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A few days ago I found a first generation UBS in an old box and I decided to use it. The UBS is connected to two DS18B20 sensors that I have mounted on my underfloor heating pipes. After that I included the UBS in the Z-wave network and the sensor readings look great. However, the HCL GUI is showing some other weird things (with corresponding icons) : 3x motion sensor and 1x remote control ... There is no icon similar to the UBS circuit board (I also checked the master device) Does anyone know what is causing this? Thanks!
- ubs
- icons is missing
(and 2 more)
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The Smart Implant has major disadvantages compared to the older universal binary sensor. The ZWave + and everything else is nice, but useless to me in this case. Rather, it would be possible to change the type, as with the binary sensor. The type and the role always remain on binary sensor. This means that the Smart Implant cannot be used for a wired alarm system. Both inputs cannot be selected in the Fibaro alarm system. Question to @A.Socha or other Fibaro people , is there an update planned because UBS can no longer be bought. SmartImplant UBS
HI, I'm in the process of including all my devices back. I have 3 UBS and 2 of them have 4 DS18B20 probes connected. All 3 are including with just the following slaves. I tried excluding and including but not any better. I seem to remember with a previous Fw that if you didnt have any temp probes connected it wouldn't create the slaves but in this case all three are including without issue but just now temp slaves. Do I need to enable them or any ideas how to resolve? HC2 running 4.120 Thanks _f
I'm looking to upgrade my garden irrigation system and integrate it into my HC2. My current system uses 24v DC powered solenoid valves which are triggered via opto-coupled relays with a coil voltage between 5-15v DC. I want to control up to eight zoned valves from the HC2 web interface through schedules and interface switches (simular to how a light would be switched on/off but showing irrigation icons) Can I / should I use a Fibaro RGBW Controller?, or can I use the Fibaro Universal Sensor? (I'm not sure I can switch the two outputs of the UBS from within the HC2 interface though?) Thank you for any advice / recommendations in advance....
- 19 replies
I have a doorbell (pictured) which I'm trying to integrate a USB into, but having problems. I've tried following the instructions in the included manual, and also from https://en.robbshop.nl/smarthome/z-wave-projects/z-wave-doorbel, but without any luck, I think because the doorbells (there are two, hence the two sets of white wires) have a light and so one side of them is connected to 12v power. Can anyone tell me how I can get this working? Thanks, M
hello all firstly i could only post in this section and not where i wanted to as it was all grayed out??? my issue is this, i have managed to find out that the aeotec motion sensor gen4 is activating my outdoor porch light. however there is no scene setup, or association setup. bizzarrly the motion sensor is disabled? any thoughts? thanks
hi this has been happening for a while and i cannot explain it. it has started after the 4.170 update so dont know if its related? i have about 9 UBS which all have been working perfectly fine for a while and only 1 has temp sensors. i have noticed that since the last 4.170 update i am getting intermittent notifications that the sensors are being breached. sometimes they work and other times the dont. there is no pattern and i believe that my mesh network is pretty good and stable as no issues with other devices. (i have a fair few scattered around the house). anyone else experienced this issue?? thanks
- 2 replies
- fibaro ubs
- ubs
(and 1 more)
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Sterowanie jasnością oświetlenia - aktywacja scen
KrzysztofWasik posted a question in Sceny i Interfejs
Cześć Od nie dawna zostałem uszczęśliwiony kupując dom iz w komplecie był zamontowany już jakiś system Fibaro Więc jeszcze nie wszystko z nim ogarniam jeśli chodzi o oprogramowanie Tak się nie szczęśliwie złożyło iż w wiacie przy tarasie elektrykom zapomniało się założyć kabel do włącznika oświelenia albo go ktoś skasował Czy można by tak zrobić by z ubs w salonie który mierzy temperaturę wysterować jasnością dimmera2 ? Z tego co doczytałem w instrukcji ubs i w internecie to podpinamy pod IN1 i GND przycisk monostabilny i można tak zrobić iż przytrzymanie przycisku będzie regulowało oświetleniem dimmera2 na tarasie ? Jak rozumiem z opisów w ubs uruchamiam funkcję aktywacji sceny, tworze 1 scenę jeśli ubs sceneActivition 12 to uruchom scenę regulacja oświetlenia taras i 2 scena w scenie regulacja oświetlenia taras wpisuje zgodnie z tym co rozumiem i już ? A jednak nie działa mi niestety, wiec błędnie rozumiem czy mógł by Ktoś mi pomóc ? --[[ %% properties 195 sceneActivation %% globals --]] local dimmer = 195 if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(dimmer, "sceneActivation")) == 12) then local deviceValue1 = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(dimmer, "value")); if (deviceValue1 > 0) then end -
Small project - under-stairs light
AutoFrank posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
Hi, Another small project - Understairs light using the following 20V 65W laptop power supply Fibaro Binary Sensor Standard Magnetic contact Wall switch to turn on the light (LED strip) Box to hold the UBS (I used an old Alarm shock sensor container) Assemble the UBS, a little bit of soldering and some hot melt glue close the lid power lead and lead to contact sensor coming from box Mount under the stairs (need to tidy up brackets) Contact sensors installed and connected up and LED strip operational Job done.... -
Hi I've made a simple doorbell with a momentary switch and Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor. The idea is to get my Android to automatically launch my IP Camera App(Foscam) once the doorbell is pushed.(UBS will send a push notification) Tasker and Autonotification is installed. I've created a Profile Profile >> Event >> Plugin >> Autonotification >> Intercept >> Configuration >> (Not sure about settings here, only selected the App = Fibaro) Then created a Task App >> Launch App >> Foscam (The task works) Any ideas? Thanks
Hello everyone, Is UBS compatible with DHT22 (DHT11) umidity sensors? What happens if you replace the DC18B20 with a DHT22? Is it possible to set UBS to read humidity values? Can you put together on the same link both DC18B20 and DHT22?
