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Showing results for tags 'Firmware'.
I have 2 RGBW modules which are in the kitchen and are on firmware 22.22. I get notified that new firmware is available. However, every time I try to update it, it comes back after a minute or so saying Update Interrupted - device connection lost. try again. Now as the relays are in a different room, how do I get this to update as I can't remove the relays and bring them closer to the HC2 nor can I move the HC2 to closer to the relays. Is there a way around this or do I have to just accept the fact that the distance betweent the 2 will always prevent the update from succeding??
Zachęcam do dzielenia się opiniami o nowym firmware głowic. Minęły 24h od aktualizacji (niestety problematycznej) i u mnie narazie działa wszystko stabilnie. Harmonogram, sensory temp itd. Przede wszystkim nie słyszę tak częstej autokalibracji oraz póki co żadna się nie rozkalibrowała. uwaga: po uaktualnieniu firmware głowica traci łączność z iphonem i z mostkami np AppleTV oraz wchodzi w tryb rozkalibrowany więc nie reaguje na manuane zmiany nastawy temp. Można odnieść wrażenie że update ją brickuje. Rozwiązanie które działa u mnie: 1. restart iPhone- wraca łączność 2. ponowna kalibracja w apce fibaro w polaczeniu z ustawieniem sposobu montazu glowicy (pionowo/poziomo) Jak u Was to działa? edit: 1 rzecz nie działa - po jakimś czasie nie dziala zabezpieczenie przed dziecmi mimo wlaczonej opcji i mozna zmieniac nastawy temp manualnie
Many thousands of Fibaro devices have been bought by non HCX users yet there is no way to update the devices to the latest firmware to fix bugs in the purchased products. The feature is advertised as a feature of the product and part of the certification but is not available to the majority of purchasers. Please could Fibaro provide a way to deliver firmware to modules that does not require a Fibaro controller.
I have three RGBW controllers. Two of them have been successfully updated to firmware version 27.27. The third refuses to do so. Download of the new version 27.27 is OK, but about half way through the installation it fails: Status: fail - update interrupted - device connection lost. try again.. This happens consistently, in spite of the fact that this controller is installed less than a meter away from the HC2. It may or may not be relevant, but I noticed today that during the update, the following message kept coming up: The last two lines were repeated every 4-5 seconds for several minutes: "set parameter 43, value = 0", and then "Received parameter 43 report, value = 5". My actual value for parameter 43 is the default value of 0.5 V. Why is this parameter changed during the firmware update? My current fw version on this controller is 25.25
- 11 replies
One day ago I received a lot of module firmware update notices for the Fibaro switch I can upgrade now from 3.2 -> 3.3 Biggest question, what's new ?where are the release notes ? I see no other mentions of this update or am I missing something. Hope someone can help me out here. p.s. I tried posting in the "Modules Update" forum but could not select it.
Hi, what is the latest firmwareversion of walli switch. When I looked for the latest manual I find one for V5.2 another for V5,0 - 5,1. When checkingf firmwareversion with HC2 5.1 is reported as up to date. Where can I get 5.2. Since last week I have an 0 answer-post for changing single/dual switchmode on a walli-switch. Maybe thats an known issue solved by 5.2. Yours Gerhard
Hello, I have 4 heat controllers which I bought back in february, and I would like to update the firmware on those. However, I am having neither a HC2 nor a HC lite, I am running a home assistant installation with a Z-Wave USB-Stick. How can I do the firmware update? Do I have to buy a home center, or is there any other way? If I have to buy a HC, will a HC lite be sufficient, or do I have to buy the expensive one? Thanks for your help.
Hi, When a device suchs as a dimmer, switch or Fibaro eye needs to be replaced it gets a different device number. so i have to change all the scene's where its in. is'nt there a way to replace the device without change the device ID? its quite a lot of work to change al scenes where its used in. If this aint possible, it might be an idee of adding it to one of the next firmware updates? Like a button: Replace device >> delete old device>> then include the device >>> and it keeps the same Device ID, so no changes need to be made in all the scene's it is in. Greetings TSN
In iOS 11 Apple made the ability for BLE devices to have much faster triggers for HomeKit. This requires a firmware update for the module and iOS 11. How far off is the update for the Motion Sensor?
Any plans for firmware update on Fibaro Intercom device. Normally, we have one house/building, with multiple/separate apartments, sharing the same main building doors. I think it should be "easy" to update "just software" and bring this nice feature/functionality. Inside app "Fibaro home", implement multiple "Apartments", invite user for each apartment. Ability that person / building visitor, chooses to ring, and choose a number of apartment (1,2,3..), to ring just to this apartment users. What do you think? Any chance to have this kind of firmware upgrade on such a great (and expansive) device?
Hi, How can I migrate my HC-2 from 1.170 to 1.160 version. Currently my Z-wave network is not functioning properly. And I am not getting any proper help from Fibaro Support. If any member has face such issue then please help me to sort out. For kind information, every devices is working perfectly from last 2 years. I am facing this issue from last 2-3 days. My all devices are located with in 15 Feet distance from HC-2.
My motion sensor will not update. i am due for a version 2.7 upgrade. every time i start the update and starts the download i wake up my motion sensor then after about 6-10 seconds it says failed. What am i doing wrong? *i have a new battery in it *no scenes are running *have limited CPU usage *motion right next to home center anyone have any ideas?
