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Hi, This is an update of the first post which now contains the workaround I created (with code found all over the net). Makes it easier to find what you are looking for when you open this thread . This is more a replacement / edit for the original plugin. I still use the original Plugin, so I have a device that is registered in the system as a Thermometer and an Humidity Sensor (devices 112 and 113, whose values are updatet by the VD). For the moment, I don’t think this can be done with a VD alone. Worth mentioning: don’t make too many calls in a short timeframe to the Nest API, it will just slow down everything. I did it this way, but you can change whatever you like, this makes programming fun . Getting started: (For easy first steps to get to your access token, use something like “Postman”) Get a Nest developer account. (documented here: https://developers.nest.com/documentation/cloud/rest-quick-guide) Create a new product with these permissions: Thermostat read/write v6 (if your Nest thermostat is running the most recent version) Away read/write v2 You will eventually get A Product ID A Product Secret An Authorization URL You will get a PIN code when you follow all steps You will eventually get an access token, which is what we’ll be using for everything else Use your access token to get your ID’s Do a GET to https://developer-api.nest.com using something like Postman (I did it using Fibaro scenes, but Postman is easier). You have to set the Headers “Authorization” with “Bearer <<your access token>>” “Content-Type” “application/json” This will give you all the data you want, including your thermostat(s) ID(s) and your structures ID(s) I made these Global variables: NESTawaytemp NESThome NESThumidity NESTnewTemp NESTstate NESTtarget NESTtargeteta NESTtemp I made a VD with some labels and buttons. I also did a VD with a slider to set the temperature, but that didn’t work the way I wanted it to. The slider is always 0 - 100. I edited it to be able to choose a temperature between 10°C and 30°C, but when you move the slider, the value isn’t visible “on the fly”. Changes to the slider are only possible with reload of page, for as far as I know. The new temperature did come in a label, but I found it to sluggish to use. Look at the attached images for more info. The main loop for the VD (I like "," as decimal seperator, not ".", you can delete all that off course): HC2 = Net.FHttp("", 11111) selfId = fibaro:getSelfId() temp = string.format('%.1f',tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTtemp"))) tempc = string.gsub(temp,"%.",",") eta = fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTtargetEta") target = string.format('%.1f',tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTtarget"))) targetc = string.gsub(target,"%.",",") if fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTnewTemp") == "nil" then fibaro:setGlobal("NESTnewTemp",15) newTemp = string.format('%.1f',tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTnewTemp"))) newTempc = string.gsub(newTemp,"%.",",") else newTemp = string.format('%.1f',tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTnewTemp"))) newTempc = string.gsub(newTemp,"%.",",") end fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblNewTemp.value",newTempc ..'°C' ) targetaway = string.format('%.1f',tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTawaytemp"))) targetawayc = string.gsub(targetaway,"%.",",") humidity = string.format('%.1f',tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESThumidity"))) humidityc = string.gsub(humidity,"%.",",") home = fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESThome") thuis = "" state = fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTstate") stats = "" fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblTargetHome.value",targetc ..'°C') fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblTargetAway.value",targetawayc ..'°C') if (home == "home") then fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblMain.value",tempc ..'°C > ' .. targetc ..'°C' ) thuis = "Thuis" if (state == "heating") then stats = "Aan" fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","currentIcon","1020") else stats = "Uit" fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","currentIcon","1018") end else fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblMain.value",tempc ..'°C > ' .. targetawayc ..'°C' ) thuis = "Eco" if (state == "heating") then stats = "Aan" fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","currentIcon","1019") else stats = "Uit" fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","currentIcon","1017") end end jtable = "{\"properties\":{\"value\":" .. temp .. "}}" response, status, errorCode = HC2:PUT("/api/devices/112",jtable) jtable = "{\"properties\":{\"value\":" .. humidity .. "}}" response, status, errorCode = HC2:PUT("/api/devices/113",jtable) fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblTemp.value",tempc ..'