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Found 10 results

  1. I'm really a noob with QA, and I've spent already hours and hours looking for a solution of my problem. Because HC3 does not yet support Somfy RTS, I want to control my Somfy roller shutters using Domoticz. I can easily operate them from Domoticz, and I can operate them also by an URL like, Off or stop) How can I integrate this in the standard QuickApp for the roller shutters? This QA has the following code: -- Roller shutter type should handle actions: open, close, stop -- To update roller shutter state, update property "value" with integer 0-99 function QuickApp:open() self:debug("roller shutter opened") self:updateProperty("value", 99) end function QuickApp:close() self:debug("roller shutter closed") self:updateProperty("value", 0) end function QuickApp:stop() self:debug("roller shutter stopped ") end -- Value is type of integer (0-99) function QuickApp:setValue(value) self:debug("roller shutter set to: " .. tostring(value)) self:updateProperty("value", value) end -- To update controls you can use method self:updateView(<component ID>, <component property>, <desired value>). Eg: -- self:updateView("slider", "value", "55") -- self:updateView("button1", "text", "MUTE") -- self:updateView("label", "text", "TURNED ON") -- This is QuickApp inital method. It is called right after your QuickApp starts (after each save or on gateway startup). -- Here you can set some default values, setup http connection or get QuickApp variables. -- To learn more, please visit: -- * https://manuals.fibaro.com/home-center-3/ -- * https://manuals.fibaro.com/home-center-3-quick-apps/ function QuickApp:onInit() self:debug("onInit") end I found a step by step tutorial, but only for the HC2:
  2. Hi all, On the Fibaro forum I seen various examples of people who succesfully configured Influxdb/grafana to work together with Fibaro. All with the goal to have improved logging of historic state changes of HC2. One of the solutions are provided by @bpannier, see github https://github.com/bpannier/Home-Center-2/tree/master/Device Dashboard. In all solutions I found I see that a scene is used to push data from HC2 into the influxdb. Influxdb also comes with chronograf, I guess this is a new feature. Chronograf seems an additional package that should make it easier (no CLI) to manage databases and visualization. I found a section about Fibaro in the default chronograf config file , see screenshot. So it seems that chronograf can pull information from Fibaro HC2 instead of HC2 pushing information to the database. Does anyone have experience with this / know how to configure this properly to make this work? I get an error 401 (no access) instead of 200 (success). If I test the fibaro API I can see data in browser even without using username/credentials (See screenshot) It also seems that Chronograf is limited in what it can pull from Fibaro. state changes of devices seems possible, globals seems not possible or at least I couldnt find it. Next to Fibaro I run Domoticz to read out my p1 port of "slimme meter". Domoticz has a build in function to push data to Influxdb. I now wonder; > should I use Chronograf (it seems a handy tool) > should I push data from HC2/Domoticz to Influx or should I (potentially Partially) pull data from Chronograf? > Is it possible (and smart) to mix push and pull strategy? > does anybody have experience / instructions how to configure this all? (I have the influxdb/grafana/chronograf as default config running on a Docker on my Synology NAS). Thanks! Regards, Jules
  3. Hi, I was searching on the forum about 2-way communication between Domoticz and HC2 (or HCL). What is my situation? At the moment I am running Domoticz with Fibaro modules and I am considering to move to Fibaro, however I want to keep my LUA scripts in Domoticz for the time being. The idea is to exclude all devices in Domoticz and move them to HC2 (or HCL) and keep the scripting running on Domoticz, so I am looking for a way to get variables from Fibaro to Domoticz for the LUA scripts. Furthermore if a variable from Fibaro triggers something in the LUA script in domoticz I want to sent a command back to Fibaro from domoticz. Is that possible? It is an in between solution so that my HA can keep on running. Thx already. Rik
  4. Dear All, I've installed 3 Fibaro Smoke sensors fgsd-002 throughout my home and have them connected to Domoticz; allong with some other zwave devices. Now i am a bit stuck with regards to integrating them in scenes i want to make. Do i have to make virtual switches for them, if yes, which type and how to know you did it right? Are they setup from the factory to send some kind of notification to domoticz triggering what? I suppose many home automators are using the software, also integrating Fibaro sensors? Tips for getting to know the software/tutorials for a non-IT background are most welcome! Cheers, Q
  5. Hello, I have the Bubendorff blinds connected to a Legrand Celiane switch. I have added the fibaro fgr-222 and included it in Domoticz. When I press open or close from Domoticz the blinds are moving up or down from few centimeters. It never go by itself to the bottom or to the top, same issue when I use the switch. Any help will be much appreciated. G
  6. Hi. New to configuration, I bought a Z-stick Gen5 and made a network in Domoticz. All worked fine for one flood sensor (it was included, it still detects water, it pushed a notification). But the smoke sensor somehow had "disabled" for all alarms in the tool (possibly because I replaced the battery?), so I manually changed those 2 settings and pressed "send configuration" to the device. Now I wanted to test notifications, but I can't test the sensor like I did when I bought it last year (leaving a match to smoke near it for a few seconds). Did I send an invalid configuration, like a delay? Am I testing it wrong?
