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Posted (edited)
27 minut temu, jgab napisał:

'..' is not for concatenating string. '..' is reserved for the between operator.

Ex. rule("88:breached & 10:00..15:00 => ....")

Use '++' to concatenate strings

However, I would recommend using the function 'fmt' - same as Lua's string.format - to create the text string. It will also allow you to control number of decimals

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i created this :

rule("#bmw_s5 {msg='$msg'} => fibaro.call(74,'updateView','text',fmt('Front Left:%02f%',msg.frontLeft.status.currentPressure/100))")
got this 
 [29.05.2022] [21:15:24] [ERROR] [QUICKAPP22]: in Rule:3[#bmw_s5 {msg='$msg'} => fibaro.call(74,'updateView','text',fmt('Front Left:%02f%...]: ./include/EventRunner.lua:1953: ./include/EventRunner.lua:1682: bad argument #3 to 'format' (no value)


interested is also one more thing, the behavior based on separator if I used '.' (dot) then 74 QA is not updated, if ',' (comma) then it works 


rule("#bmw_s5 {msg='$msg'} => fibaro.call(74,'updateView','labelPsi','text','2.4')") - not working

rule("#bmw_s5 {msg='$msg'} => fibaro.call(74,'updateView','labelPsi','text','240')") - not working --update!

rule("#bmw_s5 {msg='$msg'} => fibaro.call(74,'updateView','labelPsi','text','2,4')") - OK 

Edited by domin12
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    Sorry, I made a typo. One % too much and missing '.'

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    The problem with updateView is a Fibaro bug. The fibaro.call with a string argument that looks like a number will be converted to a number when it arrives.

    updateView requires a string as value so it doesn't work. It affect all fibaro.calls. It's really messy (see post below). Why they haven't fixed that in in 2 years I don't now. 



    The fix is to always json encode the argument

    rule("#bmw_s5 {msg='$msg'} => fibaro.call(74,'updateView','labelPsi','text',tjson('2.4'))") - not working


    • Like 1

    Jan I have a QA (1779) binairy switch with function;

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    How to switch on from another QA in ER?


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  • Posted (edited)
    15 hours ago, Sjakie said:

    Jan I have a QA (1779) binairy switch with function;

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    How to switch on from another QA in ER?


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    Your QA need to have

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    Edited by jgab

    Jan, thanks!

    I did't know 

    Your QA need to have

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    • 2 weeks later...

    Jan, to minimize the number of rules in QA is it posible for a variable with 10 options to log all values in one log rule?

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    Will not show log

    Please advice,


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    It should show value every time Occupation changes values and value is greater than 0.

    It works for me if I test it.



    note I have only my HC3 without any devices so for test I change value of variable unfortuanaly I choose the the wordt to test>> location. Will do $Test = 'On'or Off .

    My mistake I created a scene (to see how this works) to change the variable and pushed execute it only send the message but didt change the variable, back to ER :)

    Indeed it should work after the value change.

    Reduced 70 rules! Need to simplify more.




    Jan, last night 01:42 one of my QA (arming) restarted in log I see error at 23:59

    [09.06.2022] [23:54:02] [ERROR] [QUICKAPP1302]: in Rule:32[20:armed =>...]: ./include/EventRunner.lua:1949: ./include/EventRunner.lua:1628: attempt to call a string value

    I dont think this can be the cause.

    Any idea?




    Jan, I cant find in the documentation how to? or is it not possible?

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    I also try without :value 

    Thanks in advanced,


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  • Posted
    On 6/10/2022 at 8:21 AM, Sjakie said:

    Jan, last night 01:42 one of my QA (arming) restarted in log I see error at 23:59

    [09.06.2022] [23:54:02] [ERROR] [QUICKAPP1302]: in Rule:32[20:armed =>...]: ./include/EventRunner.lua:1949: ./include/EventRunner.lua:1628: attempt to call a string value

    I dont think this can be the cause.

    Any idea?


    This error looks impossible - at least the reported line numbers. Please let me know if it happens again.

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    7 hours ago, Sjakie said:

    Jan, I cant find in the documentation how to? or is it not possible?

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    I also try without :value 

    Thanks in advanced,


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    a < b | a > b

    is the same as a ~= b



    Jan, Thanks!!

    I cant get it to work, I updated the 2 variables so bezetting_kamers should be total 5 >>no log from the rule its un equal.

    Also I cant get the value bezetting_kamer in log>>gives table

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    This I have in my QA

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    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance


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    This is confusing

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    You are using $Bezetting_HalVoor as a deviceID with bezetting_kamer:value

    Like in your first example.

    What should $Bezetting_HalVoor represent?

    Posted (edited)

    Sorry Jan to see if this rule works I added some occupation in Bezetting_HalVoor and Bezetting_Badkamer

    Bezetting_xxxx>>are the rooms in the appartment

    So the Bezetting_Appartment = 2 but the sum of all rooms is 5

    according rule >>>log error and Telegram

    Does not log or send Telegram

    I cant log the value of bezetting_kamer>>>error Check - bezetting_kamer value is table: 0xaaaac77a7910

    Bezetting_Appartement will be used to arm/disarm appartment.

    If all is working properly than bezetting_kamer = $Bezetting_Appartement

    I need a to check if that will be true

    Please advice,


    Edited by Sjakie
    Posted (edited)

    i have a usecase for my bathroom - where my Pir sensor is not enough, so i have added a door sensor as well

    3 devices for this automation

    1. Light
    2. Door     sensor
    3. Pir     sensor

    Light is turned on when Pir: Breached


    When to close light???
    If PIR Breached, What is doorSensor after 5 seconds ?
    -    If breached (door open) – light is turned off when no movement(PIR) is detected over 30 sec.(someone entered the room, but didn’t close the door after entering, and has left again) 
    -    If safe (door Closed) – light is turned off 5 seconds after door.sensor is Breached 
    (this should indicate that someone is leaving the room, and don’t have to close the door, +5 gives enough time to leave the room)


    I was thinking on an automation something like this, but is there a more obviously way of doing this?

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    Edited by ChristianSogaard


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    On $Occupied_Toilet  > 0  >>>Light:on or $Occupied_Toilet == 0 Light:off



    For the bathroom I use2 pir's one in and one outside to cover if 2 persons are in the house but thats not fail safe.

    To avoid darkness when a person is in the bathroom I added a step between light on>>off

    In toilet light:off

    In bathroom lightDim:on >>>switch lightDim on, included bri and ct settings)

    TrueFor(00:02, lightDim:isOn) => LightOff

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    Yes, it's very difficult case - solution depends on bathroom layout and family behaviour - and there are an infinite number of variations on these parameters  ;-) 


    A simple case with a door sensor and a motion sensor that can detect if someone is moving in the bathroom.


    1. Motion sensor covers whole bathroom - also if someone is in the shower.

    2. When door is open it's ok to turn off light if there is no motion.

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    • Thanks 1

    Jan I still have an error and I have no clue how to solve it.

    If $Bezetting_xxxx is all zero or it's > 0 I get this error

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