. You can experiment with this value, which lux value suites you the best in your setup. 

local maxTime = 1*60” represens the time the light stays on, in this case 60 seconds (and longer if there is still motion, motion resets the timer). 



Could someone please point me in the right direction to amend this code to add a time slot eg - between Xam and Xpm and also adding a dimming value to the light on?

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and is programming language looks like this ?

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rly ?

So condition is what ? separate what ? from what ? and when ?

Also - trigger... wtf... if I want in any language when any value changes to have "then" action thae I want to have it... now switching to lua i dont know what You mean... what is this ? declarations/conditions/triggers ? so what is this exacly in programming language ? rly ?

Edited by paol
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also when switched from block to lua

operator = "match>=",
What is this ?
someone forgot to parse value ? it looks like it is missing also internally - cause block scenes also not working.
And block scene is like this:
So where is time match ?

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On 7/3/2020 at 10:10 AM, SmartHomeEddy said:

I use copies of the scene for different rooms. That way I can tune the lux and maxTime easily. 

I have changed the code to make it more flexible, for instance, I use in my garage two motion sensors. 

In the declarations there are also time option like “sunrise” and “sunset”. If you add a block scene (and later disable it to keep it for future experiments) you can experiment with that condition and convert it to Lua to see how it looks like with all the {} and or constructions. 

In your case, copy your first scene to a new one, change the declaration between sunset and sunrise (is a condition not the trigger) and motion (as trigger) at night will turn on the light and the light stays on during motion. You don’t need the lux in the declaration as condition. 




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I try to use this LUA code in the  LUA Editor of the HC3. however I can't seem to find which part of the code should be added to the 'triggers/conditions'  and which part needs to be copied into 'actions'.  What am I doing wrong?



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7 minutes ago, MauritsG said:

I try to use this LUA code in the  LUA Editor of the HC3. however I can't seem to find which part of the code should be added to the 'triggers/conditions'  and which part needs to be copied into 'actions'.  What am I doing wrong?


The above is only the "ACTIONS" part. 


In the "DECLARATIONS" part you do have to define when the scene is triggered. 


An example of the "DECLARATIONS" part:


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Where ID 76 is my motion sensor and ID 78 is my Lux sensor. If the motion is triggered and the lux is equal or less than 1, the "ACTIONS" part begins.




Edited by SmartHomeEddy
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One more question, if I want to set the brightness of the lighting in the room as well. Can I simply add the paramaters in the ACTION part like this:


fibaro.call({[1] = 58, [2] = 60, }, 'setColor', 119, 110, 65, 0)
fibaro.call({[1] = 58, [2] = 60, }, 'setValue', 48)
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Yes, that is possible. Just insert the 


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part in it, to work together with the script. But first try to get it to work with on / off. 

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The on/off works reallly well. Only problem occurs during night time (0 Lux). The motion controller recognises movement (blue indicator flashing) however the scene won't start.

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That is strange. Works here all the time. And the actual lux level is 0 at that time? (Lux sensor doesn’t gives a higher reading?)

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  conditions = { {
      id = 64,
      isTrigger = true,
      operator = "==",
      property = "value",
      type = "device",
      value = true
    }, {
      id = 66,
      isTrigger = false,
      operator = "<=",
      property = "value",
      type = "device",
      value = 50
    } },
  operator = "all"


-- This scene turns on one or more lights: 
--    when Lux level is below a certain level (see DECLARATIONS) and 
--    shows the Lux level of one ore more Lux sensors and 
--    turns off the lights after a certain time (maxTime), 
--    unless there is motion from one or more Motion sensors
-- Please enter the right ID's (if more than one, seperate by ",") and the prefered maxTime for the lights to stay on 
local light = {53} -- ID's of the lights to turn on
local motion = {64} -- ID's of the Motion sensors to check if they are breached
local lux = {66} -- ID's of the Lux sensors to (only) show the lux level
local maxTime = 2*60  -- Maximum time the sensor should be safe before turning off (n*60 where n is minutes)
local sleepTime = 5 -- Time in seconds between each check of the Motion sensor (default = 5)
local debug_TAG = "Keuken Lampen" -- Tag for the debug messages
-- Below here no changes are necessary
for i in pairs(light) do -- Turn on the lights
  fibaro.debug(debug_TAG,"Turning on (ID " ..light[i] ..") " ..fibaro.getName(light[i]) .." for " ..maxTime .." seconds")
for i in pairs(lux) do -- Show the lux level of the Lux sensors
  fibaro.debug(debug_TAG,"Current Lux level " ..lux[i] .." " ..fibaro.getName(lux[i]) ..": " ..fibaro.getValue(lux[i],"value"))
local safeTime = 0
while safeTime < maxTime do -- Loop until maxTime is reached
  fibaro.debug(debug_TAG,"Counting up safeTime " ..safeTime .." to maxTime " ..maxTime)
  for i in pairs(motion) do 
    if fibaro.getValue(motion[i],"value") then -- Check if Motion sensors are breached
       fibaro.debug(debug_TAG,"Reset by Motion sensor " ..motion[i] .." " ..fibaro.getName(motion[i]))
       safeTime = 0 -- Reset safeTime to zero
for i in pairs(light) do -- Counted down to maxTime, turn off the lights
  fibaro.debug(debug_TAG, "Turning off " ..light[i] .." " ..fibaro.getName(light[i]))
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Did you check the lux level of the lux sensor in the dashboard at the time the motion sensor is triggered?