UBS ma możliwość podłączenia 4 czujników temperatury DALLAS i 2 styków dodatkowych. Dla tych 2 dodatkowych styków można wybrać funkcję w parametrach zaawansowanych urządzenia : - czujnik drzwi - czujnik okna - czujnik dymu - czujnik zalania Brakuje mi dodatkowej funkcji np. INNE URZĄDZENIE tak, żeby aktywacja podłączonego styku nie była związana z systememe alarmu, a mogła być użyta do wyzwalania scen lub innych urządzeń.
Hi all, Since a few weeks (I think about 6) I have the following strange occurrence...... I have a doorbell connected through a UBS. Together with 2 other doorbells, they all 3 are connected via associations with my 3 doorbells. When someone rings one of the three bells I get a push message and a picture of who's at my porch. This worked well for a long time but since a few weeks (I guess about 6 weeks) a new thing happens: When someone rings the bell at the porch one of the rollers at my living room shuts. This is the one the most nearest to the UBS. I checked all scene's and associations but nothing strange was found (Except for some associations with modules that were removed a long time ago). Anyone an idea what's going wrong/weird? Cheers, Rick
KeyCode a LUA program for a Digital Key with Fibaro UBS
Franz posted a question in Scenes and Interface
KeyCode LUA program for a Digital Key with Fibaro UBS. KeyCode is a LUA script to create a digital key operated by a secret code. Requirements: Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor (UBS). one or two momentary switches (push buttons). Fibaro HC2. It permits to define: - two secret codes (one for each UBS input) - maximum number of failures - captive interval during which also the valid code will be recognized as invalid Two momentary keys can be used as keyboard to input the secret codes to open/close a door, arm/disarm alarms, turn on/off lights, etc... How it works. Input1 and/or Input2 of the UBS are configured to activate scenes. By pressing one, two or three times a momentary switch (key1, key2) connected to such inputs a digit (1, 2 or 3) is entered. A sequence of such digits is a code (secret code) that can be used to control devices, arm/disarm sensors/house alarm, activate scenes. The script permits to define secret codes of any length (any number of digits), composed only by the numbers 1, 2 or 3. Each digit of the code can be assigned to one of the keys (UBS inputs). It is possible to use only one UBS input or both the UBS inputs. For example, the code 2, 1, 3, 3, 1 corresponds to the following sequence: double click, one click, triple click, triple click, one click, of the key (momentary switch) to which the digit is assigned (digit to key assignment is described below). To confirm the code it needs to hold down one of the keys. The maximum interval between each digit or code confirmation sent to the script is configurable. Optionally it is possible to define the maximum number of consecutive code failures before to start a captive status interval during which also the right code will be refused as invalid. A code failure happens when the code confirmation is received (switch holding down) and the entered code doesn’t match the secret code. By one UBS and this script it is possible to manage a maximum of two secret codes, typically one code could be for activate a function (for example, arm a sensor) the other one to deactivate the function. You can download the script (ZIP file) and the documentation (PDF) here: http://domotica.gposta.it -
Czujniki temperatury DS18B20 do Fibaro UBS - magistrala
midi posted a question in Universal Binary Sensor
Witam, do modułu UBS chcę podłączyć 4 czujniki DS18B20 do jednej magistrali podpiętej do modułu UBS Figaro. Całość zgodnie z zaleceniami chcę poprowadzić jednym, trójżyłowym, cienkim przewodem (typu drut) zachowując topologię magistrali (zamiast niezalecanej gwiazdy). Cała magistrala będzie miała ok. 10m, a czujniki będą na końcowym odcinku magistrali wpięte w nią mniej więcej co 1m. Czujniki jednak muszę trochę dla estetyki i minimalizacji odsunąć od przewodu magistrali. I pytanie zasadnicze: czy będzie poprawnie jeśli do przewodu magistrali wlutuję dodatkowe fragmenty ok. 20 cm przewodu aby czujniki oddalić trochę od samej magistrali (unikając prowadzenia podwójnego przewodu do 3 z 4 czujników)? Nie pojawią się przez to jakieś zakłócenia i odbicia sygnału na magistrali 1-wire? Czy takie połączenia zrobić lepiej lutowane czy zaciskane/skręcane? Może pytania są dla Was banalne, ale instalację chcę wykonać hobbystycznie i jestem jeszcze amatorem, a nigdzie w dokumentacji ani w google nie znalazłem sugestii. Są oczywiście przykłady, że te czujniki działają również w topologii gwiazdy, ale wolałbym nie mieć w przyszłości żadnych zakłóceń - zwłaszcza, że przewody puszczam w miejscu mało dostępnym. Pozdrawiam