- 2 replies
- motion sensor
- update
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Hi, Yesterday I've received my first HCL. (so i'm pretty new to these gateways). After installing and upgrading to the latest beta (4.1.622) due to the Fibaro heating valves i use, I've don some checks on the HCL. According to my tests, HCL is using as a webserver nginx version 1.9.5. nginx 1.9.5 mainline version has been released is released on 2015-09-22. Current mainline version is 1.13.9, released on 2018-02-20. A lot of security fixes and performance issues are solved between these releases. Request: 1. Please update the Fibaro Firmware (webserver) with a newer mainline version of NGINX. 2. Please disable we can see the webserver software and version with a simple telnet to the gateway with regards, Hans
Hello. I have 4 RGBW modules controlling Chinese cheap RGB LED stripes. They are all on firmware version 26.25 which is the latest update. Also I can write that they are all working OK. I noticed that sometimes I get this messages in notification window on top of the web GUI interface: This is definitely not initiated by me. My HC2 is on 4.140, but that was also happening on 4.130. I had to soft reconfigure all of them before making upgrade. One of the RGBW modules soft reconfiguration ended with non configured state and I had to do forced deletion and inclusion but that one is not causing above notifications. Is there anyone else with same case? Is there anything I can do to stop this?
Hello all, I'm working of a Zipatile controller from Zipato. But all my dimmer modules are FGD-212 modules. There are recent firmware upgrades I don't have. How can I update the modules myself, via the Zipato controller? I can't find an instruction on upgrading the firmware anywhere. Regards, Pieter
Hi, is it already possible to get files for updating devices in Homeseer Hs3? The Z-wave confing page for the fibaro devices has an option available for updating the firmware: This is what the page is giving when looking at a double relay switch par example: Current Firmware: Manufacturer = Fibaro Version: 2.1 Click the button to upload a .hex or .hec firmware file provided by the manufacturer, to be uploaded to the device.
Privacy 'dead lock' for all HC owners ! @Fibaro, you really p!ssed me off now. We MUST agree with Fibaro's privacy policy or ELSE "the services are IMPOSSIBLE TO USE" as stated in https://id.cloud.fibaro.com/privacy-policy I do not agree the way Fibaro wants to use MY personal information by forcing all customers into this 'dead lock' situation. (With this construction, you are able to change the content stated on https://id.cloud.fibaro.com/privacy-policy at any time you like, without informing us, your paying customers.) Well dear Fibaro, after to many, many, many 1.bugs, 2.firmware upgrade problems and 3.failing plug-ins I'm am now completely done with Fibaro Home Center.
hi all, This is my first post on the forum SO HI!! We're hoping someone else is experiencing the same issues. Fibaro has been running very well for the last 18-24 months then this, it comprises of a gradually built system with the following HC2 and 30+ fibaro modules (doors, motion, flood, Smoke, rgbw, dimmer 1 and 2s, relays. almost the whole suite) and 4 older aeon lab relays that were laying around. I got some bizarre problems with 4.08 - 4.10 upgrades in that motion sensors stopped working, scripts changed doors from breached to armed, scenes stopped working altogether that worked fine for over a year, door sensors stopped working and loads of other issues. i thought it was because of lots of tinkering over the course of that time; so decided to restore and start fresh. I firstly installed all latest firmware 4.100 before adding any modules. Things got weird door sensors wouldn't work and toggling between awake, update ok, awake, update ok for hours gave up and took out the batteries after 4hrs removed batteries and rebooted reset and re-added nothing changed motion sensors ran like strobes and didn't work at all in scenes inspected all their parameters and most were nothing like default replaced the settings to what they are meant to be and they just won't take the new settings. Only wake for 1-2 seconds only then back to disco mode aeon labs relays that worked in 4.08. They add in and show that they work in the app/browser but don't respond at all (lights stay off) scenes don't work with variables the list goes on............. What took originally a few hours to redo a year ago i ended up wasting 12+ hours yesterday investigating all i could Today i decided again to do a fresh install buy installing modules that had issues in 4.100 straight into 3.600 (basically battery operated Motions, Flood, Smoke and door reeds, PLUS the 4 Aeon labs relays). Made sure EVERYTHING was removed on the previous install of 4.100, eprom reset every module and then recovered to V3.600 They all work fine! WOOOHOOO i'm getting somewhere..... then Updated to V4.100 and all aeon lab modules doing exactly the same ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH and most battery devices gone from the interface and doing crazy stuff again when removed and then re-added I'm hoping i'm not alone here but this is the 3rd attempt with no luck. It's that bad that the whole automation system is disabled plus all batteries removed (over the disco) and we're just using it as a normal lighting system with button dimmers:( IS THERE ANYWAY of restoring and upgrading to V4.08 only? PLEASE HELP Thanks in advance for any assistance Regards Szymon
do you know any procedure for updating the firmware of the devices with HCL? thx
Hi, In fibaro spots there is a clear reference to a "wireless firmware update". at this moment I've 7 FGMS-001 motion sensors and some are with version 2.6 and some with 2.7 version. How can I update the 2.6 devices to 2.7?
- 8 replies
- Firmware update
- firmware
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Hi, I thought I would share some new on the 25.25 firmware for the RGBW module... I've got three of these modules, two have firmware 22.22 which works perfectly in every-way I use it (Just with single colour LED strip), the Third module is running the newer Firmware 25.25 The Module running 25.25 has a bug in the firmware which doesn't allow it to be probably controlled over association. Basically it will always switch on at 1-5% brightness from association. You can still dim up, dim down, switch off, double click etc... but it will ALWAYS come back on at 1-5%. I've been speaking to Fibaro Tech support (Slowly) and thereby basically said there is no cure for this. I just thought I should share this as others may have the same problem. The e-mail chain from Fibaro is below:
HC2 and HCL compatibility lists?
andersgreen posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
When looking around at compatibility lists on the net they often refer to HCL or HC2 4.x. If I am running a HCL with 4.x should that be fully compatible with modules for HC2 4.x? Is there something in the support for modules that differ from HC2 and HCL on the same firmware? /Anders