°C') fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblEta.value",eta ..' min.') fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblHumidity.value",humidityc ..'%') fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblHome.value",thuis) fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblState.value",stats) The code for my button Temp + selfId = fibaro:getSelfId() currtemp = fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTnewTemp") if currtemp == "nil" then currtemp = 15 fibaro:setGlobal("NESTnewTemp",currtemp) else currtempnr = tonumber(currtemp) newtempnr = currtempnr + 0.5 newTemp = string.format('%.1f',newtempnr) newTempc = string.gsub(newTemp,"%.",",") fibaro:setGlobal("NESTnewTemp",newtempnr) fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblNewTemp.value",newTempc ..'°C') end The code for button Temp - selfId = fibaro:getSelfId() currtemp = fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTnewTemp") if currtemp == "nil" then currtemp = 15 fibaro:setGlobal("NESTnewTemp",currtemp) else currtempnr = tonumber(currtemp) newtempnr = currtempnr - 0.5 newTemp = string.format('%.1f',newtempnr) newTempc = string.gsub(newTemp,"%.",",") fibaro:setGlobal("NESTnewTemp",newtempnr) fibaro:call(selfId,"setProperty","ui.lblNewTemp.value",newTempc ..'°C') end The code for button "Instellen" (you eventually have to push that button, to set Nest to your new wanted temp, I did this to limit the API calls) Scene 66 will follow fibaro:startScene(66) fibaro:log("temperatuur ingesteld op :" .. fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTnewTemp") .."°C") The other buttons are readable in the images. The Nest Refresh scene, which updates the global variables. Runs once a minute, don’t run it too fast. Just change the << >> values to your own. --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% globals --]] if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:abort() end access_token = <<your access token>> thermostat_id = <<your thermostat id>> structure_id = <<your structure id>> selfhttp = net.HTTPClient({timeout=2000}) function refreshNestData() selfhttp:request(url, { options={ headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' .. access_token}, method = 'GET', timeout = 40000 }, success = function(status) if status.status == 307 then print(status.status) print(url) url = status.headers.Location refreshNestData() else print(status.status) print(url) result = json.decode(status.data) local temp = result["devices"]["thermostats"][thermostat_id]["ambient_temperature_c"] local humidity = result["devices"]["thermostats"][thermostat_id]["humidity"] local state = result["devices"]["thermostats"][thermostat_id]["hvac_state"] local target = result["devices"]["thermostats"][thermostat_id]["target_temperature_c"] local targeteta = result["devices"]["thermostats"][thermostat_id]["time_to_target"] local targetaway = result["devices"]["thermostats"][thermostat_id]["eco_temperature_low_c"] local home = result["structures"][structure_id]["away"] fibaro:setGlobal("NESTtemp",temp) fibaro:setGlobal("NESThumidity",humidity) fibaro:setGlobal("NESTstate",state) fibaro:setGlobal("NESTtarget",target) fibaro:setGlobal("NESTtargetEta",targeteta) fibaro:setGlobal("NESTawaytemp",targetaway) fibaro:setGlobal("NESThome",home) print(targetaway) fibaro:sleep(60*1000) refreshNestData() end end, }) end url = 'https://developer-api.nest.com' refreshNestData() The Scene to set Nest to "Home" (scene 65) --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:abort() end access_token = <<your access token>> structure_id = <<your structure id>> function NestHome() selfhttp = net.HTTPClient({timeout=2000}) selfhttp:request(url, { options={ headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' .. access_token}, data = '{"away": "home"}', method = 'PUT', timeout = 20000 }, success = function(status) print(status.status) if status.status == 307 then print(status.headers.Location) url = status.headers.Location NestHome() else fibaro:debug("Nest set home") end end, }) end url = 'https://developer-api.nest.com/structures/' .. structure_id NestHome() The scene to set Nest "Away" or "Eco" (scene 64) --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:abort() end access_token = <<Your_Access_Token>> structure_id = <<Your_Structure_ID>> function NestAway() selfhttp = net.HTTPClient({timeout=2000}) selfhttp:request(url, { options={ headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' .. access_token}, data = '{"away": "away"}', method = 'PUT', timeout = 20000 }, success = function(status) print(status.status) if status.status == 307 then print(status.headers.Location) url = status.headers.Location NestAway() else fibaro:debug("Nest set away") end end, }) end url = 'https://developer-api.nest.com/structures/' .. structure_id NestAway() The scene that sets the new temperature to Nest (scene 66) --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:abort() end access_token = <<Your_Access_Token>> thermostat_id = <<Your_Structure_ID>> newTarget = tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("NESTnewTemp")) fibaro:setGlobal("NESTtarget",newTarget) function NestTempUp() selfhttp = net.HTTPClient({timeout=2000}) selfhttp:request(url, { options={ headers = {['Content-Type'] = 'application/json',['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' .. access_token}, data = '{"target_temperature_c":' .. newTarget .. '}', method = 'PUT', timeout = 20000 }, success = function(status) print(status.status) if status.status == 307 then print(status.headers.Location) url = status.headers.Location NestTempUp() else fibaro:debug("Nest target = " .. newTarget) end end, }) end url = 'https://developer-api.nest.com/devices/thermostats/' .. thermostat_id NestTempUp() Hope some more people can be helped by this
