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  1. Here is a link to a set of QAs to control Shelly devices. https://www.smarthome.com.au/free-shelly-quick-apps-for-fibaro-home-center-3/ It's both gen 1 and gen 2 devices. Gen 2 devices are easier to integrate with the web socket API than the gen 1 where we need to poll the device with regular interval. Battery operated devices are in general a pain to support as they sleep and wake up now and then - which makes polling difficult. So, battery devices are not in focus The QAs support the basic features expected from a device of that QA type so they fit into the fibaro model of handling devices. Extra features like setting timers etc that Shelly support is better handled with the pretty good mobile/cloud Shelly app. There are a lot of devices that are potentially supported but not all have been tested. Please give us feedback here or in https://www.smarthome.com.au/free-shelly-quick-apps-for-fibaro-home-center-3/ so we can come out with an 1.1 update... (gen 1 Shelly 1 and Shelly 1PM have issues but will be fixed in next release) The suite contains 5+1 different QAs that each support different Shelly devices. The devices tested, and devices not tested but we expect they could work are: ShellyMultiDevice v1.0 com.fibaro.deviceController + child devices Supported Shelly devices: - Shelly 3EM (Gen1). Note: untested Children: - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.energyMeter - com.fibaro.energyMeter - com.fibaro.energyMeter - Shelly EM (Gen1). Note: tested Children: - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.energyMeter - com.fibaro.energyMeter - Shelly Plus 2PM (Switch) (Gen2). Note: tested Children: - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - Shelly Pro 2 (Gen2). Note: untested Children: - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - Shelly Pro 2M (Switch) (Gen2). Note: tested Children: - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - Shelly Pro 3 (Gen2). Note: tested Children: - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - Shelly Pro 4PM (Gen2). Note: tested Children: - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.binarySwitch - com.fibaro.binarySwitch Supported HC3 QuickAppMethods: - <com.fibaro.binarySwitch>:turnOn() - <com.fibaro.binarySwitch>:turnOff() - <com.fibaro.binarySwitch>:toggle() ShellySingleColor v1.0 com.fibaro.colorController Supported Shelly devices: - Shelly Color Bulb (Gen1). Note: tested, only color mode for now - Shelly RGBW2 Color (Gen1). Note: tested Supported HC3 QuickAppMethods: - QuickApp:turnOn() - QuickApp:turnOff() - QuickApp:setValue(val) - QuickApp:setColor(r,g,b,w) - QuickApp:startLevelIncrease() - QuickApp:startLevelDecrease() - QuickApp:stopLevelChange() ShellySingleCover v1.0 com.fibaro.rollerShutter Supported Shelly devices: - Shelly Plus 2PM (Cover) (Gen2). Note: tested - Shelly Pro 2M (Cover) (Gen2). Note: tested Supported HC3 QuickAppMethods: - QuickApp:open() - QuickApp:close() - QuickApp:stop() - QuickApp:setValue(value) ShellySingleDimmer v1.0 com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch Supported Shelly devices: - Shelly Dimmer 1 (Gen1). Note: tested - Shelly Dimmer 2 (Gen1). Note: tested - Shelly Vintage (Gen1). Note: tested Supported HC3 QuickAppMethods: - QuickApp:turnOn() - QuickApp:turnOff() - QuickApp:setValue(val) - QuickApp:startLevelIncrease() - QuickApp:startLevelDecrease() - QuickApp:stopLevelChange() ShellySingleSwitch v1.0 com.fibaro.binarySwitch Supported Shelly devices: - Shelly 1 (Gen1). Note: untested - Shelly 1L (Gen1). Note: untested - Shelly 1PM (Gen1). Note: tested, not working yet...TBD - Shelly Plus 1 (Gen2). Note: tested - Shelly Plus 1 PM (Gen2). Note: tested - Shelly Plus Plug IT (Gen2). Note: untested - Shelly Plus Plug S (Gen2). Note: tested - Shelly Plus Plug UK (Gen2). Note: untested - Shelly Plus Plug US (Gen2). Note: untested - Shelly Pro 1 (Gen2). Note: tested - Shelly Pro 1 PM (Gen2). Note: tested Supported HC3 QuickAppMethods: - QuickApp:turnOn() - QuickApp:turnOff() - QuickApp:toggle() ShellyPlusHT v1.0 com.fibaro.temperatureSensor + com.fibaro.humiditySensor child Supported Shelly devices: - Shelly Plus H&T (Gen2). Note: tested, experimental, only wakes up when new data is available Children: - com.fibaro.temperatureSensor - com.fibaro.humiditySensor Supported HC3 QuickAppMethods:
