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  1. Hi @ll, I have floor heating system in HC3 with 8 phisical zone and 6 virtual zone and each zone has own trisensor. To contorl floor heating system according to the temperature I add 6 thermostat into my system. This part is working fine. I would like to create a scene or method to switch virtual thermostat heat mode off and on if I press a virtual button (if I open a window I need only one press instead of 6+ ). Unfortunatelly virtual thermostat can not select as device in scene. Any suggestion?
  2. Hello, I have climate shcedule problems with hc3. Now I use HC3 (now 5.140, had the same issue before with previous firmwares too), Heatit z-temp2 thermostat, fibaro relay module. My problem: I can clearly see that the issue is caused by the virtual device Thermostat& Heating zone (plugin used for manual mode). We use the heating in schedule mode, at every temperature change has the same strange thing. For example: From 4-6 pm we ask for 18 celsius, than 6-7pm we ask for 21 celsius, from 7pm again 18celsius. Now at 6pm every time the schedule mode sets the 21 celsius but immidiately after the manual mode turns on (without manually use, we do not touch the thermostat nor the application or anything for climate change) and gives again the 21 pm but with the plugin's parameter it stays for 4hours. So instead of 7pm 18 celsius the system stays on 21 for 3 more hours... Btw... I have so much trouble with HC3. The lights, scenes, heating. It has so many problems... With HC2 everything works just fine and HC3 I have issues from the beginning. I use it since about 6 months and had no sollution for many problems. Hope someone can help me, cause I need to solve this heating problem asap. Thank you!
  3. Anybody using the Namron thermostat wall plug with a Fibaro controller? I have been trying hard to set it up with my Home Center LIte, and cannot get it to work. Any advice would be welcome. Also, if anybody can recommend any other z-wave products to control electric heaters that would also be of interest.
  4. I am using version Yubii 1.17.0 on my iPhone 12 mini. When I open the heating panel it gives me a list of all my heating zones. The problem is that the field available for each zones name is only 15 characters long. Fibaro put the phrase "Temperature in" before each Zones name. This means that every zone just shows up as "Temperature in..." so you cannot tell which zone is which. Furthermore if you then select a zone the name at the top of the screen only has another 4 characters available so even then you can't see the full name. For example I have two zones Main Bedroom and Main Bathroom. If I select a heating zone it shows the names of the zone as "Tempature in Main...". So I still cannot tell which zone I am looking at. We already know we are looking at the heating panel so the use of the words "Temperature in..." is unnecessary. Is there a way to change this? Thanks
  5. When I open the app on my phone or tablet and go to a room i only can set the heating set point but not the cooling set point. I have 7 rooms set up with each room having a cooling and heating panel is the cooling option only available via the desktop site?
  6. Hello, iam implementing automated heating which would consider weather temperature forecast for heating. Unfortunatelly although everything works fine iam not able to get forecast from ope weather. Everything works when i send same request using browser but as soon as i send it through Lua. API returns 401 Invalid API key. See yourself: local openWeatherAPIKey = "xyxyxy" -- You need to fill this out function process_heating() -- inside here i have implementation of heating itself, not interesting... end local location = api.get("/settings/location") local lat = location.latitude or 0 local lon = location.longitude or 0 local locStr = "lat="..lat.."&lon="..lon local opts = "&units=metric&cnt=1&appid="..openWeatherAPIKey local fullRequestUrl = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?"..locStr..opts fibaro.debug("topeni", fullRequestUrl) local http = net.HTTPClient() http:request(fullRequestUrl, { options = { checkCertificate = false, method = "GET", timeout = 5000 }, success = function(res) local openWeatherData = res.status == 200 and json.decode(res.data) local max_temp = 0 if openWeatherData then max_temp = openWeatherData.list[0].main.temp_max fibaro.debug("topeni", "Today max temp: "..temp_max.."C") elseif res.status == 401 then local resp = json.decode(res.data) fibaro.debug("topeni", "Unable to load weather data 401: "..resp.message) fibaro.debug("topeni", fullRequestUrl) else fibaro.debug("topeni", "Unable to load weather data "..res.status) end process_heating(max_temp) end, error = function(res) fibaro.debug("topeni", "Unable to load weather data: "..res) process_heating(0) end }) Script outputs final request URL in case of failure to console. When i run this it fails, when i copy that final URL to web browser i get data as expected. Any idea what could be wrong?