  7. Hi. I have a Fibaro RGBW module that I connected to a RGB strip (note that there is no +W). I use a Raspberry Pi + Domoticz + Aeon Z-Wave Stick as a controller. Everything worked fine. Then I connected an analog temperature sensor LM35DZ that outputs 0-10V, so theoretically should work well with RGBW module. I attach a scheme of how I connected the modules. RGB color-changing functionality still works, however I seemingly can't figure out how to read a temperature/voltage from the sensor. I understand that the trick is in properly defining a parameter 14. I tried a number of different versions of parameter 14 that I found on the Internet or deduced myself. I can't get anything to work, including 39320 which I think should be the correct one (1001-1001-1001-1000, all normal monostable out, in4 analog in). I don't need any switches, I want to operate RGB through a Domoticz only. Is it possible to operate an RGB strip at the same time with analog 0-10V sensor? How should I connect and configure the node? What parameter 14 should be like? Thanks in advance, m.
  8. Privacy 'dead lock' for all HC owners ! @Fibaro, you really p!ssed me off now. We MUST agree with Fibaro's privacy policy or ELSE "the services are IMPOSSIBLE TO USE" as stated in https://id.cloud.fibaro.com/privacy-policy I do not agree the way Fibaro wants to use MY personal information by forcing all customers into this 'dead lock' situation. (With this construction, you are able to change the content stated on https://id.cloud.fibaro.com/privacy-policy at any time you like, without informing us, your paying customers.) Well dear Fibaro, after to many, many, many 1.bugs, 2.firmware upgrade problems and 3.failing plug-ins I'm am now completely done with Fibaro Home Center.
  9. I wonder if there is any plans on expanding the functionality of the virtual device in Fibaro HC2. As it works now it´s most suitable to use for controlling some other device with buttons, slider etc, and if you want to display data from another device all you can use is the label. My wish is that you should be able to choose the type of the virtual device. For example, if you want it to appear as a thermometer or humidity device, and be able to set the value of this device via http api and lua. This would open up the possibility to add virtual devices that gets updated via for example node-red or http from other sources. And in the user interface they will show up as a "common" sensor. That would be really nice. I think this functionality would make the platform more attractive for many people, and open up the integration between different protocols and vendors. Is it just me or is anybody else missing this functionality?
  10. Hi this is my first post! For a long time now I have been trying to get my HCL to send a string to my Raspberry Pi running Domoticz, I have managed to get weather and other devices to feed into the HCL but cannot get the HCL to control lights when setting up a virtual device. Can anyone help me, if I put the below into IE I can turn the light On: If I put the below string into HCL under a virtual device nothing happens: GET /json.htm?type=command&param=switchlight&idx=25&switchcmd=On&level=00x0D0x0A What I want to be able to do is control my LightwaveRF devices from my HCL. All the LightwaveRF devices are working on Domoticz on the Raspberry Pi Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Many thanks Vince
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