  2. Cześć, Po ostatnim razie gdy zawiesiła mi się centralka Fibaro HC3 i nie miałem do niej lokalnej dostępu wpadłem na pomysł podłączenia jej pod gniazdko wifi żeby w razie konieczności mieć możliwość zdalnego twardego restartu centralki. Najchętniej kupiłbym coś w rozmiarze wall pluga od Fibaro ale teraz pełno jest tej chińszczyzny, że nie wiadomo czy po pół roku trzeba będzie wymieniać je lub nie spowoduje jakiegoś pożaru. Proszę o głosy tych co mają takie gniazdka (tylko i wyłącznie z komunikacją wifi bo muszę się uniezależnić od z-wave). Oczywiście wszystkie pozytywne i negatywne opinię wezmę pod uwagę. Jedyne obciążenie tego gniazdka to będzie centralka HC3 czyli pewnie max. kilkanaście watów.
  3. is there a way to make home or away Variables by using your wifi at home so the Fibaro system nows when I ip dress comes into the area it know someone is home
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Several icons to visualize the online status of devices alexa, pc, tablet, laptop, smartphone, tv
  5. Dzień dobry, Jak poprawnie skonfigurować Pralko-suszarka SAMSUNG WD90N740NOA QuickDrive w systemie fibaro? System Fibaro połączyłem z kontem samsung i pralka automatycznie się dodała. Pralka ukazuje się wraz z innymi urządzeniami, ale jedyne co wyskakuje wysyłam w załączniku. Czy da się jakoś to zaprogramować aby wykorzystać funkcje tej pralki ( w aplikacji smartthings dostępne są zdalnie wszystkie funkcje pralki). Pozdrawiam
  6. hi Why Fibaro cant control products connected via Wi-Fi like example wall plug TP-Link or others?
  7. A smart home should know you have arrived without being told. Arriving on a pitch dark freezing cold November evening in Oslo, Norway loaded with carrier bags and all lights turning on when you approach the door. Wonderful idea. So I dived into HC2 Geofencing. Only to find that a useful position update frequency (5-10 seconds) killed my mobile battery. Started thinking of ways your LAN could tell HC2 that the Master had returned, but found the limits of my network competence. Now enter this clever French guy: https://www.domotique-fibaro.fr/topic/2613-detection-de-présence/ who came upon the idea of checking the presence of the MAC address of your mobile device on your LAN. What he did was simply to make HC2 probe the presence of the mobile MAC address on the LAN ARP table. Frequently probing when not at home, less frequently when at home to ensure quick response when arriving at the door as well as reduce risk of "false departures" when at home. Seemed to work perfectly. The code is nicely written, clearly commented and implementation well explained. A true role model to follow for all the codeaholics out there publishing brilliant code that cannot be implemented or understood outside the immediate congregation. Happy for a while, until I learnt that iPhone has the habit of turning off WiFi after screen closes. Not only is WiFi turned off, but the MAC apparently disappears from the ARP table. My house went into all lights off Absent mode and WAF nosedived....:-( Turned out to be a well known fact and commented on numerous web sites. Here is my workaround: I kept Sebcbien´s presence/absence VDs running in its original form, but made my absence scene manual, with a 15 min delayed setting of a status variable to "Away". My thinking is that pushing a button when actually leaving is no big deal. And good security practise if and when I include a door lock in the system. The arrival scene is however kept automatic and will respond within seconds once you return on the LAN. But you will have to activate the mobile screen to