  7. Hello First steps in HCL I have the need to activate and deactivate a thermostat, Active 1 week to apply the planing of the heating panel the next week or deactivate the device or change the thermostat's planning, so that it does not turn on. Virtua l Device? VAriables? Any contribution will be well received. Many thanks
  8. With Yubii Favorite Screen some of my Heating Icons have a filled background some not. What should that mean to me? That the valve are open / closed ? Any suggestions are welcome.
  9. Dear All, I would like to ask you for advise how to controll the best way a hot water floor heating by Fibaro. Is there any plug in using hysteresis and some self learning mode? Do you have some useful code for LUA you can share? What valves for distributor do you recommend? Do you use a room termostat or a simple temperature sensor in motion sensor or in any other device? Thank you very much.
  10. Dear Fibaro users, On HC2 application is no problem to use on the Heating Panel the HOLIDAY MODE function ( see attached picture ). I try to find the same function in the new Yubii mobile application but I can't find that function. Can you please help that the HOLIDAY MODE is realy not available in the Yubii mobile application ? Thank you
  11. HCL with 4.057 beta: I'm trying to make linked devices from temperature sensors to my unique boiler actuator (HRT4). The HRT4 is correctly added to HCL and it's displayed in devices, but it doesn't compare in "switch" select box in under "heating panel" in "linked devices". any idea?
  12. Hello everyone, As many before on this forum I'm working on my heating system and want to convert my current single room heating plan into to a multi zone heating plan. I want to integrate my boiler into my heating plan but want to create some safety interlock that I won't fire up the boiler if all the thermostats are closed. I think this is a very important feature and often overlooked as the behavior of a thermostat is to close more and more when the thermostat is reaching it's set-point to prevent overshoot. So therefore I need to know what to position is of the valve, based on that condition i went for the TRV's of eurotronic as it stated in the manual that it is able to report it's current valve position. And it looked like everything would work correct with the fibaro template as I was able to set parameter 6 and enable the valve postion reporting. I think everything is configured correctly but i have a bit of strange behavior now in fibaro when I enable parameter 6. The setpoint value is getting overwritten with the valve position percentage: Setpoint displays: new setpoint in degree Celsius After few minutes same device is overwritten and setpoint value displays Open valve percentage (unit doesn't update and stays on degree Celsius): Enabled parameter 6. When i change setpoint and debug the info. I noticed the following behavior: Setpoint change -> Setpoint value displays setpoint -> after few minutes Setpoint value displays: valve position -> Setpoint value displays setpoint value again. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong values but here is the list of the available values: I wasn't able to locate the opening valve percentage value in this list to make a virtual device as work around.. Does someone have a solution for my problem? I would like to receive the actual setpoint and the open valve percentage on a different value/device.
  13. Hi people, who knows about things, I'm quite new in HC2 so might this is reason but I don't understand the logic of dashboard. I have home with 10+ rooms, regulated heating with temp-switch pairs (smoke detector + smart plug or single relay = connected device) and 2 bath-ruums with "real termostates". To monitor overview of climate system I find that Dashboard - Climate - Heating is good for overview but - only my batchrooms appear there. All rest isn't here visible. On mobiile app - all "heated" rooms (together 13 rooms) all are listed on climate view. My question - why heated rooms aren't listed on Dashboard? With bests Henn Sarv
  14. Do you use the Danfoss Z-Wave RS Room Sensor (014G0160) with your HCL-Gateway? If so please reply how it works. Can you adjust the room temperature with it?