witam, zamierzam podłączyć termostat nest 2 do home center 3 i nie bardzo wiem jak się do tego zabrać. Czy może ktoś ma jakieś pomysły /wskazówki. dziękuję i pozdrawiam
- nest thermostat
- nest plugin
(and 1 more)
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It should not be a big secret what I would like to request and will keep requesting... An official written by Fibar Group plugin for NEST devices. Connected through "Works with NEST" After more than a year of not being available, it would be a nice Santa gift to me
Has anybody had a crack at getting Nest Protect exposed in HC2 as a v4 plugin? I can understand Fibaro not offering direct support as it has a competing product, but i would be interested if there was any community effort already underway ? The API doesn't look tricky - https://developer.nest.com/documentation/api-reference
Fibaro Radiator Heat Controller with external thermostat (e.g. Nest)
kristofre posted a question in Heat Controller
Hi, I am looking at buying a couple of Fibaro Heat Controllers to remotely control my radiators and create schedules. I wanted to know how this would work in conjunction with an external thermostat such as a Nest. I use the Nest to control my boiler, regardless of the availability of the official Fibaro plugin for Nest (while we are on the subject: what is happening with that). So my question: If I use the Nest to control my boiler and it has switched itself off, does it matter if the Fibaro Heat Controllers are still "On"? With a regular valve this does not matter but I was wondering if there is something particular here. Thanks in advance for your feedback! KR, Kristof And PS: Nest plugin!!!- 9 replies
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- nest
- thermostat
(and 2 more)
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hi all i have a Nest stat connected to my HC2 via the IFTTT service. I updated my HC2 on Sunday to latest 4.140. Since Tuesday morning i can no longer send any data to IFTTT. the error i received is: [DEBUG] 11:10:37: https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/temp/with/key/CENSOREDKEY?value1=15 [DEBUG] 11:10:50: error = Transport endpoint is already connected i put the URL in the browser and that worked perfectly fine which leads me to conclude that the fault is with HC2. Has anyone else experienced this and importantly any solutions?? Thanks in advance
Hello guys Any news on the Nest plug ins? Any solution other than IFTT? On the 4.12 there is no NEST plug ins at all Thanks in advance
Since we are quiet some months further... I was wondering when the dev.Departement of Fibaro is coming with some news on the promissed NEST plugins and when it will be available? Or am I just the only one who would like to see this being implemented in our Hc2? (I am aware that there seems to be a IFTTT solution... But I prefer to use a direct plug for this...)
- 17 replies
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Nest open-sources its home automation network protocol, Thread
AutoFrank posted a question in Scenes and Interface
For those that may be interested.... https://venturebeat.com/2016/05/11/nest-open-sources-its-home-automation-network-protocol-thread/ -
Nest open-sources its home automation network protocol, Thread
AutoFrank posted a question in Scenes and Interface
For those that may be interested.... https://venturebeat.com/2016/05/11/nest-open-sources-its-home-automation-network-protocol-thread/ -
Hello, I have the Nest plugin already running for some weeks now with one Nest Protect. that was working fine. Today I installed two extra Nest protect and hit the Get Devices button in the plugin, but now new devices were added. After an hour I have deleted the plugin and installed it from scratch. Now I don't have any Nest Protect devices anymore... Anybody else experiencing this problem? I see several users in this forum with issues with Nest, but I really don't understand why it was working for one device and now with three not anymore... My account is connected in the plug-in and I can't find any logs or errors. I am running the latest stable version (no BETA)