ensure quick WiFi logon and response. Not perfect, but quite good actually. Here are the elements: (1) Sebcbien´s Virtual Device code above, version 2.10 (you might need to activate Google translate from French in the Domotique Forum). This VD code will set a 0/1 Absence/Presence variable. One VD and variable for each family member's mobile MAC address is advisable. You will need to modify in the code (a) The name of your absence/presence variable (b) Your mobile MAC address - to be entered in the VD address field (c) The ID numbering of your icons to be used. Seems I am the only person in the world not knowing that you can easily find this number by right clicking the icon and select "Inspect". Amazingly difficult to find this annoyingly simple procedure. (2) The code has the ability to change the VD icon depending on Absence/Presence. Quite nice and useful. (3) A (manual) "Leave" scene that when activated does the leave job, turns off lights etc and triggers a 15 min delayed second scene that eventually sets a status variable to "Away" once you are well away from your door. I had to set up a second scene, since a variable apparently cannot be set with delay in the block editor. This can probably be solved easily in LUA. (4) An automatic "Arrive" scene that is triggered whenever one of the above mentioned VD variables is set to 1 AND the status variable is "Away". This scene will then turn on lights and devices and set the status variable to "Home". This approach, although not as elegant as I would have liked to see this, will prevent the "Leave" scene from being triggered when iPhone goes to sleep. I would be great to receive improvement proposals or alternative ideas
  8. Hello, Today I have a HC2 with a lots of z-wave devices (Fibaro walls plug, motion sensors...). That works perfectly in the main building. Now I need a wall plug in another building 100 meters away. To far for z-wave. That building is on the same wifi as the main building and all wifi gadgets (camera...) work there. Does anyone know how to get a HC2 controllable wall plug in that building? As I see it, my "options" are: 1. Find a HC2 compatible wifi wall plug 2. Find a wifi wall plug with an open api and do a little LUA programming in HC2 3. Find a way to extend the z-wave network over tcp/ip. This must be a common problem for all with several small buildings (garages etc.)
  9. amatt


    Has anyone successfully integrated ecobee into HC2? I believe that there is a API for ecobee and could be used in Lua.
  10. Witam. Mam pytanie czy ta kamera Orllo będzie współpracować z Fibaro? http://allegro.pl/kamera-zewnetrzna-s-sony-full-hd-ir-180-panorama-i7282058327.html A jeżeli nie to jakiej kamery zewnętrznej szukać do Fibaro i na co zwrócić uwagę, żeby współpraca Fibaro z kamerą była pewna. Poproszę o odpowiedź. Pozdrawiam
  11. I have below script VD in LUA which detect my phone IP in network - works good :] Now question - how can i must create scene with blocks ? after detect my phone in local network switch lights or etc...... Must first make variable or how? Please help really dont know, try since few hours
  12. Hi all, I have an Itho Eco RFT ventilation box, wich can be controlled by a wifi interface. You can make api requests, wich work fine i.e. a browser. Here are te requests that are available: http://192.168.x.x/api?action=Low http://192.168.x.x/api?action=Medium http://192.168.x.x/api?action=High http://192.168.x.x/api?action=Timer http://192.168.x.x/api?action=Learn http://192.168.x.x/api?action=reset&value=true I want to put this in a VD. 3 buttons for "Low, medium and high". How can I put these URL's under the buttons? Thanks!
  13. Can I control WiFi operated touch switch with Fibaro
  14. Hi, I have an ipad that is always on and always connected using the Fibaro app. Ever since 4.110 upgrade, it looses connection every few hours and I have to press "refresh". Anyone else experiencing this??
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