  15. Hello, Need to turn on / off the Bosh Gas boiler depend on my thermostats status. Using devices list: Controller: Fibaro Home center 3 Thermostats: (For water based heating. Everything is underfloor) Electrical valves (for Open, Close) Bosh GAS Boiler (we have underfloor heating by water)) Have 1 relay turn on / off How it works now: I should turn ON the GAS BOILER BOSCH manually and set the max water temperature and it works automatically. Everything looks almost good, but not very smart, because when all valves are closed, I need to close it manually. I understand that this action will be done by my boiler, but it takes a long delay to do it and it's not healthy for a boiler when valves for underfloor heating are closed. When I change the thermostat temperature it open or close the valve depend of the temperature in the thermostats and boiler should start heating again. The main problem The main problem is, when all valves are closed, I need to stop heating the Bosh Boiler. I can do it by disconnecting 2 wires in the boiler (photo attached) this case can be done using a relay. I guess that I need to build a scene that retrieves data from thermostats and depends on it what do to - turn the heating on or off (using a relay). Problem is that I don't understand params in thermostats what does it mean. -- I think that I should based on Thermostat mod, but what is the differences between HEAT, Energy Heating, Away?? Like I have said before, need to turn on the relay when my thermostats say need heating! Thanks for advices. I got 7 thermostats for different rooms temperatures
  16. Problem description: Cannot control or adjust the room temperature with the Danfoss Z-Wave RS Room Sensor. The settings in the radiator thermostat are not updated (no change). System setup: Danfoss Living connect Z radiator thermostat (014G0013) is installed in the living room. Temperature is controlled by the Home Center Light (4.061 Beta) via Heating panel and schedule heating programs. Works alright. Manual adjustment directly on the radiator thermostat and via HCL (Devices) is also working fine. All is good. I have bought new Danfoss Z-Wave RS Room Sensor (014G0160) and would like to adjust the living room temperature with it. Device is installed and shown in the living room. Manual adjustment via buttons (up / down) of the room sensor is shown in the HCL interface. However the settings from the Room Sensor are not taken over by the radiator thermostat. No update. The room sensor is not linked to the radiator thermostat. The radiator thermostat does not care about the room sensor settings. Configuration Room Sensor: Parameter 6 Set-point control function: Enabled Parameter 7 Temporarily override scheduler: Enabled Parameter 8 Set-point type in Thermostat_Setpoint_Reports: Heating What is wrong? How can I use the Room Sensor to temporarily manually adjust the room temperature?
  17. Hello, I need a help. I can see more ways od forum and marketplace for override heating zone, but they are to complicated for me. I need simple scene (or virtual device??) which will set all heating zones to specific temperature for specific time and after that back to schedule. Why I need this? I have central heating system with wood and water acumulation puffer. Sometimes temperature in system increase to high and for security reasons I need to cool down system. I made scene which control temperature in system and send me notification when temperature is too high. Notification ask me if I want to run some scene. Here I want to open all radiators. Or, if somebody have another idea, maybe I don't need override heating zone. I have Fibaro heat controller on all radiators, but I don't know how to open it to max with scene. Thank you in advance.
  18. Hi, I have 6 x MCO MH8-FC thermostat fan controller on a multizone setup with and one FGS-222 relay for starting central gas boiler. I am new to Fibaro world and I want to learn but the winter already started and I need my heating system to work . I have tried to associate the thermostat with the relay but not working. I someone can help me how to set up the system or at least some guide, please! Thank you in advance.
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Heating VD, which I use especially when I go on winter holidays. On the day of departure we have no time to adjust heating, so a few days before using this VD I set the date/time when the heating should be turned off and date/time when it should be turned on again. Of course you can use this VD everyday just to turn on/off heating or to set the heating timer on/off. When it turn off the heating it just turn on vacation mode for every zone. Features: instant turn on/off the heating in all zones set the date and time when the heating will be turned off and/or turned on _ - change on/off setting time ❌ - clear timer ♻️ - refresh button - you don't need to touch it. It's called programmatically displaying the current state (on/off) sending push messages about changing heating state (by scheduler) Customization: change the VD labels to your own language set mobile device id to get push messages about changing heating state -- USER MODIFICATION local pushDeviceId = 0 -- mobile device id to send push messages local scheduleFreq = 1 -- [min] -- END OF USER MODIFICATION Screenshot: Icon: Enjoy...
  20. Hi everybody, I'm trying to create a program with a SRT321. Quite simple program, when the desired temperature is higher then the actual temperature, then a relay module should switch to "on" however, when loading the SRT 321 into the HC2 it shows all three values, actual, setpoint and base. When programming, there is only the actual value available! I need to make a comparisment between the set value and the actual value and with only one value this is very hard to do. Does anybody have any experience or suggestions how to handle this problem? Thanx in advance.