I've got a HC2, Nest and some Danfoss-valves, eventually I want a Multi-zoned Heating Systems. = Modulating through a Nest = Problem is I live in The Netherlands and out here usually have Modulating Central Heating Systems. So I can't just use The Heating Panel and keep my pipes heated or not according to the outside temperature. With the Modulating system, I need to control my Central Heating through for example a Nest. I am controlling the Nest through an API, with the help of @TW1979 in topic "https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/22466-nest-thermostat-v3-fibaro-plugin-not-updating-workaround-found" = LUA = I've read up on the Danfoss-radiator valves. (special thanks to: @tinman@Momos@hTiger1@petergebruers) * They're not that reliable. So before I start with the Multi-zone-LUA, here is my description of the LUA I'm gonna write for the one-room-system. Can someone tell me if this is gonna work? Global Variables: int Target_Temp_room1 Function:SCHEDULE Trigger : Time Action : Changes Target_Temp_room1 Function:EDIT Target_Temp_room1 WHEN THERMOSTAT IS CHANGED MANUALLY Trigger : Physical changes at Thermostat or manual changes in Fibaro GUI. Action : Change the Target_Temp_room1 accordingly Function:TURN ON CENTRAL HEATING (by turning on the Nest) Trigger : Target_Temp_room1 is changed PreExec : Check if I am home (if I'm Away do nothing) Action : check how much the Target_Temp_room1 is away from the FIBMOTION:current_temp_room1 (=Temp_Difference_room1) --> Set API:Nest_target to API:Nest_Current_Temp + Temp_Difference. Set the Thermostat to Target_Temp_room1 if it isn't already. Function:TURN OFF CENTRAL HEATING Trigger : Room Temperature has reached the Target_Temp Action : Set API:Nest_target to API:Nest_Current_Temp * https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/22592-danfoss-valves-and-room-sensor-winter-is-upon-us https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/21275-danfoss-lc-13-how-does-it-work http://www.vesternet.com/knowledgebase/technical/kb-7 https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/21899-danfoss-thermostat https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/22644-4100-danfos https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/19782-thermostat-danfoss-lc13-versus-devolo-thermostat https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/22981-nest-fibaro-z-wave-radiator-valves https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/22466-nest-thermostat-v3-fibaro-plugin-not-updating-workaround-found
Nest + Fibaro + Z-Wave Radiator Valves
dancar posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
Hi all,Has anyone done this?Fibaro HC2 + Nest + Z-Wave Danfoss Radiator Valves?Is the Fibaro able to control the temperatures in different rooms via the valves as well as then have the Nest functionality? In my flat I have 10 radiators flowing hot water for 10h a day. Heating is centralized the only thing I can do is open/close valves. Or would I be better adding a z-wave thermostat and z-wave valves in each room? Does nest being able to control each room then ?Any input valued -
Hello the info is quite limited to control Nest from Fibaro HC2. The plugin is pretty useless. I have the Gen 3 stat and there was no 'actions' available so basically couldnt do anything with the plugin. So after doing some reading i came across this thread by mrtn: http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/20367-nest-thermostat-setting-temperature-in-lua/?hl=%2Bnest+%2Bthermostat i modified this to my needs and came up with the following code below. Here is a short youtube demo of it: https://youtu.be/zMqbZRgXUhY I have decided to use just the aesthetics of the thermostat instead of the learning part of it, but all would work just fine regardless. enjoy! --[[ %% properties %% globals temp --]] local param1 = fibaro:getGlobal("temp") -- the variable that has been created local key = "XXXXXXXXXXXX" -- your key from the Maker channel on IFTTT local event = 'temp' -- name of the trigger you created in the Maker channel function PushData(key, event, param1) local httpClient = net.HTTPClient({ timeout = 2000 }); local url = 'https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/'..event..'/with/key/'..key..'?value1='..param1; --debug url print(url); httpClient:request(url, { success = function(response) if tonumber(response.status) == 200 then print("Updated at " .. os.date()); else print("Error " .. response.status) end end, error = function(err) print('error = ' .. err) end, options = { method = 'GET' } }); end PushData(key, event, param1);
Can I create a script to turn on the heating through the nest plug-in
Hi all I am trying to create a scene that changes the setpoint temperature of my Nest thermostat to 10 degrees after windows have been opened. I want the setpoint temperature to be set back to its previous setting once windows are shut. The first part is easy as I have used IFTTT with a Maker channel. But it doesn't look like it's possible to set it back to previous setting through IFTTT. I have the Nest plugin installed which works fine and when I create a new LUA scene, the only action event is 'SetMode' and looks as follows: fibaro:call(9, "setMode", "") Unfortunately there is not too much information available on this so any help would be much appreciated.