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Found 9 results

  1. Hi all, So I've noticed that there are two types of icons that I cannot seem to change in HC3 (not sure about other platforms). I have a number of Fibaro dimmer 2 modules in my house and I cannot seem to change the icon for the secondary switch (which I have running other devices) nor the parent (actually I cannot change the icon of any parent). There is also an issue with the open weather map QA1.1. I can change all icons except the parent. Actually the icon does change before the QA changes it back 1/2 second later. Does everyone else have this issue? Is there a reason for it? Can Fibaro change that in a future update? Thanks, Anthony
  2. Whenever a new device is included, several features are defined in communication with the hub: - The master/slave structure with several sub-devices (each with a device name and number) and end-points - The parameter structure (assuming there is a template) with default values - The basic associations to the HC2 - The network connections of the new device When all these are done, a "Configuration complete" is reported My question is related to the first item on this list, the basic structure. I have experienced that the sub-device (slave) structure is not consistent. As an example, inclusion of the HeatIt Z-Trm2 thermostat may end up with either 8, 10 or 11 sub-devices, "configuration complete" being reported in every case. If a soft reconfigure is done later, some slave units may disappear, while others are added. The sub-device names may end up being duplicated (e.g. "xxx.2.1" for two separate slaves). A full reconfigure avoids this, but may again end up with a variable device structure. I have experienced similar problems with other devices than the Z-Trm2 as well. This makes me wonder: When a device is set up at inclusion, is there no verification step in the protocol to assure that all sub-devices have been defined correctly? I suspect that jumbled structures may appear when communication between the hub and the new device is noisy or unreliable. But in such cases, error handling and verification should correct any errors and keep working until the basics are correct. This question therefore is for anyone who knows something about the basic protocols of the HC2, or maybe the z-wave protocol itself. Any experts out there who can clarify this? For normal users, this is obscure. PS: I post this in the HC2 forum, as it is a generic question about functionality. I assume the question is also relevant for the HC3, or even to the z-wave protocol.
  3. Whenever I write a new scene or include a new device, it seems that I need to manually update the access control for each user. When I initially set up the users (Configuration -> Access control -> Edit user -> Devices -> Edit access rights) I checked the box for each room. This gives a check mark on all devices in that room at that time, but does not include new devices added to the room at a later date. Is there a way to guarantee that a user's access to all devices in a room are maintained when new devices (or scenes) are added?
  4. I have 4 Hormann SRT231 thermostats. In the HCL interface each displays the battery level. However, in the temperature sensor section 2 of them also show the battery level, but 2 do not (see attached battery 1 and battery 2 pics) and the 'advanced' tab for the sensors show different information (battery 1a and battery 2a). What am I missing. Both devices are using the same template.
  5. I just wanted to change the password for the admin (Configuration - Access Control - administrator - change e-mail and password) of my HCL and as usual i used internet explorer, mainly as in other threads it was recommended to be the fastest, clicking around in the different views of the HCL. Instead of showing the wizard I get a blank screen only (pale blue). When I do the same in Chrome or firefox the wizard shows up and all is fine. Yes, history deleted. anyone else facing the similar/same?
  6. Hi. New to configuration, I bought a Z-stick Gen5 and made a network in Domoticz. All worked fine for one flood sensor (it was included, it still detects water, it pushed a notification). But the smoke sensor somehow had "disabled" for all alarms in the tool (possibly because I replaced the battery?), so I manually changed those 2 settings and pressed "send configuration" to the device. Now I wanted to test notifications, but I can't test the sensor like I did when I bought it last year (leaving a match to smoke near it for a few seconds). Did I send an invalid configuration, like a delay? Am I testing it wrong?
  7. Hi, could you please help me to configure the FGK10x Door sensor? My goal is to obtaining a notification when the window is opened or the shutters is moved. So I'm going to connect an external sensor to the FGK10x. How can I connect it? I'm using a Raspberry where I have installed Home-Assistant and I have plugged a Z-Stick Gen5 as controller. If I'm moving the magnet, the sensor icon turn on an icon and "Fibaro .... Access Control" icon changes the value to 22. While if I connect the shutters sensor to IN and GND inputs, the magnet sensor stops to working and if I move the wire sometimes the sensor icon turn on. In attach there is the node configuration file. I have tried to create a post in the Home-Assistant community. Thanks in advance Francesco node configuration file.xml
  8. Hi. I have a little problem with my HC2 V4.056. I added two new wall plugs to my system today and I can't get them to show up in my iPhone. I have added the wall plug as a new device and named it Stjärna. I set the 'Controlled Device' to lightning and placed it in the right room. It works fine via the web interface but not via the iOS app where it doesn't even show up. When I look at the device in the device configuration it looks different from previous wall plugs I have configured. image 1 On the new wall plug the Master is Unassigned and is not the Main_Zwave_Device an on an old wall plug. image 2 I have tried to figure out what is wrong but I can't figure it out. Anybody out there that has an idea what to do to get it to work with the iOS app?
  9. Hi All, someone know how is possible to configure http proxy settings on hc2 in order to connect to internet? My internet connection require to set an http proxy, and seems i'm not able to find this settings form in the hc2 configuration section. ng--
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