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Showing results for tags 's2'.
How to include existing Devices in S2, without Packaging?
Joystick posted a question in Home Center 3
Hi all I have the issue to include my existing devices in S2 Mode, but because most of the capable devices are 1-2 years old I do not have the packaging/info anymore. Is there a way to do this in some way? cheers joystick -
Hi Brains, This was working fine with my HC2. I've just moved to HC3 and I'm perplexed by the following behaviour: I have a Fibaro Dimmer with an S2 button and I have parameter 28 active and everything else is default. And this is happening with 5 separate dimmers. So when I double click the S2 btn for the first time it prints out DoubleClick and works fine. However the second time I double click it though it doesn't do anything. I try it again and nothing. I then single click the S2 btn and it prints out Click. I then double click and it works and prints out DoubleClick. However I try double clicking again and nothing. Same thing happens for single clicking the S2; first time it works and prints Click. Try it again and nothing happens. Try it again still nothing. Its not until I double click and it prints DoubleClick and then can single click and it prints Click. Any ideas what I've done wrong? { conditions = { { id = 23, isTrigger = true, operator = "anyValue", property = "sceneActivation", type = "device" } }, operator = "all" } local Debugger = 'True' local sa = sourceTrigger if sa.value == 16 then if Debugger == 'True' then print('Click') end end if sa.value == 22 then if Debugger == 'True' then print('Hold') end end if sa.value == 23 then if Debugger == 'True' then print('Release') end end if sa.value == 24 then if Debugger == 'True' then print('DoubleClick') end end if sa.value == 25 then if Debugger == 'True' then print('TripleClick') end end if sa.value == 26 then if Debugger == 'True' then print('Click') end end
- s2
- dimmer switch
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Associated S2 on dimmer not synced with associated device
P Jonak posted a question in Dimmer and Bypass
Hi Fibaro experts, I have been using my fibaro setup for a couple of years with mixed success. Some things work quite well and some, well not so well. Feels at times as if the software really isn't tested before it is released which is unfortunate. Anyway I still like what it can do so trying to live with the problem it causes. However, this problem really annoys me and must be fixable somehow so hoping someone out there has a clever answer for it. One of the setups I have today: 1 fibaro dimmer 2 in the hallway 1 fibaro dimmer 2 in the kitchen The dimmer in the kitchen is associated with the hallway dimmer so that S2 is able to control the light in the hallway. This works fine as long as I always control it from the kitchen. So if I press once the hallway lights up and if i press another time the hallway goes dark, just as expected. However, If I press once on S2 in the kitchen and then switch it off in the hallway (with the wall switch i have there) the control in the kitchen looses sync why i need to press it twice to light it up again. So what happens is that the kitchen dimmer works fine as long as I don't use the wall switch connected to the hallway dimmer. If I do then the dimmer in the kitchen Case 1: 1. activate S2 in Kitchen > Hallway lights up. 2. activate S2 in kitchen again > Hallway goes dark Case 2: 1. activate S2 in Kitchen > Hallway lights up. 2. activate S1 in hallway > Hallway goes dark 3. activate S2 in kitchen again > Nothing happens (reason is because the kitchen dimmer tries to shut down the hallway light as it wasn't aware that i already killed the light via the hallway dimmer) 4. if i then press S2 in the kitchen again the light in the hallway lights up again. A small thing but oh so irritating. There must be something I am missing as I have the same functionality in my walk in closet and my bedroom. However, with the difference that i there have a dimmer 2 in the bedroom and a dimmer 1 in the walk in closet. For some reason these two devices sync perfectly and work seamlessly together. Anyone out there that has the same setup? Have you been able to solve it? /Peter- 6 replies
- dimmer
- association
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Hi all, Setup - FGR-223 controlling up/DN on a roller door with an IR beam sensor wired to S2 so i don't crush cars. Issue - All works fine but when i trip the IR beam (to simulate a car in the way) the drive signal stops (good) then when i reinstate the beam it is like the FGR-223 will not reset. the only way i can get it to work again it to change parameter 151, save and change it back to 151=4 save and all good until beam trip again. Failed attempted solutions - 1. Changed parameter 151 to 3 and 4 not change. 2. Set parameter 41 to 4 then made a scene on the hold of the button but there is no option to make a scene on the release of a button to restart or reset. 3. Randomly checked and unchecked boxes (surprisingly this did not resolve the issue). Is there any manual for this device that goes more in depth than the basic one found on the website support? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
- rollershutter
- garagedoor
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Czy da się w double switch przyciskiem S2 nie załączać Q2 a uruchamiać scenę? Q2 uruchamiany byłby tylko zdalnie. Dlaczego tak? Wykorzystałem double sw pod włącznik światła (S1), a że mam tylko jedną lampę(Q1), to z drugiego wyjścia (Q2) przeprowadziłem fazę (L) pod gniazdo znajdujące się blisko włącznika. Chciałbym, aby S1 włączał lampę Q1, ale S2 nie włączał Q2 (bo to ma się wąłczać zdalnie przez apkę). S2 ma być gotowe do asocjacji lub sceny. Da się to zrobić i jak? Bo mi już koncepcje opadły.
- 3 replies
- doube switch 2
- s2
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hi, i’m new here and need some help with my install of a Fibaro FGR-222. All appears correctly installed, but the shutters won’t move to calibrate (flashing LED) and when i tested the relays by switching around my toggle switches of S1 & S2 it looks as if S2 may be broken as this shows a redLED whilst S1 shows a green LED. I presume the unit would not calibrate if it sensed one relay was dead? i’d just like to know whether i need to replace this unit. i bought it so long ago that it’s outside of warranty ( though unused up to now i might add). Thanks, Chris
Is there a way for a scene to trigger each time a push button connected to the S2 input on a dimmer with the scene activation setting enabled is activated? I can only seem to trigger the scene when the sceneActivation state changes. ie: double click after single click. I'm trying to setup a sensor override push button where the following should occur: single click = toggle light (on/off) + enable sensor override hold = start dimming light + enable sensor override release = stop dimming light double click = disable sensor override When the sensor override is disabled, the motion sensor will have control of the light. Cheers.
- 3 replies
- scene
- activation
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Hello All, I have got a number of Philips Hue GU10 (color) spots sitting behind a dimmer2. I basically have these spots at a dim level of 100% at all times and use the Hue Plugin and scripts leveraging this plugin to control the dim level. It would be nice (ideal even) if I could attach a switch to S2 on dimmer2. Then capture dim levels from S2 to drive a scene that calls the Hue Plugin to pass on or synchronise the dim levels accordingly. I know how to set dim levels though the Hue Plugin, but have not been able to figure out how to capture dim levels from S2 on dimmer2. Is there anyone who could give me a pointer? I appreciate all the help you can give me! Cheers, Barry