Edited by SmartHomeEddy
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Infact I did. The lux level was 0 at the moment of testing. I deleted the scenes and made them again and they are up and running now. Quit frankly the motion and light scene for the garden lights stopped working.  Mabey something in the settings?

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There are not that many settings. 

The lux level is only checked in the declarations. In the script the lux sensor is only used to show the lux level in the debug message. I used that lux level in the debug message to finetune the declarations, to finetune at what lux level the light should (not) turn on. 

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Grat code by the way. I have a question?


After the countdown ends i would like to check another condition like:

- After countdown , if light (ID 74) is turned on,  then stop counting and, and do not turn off the lamp (ID 324)





  conditions = { {

      id = 455, -- motion sensor 

      isTrigger = true,

      operator = "==",

      property = "value",

      type = "device",

      value = true

    }, {

      id = 74, -- another light (condition only)

      isTrigger = true,

      operator = "==",

      property = "state",

      type = "device",

      value = false

    }, {

      id = 325, -- another light (condition only)

      isTrigger = true,

      operator = "==",

      property = "state",

      type = "device",

      value = false

    }, {

      conditions = { { 

         type = "date",

                    property = "sunset",

                    operator = ">=",

                    value = -15 



                    type = "date",

                    property = "sunrise",

                    operator = "<=",

                    value = 15   

        } },

      operator = "any"

    } },

  operator = "all"





-- This scene turns on one or more lights:

--    when Lux level is below a certain level (see DECLARATIONS) and

--    shows the Lux level of one ore more Lux sensors and

--    turns off the lights after a certain time (maxTime),

--    unless there is motion from one or more Motion sensors


-- Please enter the right ID's (if more than one, seperate by ",") and the prefered maxTime for the lights to stay on


local light = {324} -- ID's of the lights to turn on

local motion = {455} -- ID's of the Motion sensors to check if they are breached

local maxTime = 1*60  -- Maximum time the sensor should be safe before turning off (n*60 where n is minutes)

local sleepTime = 5 -- Time in seconds between each check of the Motion sensor

local debug_TAG = TEST SCENE " -- Tag for the debug messages



-- Below here no changes are necessary


for i in pairs(light) do -- Turn on the lights

  fibaro.debug(debug_TAG," Turning on (ID " ..light[i] ..") " ..fibaro.getName(light[i]) ..for " ..maxTime .." seconds")




local safeTime = 0

while safeTime < maxTime do -- Loop until maxTime is reached



  fibaro.debug(debug_TAG," Counting up safeTime " ..safeTime ..to max time ..." ..maxTime)

  for i in pairs(motion) do 

    if fibaro.getValue(motion[i],"value") then -- Check if Motion sensors are breached

       fibaro.debug(debug_TAG,"  Reset by Motion sensor " ..motion[i] .." " ..fibaro.getName(motion[i]))

       safeTime = 0 -- Reset safeTime to zero





for i in pairs(light) do -- Counted down to maxTime, turn off the lights

  fibaro.debug(debug_TAG, Turning off  " ..light[i] .." " ..fibaro.getName(light[i]))




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You could add an extra if statement or add the condition to the for statement, but the light will stay on forever, until there is motion and the other two lights are off. Is that what you are searching for?

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I would like for scene to check the condition of the lamp ID74 and ID325 and if that lamps turned on while the scene is running, scene would stop, and all the lights will stay on... 


Im not good at coding... What line do i need to insert in a code???

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going back to something @SmartHomeEddy explained to me once; a good override to the scene is using the manual switch. So rather than trying to build that logic into the code, simply assume if you press the physical switch it the lights go to be manually controlled.


I don't know if thats how your scene is setup or if that works for you, but if i understood what you're looking for correctly then i felt it was ok for me. 

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Im trying to learn basic LUA coding. Everything we do we can do with physical switches. But i would like to learn the code...

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