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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

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20 minutes ago, cag014 said:

But if your sensor configured go to safe after breach in 30 seconds, it means the sensor will stay breached for 30 seconds always! So the light will turn ON anyway.

Could you check and post your configuration?

Something like that

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You're the king! Very good work!



{0, "108",{state="value=true#15",timeSlot="21:30~06:00",trueAct={"91","setValue,50",""},falseAct={"91","setValue,0","10"}}},


Working very well! Thank you!

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    OK.. so it is Fibaro sensor. (As an example I posted Aeon Lab sensor)

    Please post parameter 6

    In my case is set to 30 seconds.

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    Edited by cag014
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    You're welcome...


    hi cag014


    i know the third condition is the delay time as in {"`light`","turnOn","50"} but how do i set a global variable after 30 seconds as in                 {0,"`frontdoor`",{state="value=true",trueAct={"housestatus","setGlobal",armed"}     but i dont want the global (housestatus)  to be set for 30 seconds so the area is clear before arming. hope that makes sense



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    for commands where third parameter uses for data add number in seconds within ~XX~ as prefix


    wonderful thank you again


    hi cag014,


    Can i use two properties at the beginning of a JM{} line e.g.    {0,"`frontdoor`"="value=true" and "&housestatus"=value=armed",trueAct={...............}

    is it simply  {0,"`frontdoor`"="value=true"|"&housestatus"=value=armed",trueAct={...............}  ?



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    you can use one of them as condition in trueAct()


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    To all users:

    Please download

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    to enjoy "big" screen view.

    Going forward this application will serve as UI for All-in-One Scene on HC3.  (No HTML support on HC3)

    I hope to release All-in-One Scene version for HC3. It will make migration from HC2  less painful  and will speed up HC3 opertaion.


    hi cag014,

    the JM{} line below:



    does the condition &alarmstatus:value=armed relate to just the {`strobe`","turnOff","30"} ? or the whole line, it appears that the first actions happen regardless of the condition?


    thanks Len






    hi cag014,

    the JM{} line below:



    does the condition &alarmstatus:value=armed relate to just the {`strobe`","turnOff","30"} ? or the whole line, it appears that the first actions happen regardless of the condition?


    thanks Len


    **** corrected typo ****

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    Yes, each condition related to the command where it is defined.In your case the condition is for {`strobe`","turnOff","30"} only


    If you want to set condition for entire line (for all action trueAct, falseAct,....) define lineState as follow:


    {0,"`frontdoor`",{state="value=true", lineState = {"{&alarmstatus:value=armed}"},trueAct={{"`strobe`","turnOn",""},{"housestatus","setGlobal","armed"},{`strobe`","turnOff","30"}}}},


    In this case any action will be done only if lineState is true (and off course state ="value=true" is true also)



     lineState syntax is the same as in conditions


    As always perfect answer. Also using webeye to display , looks very good

    thank you cag014

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    You're welcome.


    By the way in webEye to refresh the table press "Start".

    "Reload" button just reloads the debug window, while "Start" acts like Refresh button in scene.


    hi Cag014

    spoke to soon ..cant get webeye to work again now :(

    keeps giving me the message

    cross origin request blocked , im using firefox and have the extension added?





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    Yes, probably you have updated to version 74.xxx

    Please refer to

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    hi Cag014,

    is it possible to change the value of a local variable within AOS from outside of the AOS scene itself?


    eg if i have a local variable within AOS scene called housestatus can its value be changed using another scene?


    Thanks Len

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    No... HC2 scenes doesn't support that, but you can set housestatus as system global variable in no time.

    Define global variable housestatus and delete it from AOS local variable.

    No other changes required and it should work as usual.



    Thank you cag014 i had already tried that and found it to work but just wondered if it was possible so as to keep even more inside the AOS, but thank you for answering




    Hi cag014!


    Can you help me? I have got a keyfob. Example if i press the first button 3 times, the keyfob doing the first and secound action too.

    What is the correctly settings?


    Here is my parameters:


    {0, "140",{state="centralSceneSupport==1.Pressed",trueAct={{"142","pressButton,3",""},{"138","turnOn",""},{"TV:","sendPush","A TV bekapcsolva."}}}},
    {0, "140",{state="centralSceneSupport==1.Pressed2",trueAct={{"138","turnOff","2"},{"TV:","sendPush","A TV kikapcsolva."}}}},
    {0, "140",{state="centralSceneSupport==1.Pressed3",timeSlot="$sunsetHour~$sunriseHour",trueAct={{"142","pressButton,37",""},{"91","setValue,30",""}}}},



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    What type of keyfob you have?

    Keyfob should send how many times button pressed and not to send every press...

    Might be some configuration required....

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