  21. Hi everyone, is there any way how to obtain (access) information from HC2 heating schedules in LUA scripts? I need to work with information about what temperature and when it is going to be set in some particular rooms. I can workaround this by making heating schedules sort of static and completely overpass heating panel in HC2, but that would be a bit contra productive, right? Thanks Edit: BTW my first post here, so please be gentle
  22. Hi Apologies if this is in the wrong topic. I am hoping that someone may be able to point me in the right direction. Whst I'm not a novice, I'm certainly no expert with Fibaro having set my last house up. However in my new house I'm going to give the Heat Controller a try and I've failed at the first hurdle. Initially I have a heat controller to replace my TRV on the radiators and I want to use my old spare FGS 211 relay at the boiler. Can anyone help me with the wiring into the relay please. I'm going to be disconnecting my wireless receiver and replacing it with the relay. I'm unsure where the 2 cables that call for heat connect to on the relay. Thanks in advance.
  23. Hello, is there a way to set different temperature for each room (radiator thermostat) within one zone in heating panel? I already have two zones, ground floor and upper floor, each of them containing few rooms. I wouldn't like to create more zones as it is not very comfortable to make changes or set manual mode for each zone in case I stay working from home or something. The idea is, that the zone would only define time and higher or lower temperature based on presence at home while temperature would be room-specific. Maybe there I could create more zones with different temperatures and place them to some sort of master zone that would control them? Many thanks for any idea. PS I've got the Fibaro HCL Martin
  24. Dear Members, Mij heating system is consisting of a CV unit with a normal thermostat in the livingroom. Floorheating at the ground floor, livingroom and the bathroom first floor. (rest is not important). I use a wallplug to monitor the energyconsumption of the CV and made 2 scenes that switch on and of the pump of the floorheating according to the fact if the CV is active or not. This works like a charm and can be a good tip to everybody with a floor heating system since the pump of the floorheating is not consuming energy when the CV is off! Furthermore I have installed 5 electrical valves (NC) for the floorheating connected to 3 double switches by Fibaro (the 6the I use to contol the pump of the floor heating system) Then I made 2 simple time based scenes to control the valves. First scene "bathroom on" will close the valves in the livingroom at a certain time so all the warmth goes to the bathroom. Second scene "bathroom off" is time and temperature based to switch back on the heating in the livingroom. For some reason the scenes don't start everyday but most of the days they do. Anybody a clue what is wrong? Then I would like to make a scene that will close the valves when the CV is turned off but I am afraid that this will interphere whith my current scenes. Anybody a suggestion? Any help would be appriciated!
  25. Hello fellow Automaters, I have a problem with a brand new ZXT-120 from Remotec that should control my LG AC unit. Before I found this device I had it set up with a dry contact from LG and a relay switch from Fibaro. It was only allowing me to turn the AC on or off to the state chosen by remote. It wasn't that bad but was also giving me many issues. Switching dry contact mode was disabling LG remote at all - so when time of the year was changing and I wanted to switch from heating to cooling it was very annoying to go through the process - especially that it wasnt very intuitive and required turning the POWER of the device off (which meant disabling electrcity at all in my apartment) But to the point: I have just received my new ZXT-120 from Remotec. The device HW version (found on the sticker) is 1.80. It is working in FLiRS battery mode. When I add it to my HC2 though (4.161Beta) it is being discovered as a version 1.20. I got 4 devices discovered (as per attached pic) and i can communicate with it. Version 1.20 codes only support 4 different codes for LG ACs (parameter 27), while version 1.80 supports 8 or 9 different codes. For me - only the 4 old codes are available from within HC2 parameter 27 (the max value set there is 512, while 1.80 new parameter codes exceed value of 512). The 1.20 old codes do not support some of my AC functions like FAN, and FAN Speeds. I am not sure that it also sends correct commands to my AC unit. I have tried to remove/add it 6 times already. Also With Wide Network Inclusion mode and without it. The standard troubleshooting I did included adding within 10 cm from HC2 and from normal location. It just discovers it as a version 1.20 and there is nothing I can do to change the required parameters. Version 1.80 has also additional code that is below 512 (464 - squared in the pic) but also not available for version 1.20 Has anybody faced that issue? Can you guys help please?
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