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  1. Hi everybody, I seem to be stuck in my search how to implement a (large) mobile popup, triggered in a LUA scene in HC3. I found this example for HC2: https://manuals.fibaro.com/knowledge-base-browse/how-to-create-mobile-pop-up/ This is actually what I want to create, a large popup with buttons and actions connected to it. But the example (obviously) does not work in HC3. I am using the following code and the fibaro.homeCenter.notificationService.publish function with type set to MobilePopupNotification as described in https://manuals.fibaro.com/home-center-3-lua-scenes/ local function popupMessage(message) local request = { type = "MobilePopupNotification", priority = "warning", data = { title = "Door(s) Open", text = message, } } local response, code = fibaro.homeCenter.notificationService.publish(request) fibaro.debug("Scene109", json.encode(response)) fibaro.debug("Scene109", code) end The debug responses are: for response: {"data":{"title":"Door(s) Open","buttons":[],"text":"Alarm in kelder en begane grond armed"},"created":1586512755,"type":"MobilePopupNotification","id":208,"priority":"warning","wasRead":false,"canBeDeleted":true} for code: 200 My Notification page in the web interface displays the warning as "Notification title" but no mobile notification is received. I also had this scene running with fibaro.alert() but that did not give me the desired large popup, only a smal one with limited text and not button options. BTW: I couldn't get the button functionality to work in any way. Tried arrays, objects, array of objects, object of objects etc but always got an error code 400 or simply a load error code ((load):34: unexpected symbol near '[') So, can anybody point me in the right direction, or tell me if what I want is possible in HC3? Thanks a lot
  2. Witajcie, w nowej wersji jest obsługa napędu NICE i po zaprogramowaniu nawet działa :-). Niestety tylko w przeglądarce, w aplikacji w ogóle nie widać tego włącznika.
  3. Witam potrzebuję pomocy jak zrobić aby oprogramować długie przytrzymanie ze smartimplant na wejściu INT1 tak aby wymusić zadziałanie Realy switch 2x1,5 tylko pierwszy kanał mam zaznaczone w parametrach Smart-a opcję Parametr 40: Wejście IN1 - aktywacja scen kanał i jest ustawione wciśnięte i przytrzymane po prawej wyświetla się cyfra "8" Deklaracje { conditions = { { id = 147, isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "centralSceneEvent", type = "device", value = { keyAttribute = "holddown", keyId = 8 }}}, operator = "all" } Akcje fibaro.call(152, 'turnOn')
  4. Witajcie, czy może ktoś pomóc w konfiguracji kamery w HC3. Po wpisaniu adresu w całości w przeglądarce działa bez problemu. Po skonfigurowaniu kamery w HC3 występuje błąd: Jak wciskam link poniżej obrazu to otwiera mi się normalny obraz z kamery. Konfiguracja wygląda tak: Kamera to Dahua.
  5. Hello, Can anyone tell me how changing, from a QA, the devices parameters? I do have a Neo CoolCam Siren + a Aeon Labs one that I would like to configure from a QA before ringing it. The idea is to configure it to a gentle music when someone ringing, or as an horrible sound in case of breach or security alert I do have tested this, which was natural but that has no impact on the device parameter: function QuickApp:uionOnReleased(event) local deviceID = 292 fibaro.call(deviceID, "setParameter", 37, 2, 1) -- Device 37 | byte syze: 2 | expected value:1 end I have tried to adapt former VD code from HC2, but no way to adapt it local selfId = fibaro:getSelfId(); local port = fibaro:get(selfId, 'TCPPort'); fibaro:debug(port) HC2 = Net.FHttp("", 11111) jtable = '{"properties":{"parameters":[{"id":1,"size":1,"value":1}]}}' HC2:PUT("/api/devices/" ..port ,jtable) and i'm then stuck looks like i'm sharing the issue (or lets call it "question") with @FBerges Thanks in advance for any recommendation or QA example have a good week end
  6. I have moved to the HC3 and trying to work out how the LUA programming works. The HC2 programming seemed a lot more logical and I am struggling to work out how to convert some of my old routines over. One of the first routines is remotes. Setting this up by blocks wouldn't work as it looks like I'd have to setup a scene for each button for each remote. Could someone help tell me how to convert this simple program into a HC3 computable version? --[[%% properties13 sceneActivation%% globals--]]local buttonPressed = fibaro:getValue(13, "sceneActivation")if ( tonumber(buttonPressed) == 1) thenfibaro:debug("MiniMote button 1 pressed")elseif ( tonumber(buttonPressed) == 2) thenfibaro:debug("MiniMote button 2 pressed")elseif ( tonumber(buttonPressed) == 3) thenfibaro:call(4, "turnOn")fibaro:debug("MiniMote button 3 pressed - Light ON")elseif ( tonumber(buttonPressed) == 4) thenfibaro:call(4, "turnOff")fibaro:debug("MiniMote button 4 pressed - Light OFF")elseif ( tonumber(buttonPressed) == 5) thenfibaro:debug("MiniMote button 5 pressed")elseif ( tonumber(buttonPressed) == 6) thenfibaro:debug("MiniMote button 6 pressed")elseif ( tonumber(buttonPressed) == 7) thenfibaro:debug("MiniMote button 7 pressed")elseif ( tonumber(buttonPressed) == ? thenfibaro:debug("MiniMote button 8 pressed")elsefibaro:debug("No response")end Thanks
  7. Hi, has anybody experienced issue with Wall Plug device working fine in Devices List on HC3 (being able to switch ON/OFF, see power consumption) but cannot choose the device in Block Scenes as it is not listed as device in the room?
  8. Function Request: Within block scene, it would be good to have the option within Simple Message Block to select: Log Output as a drop down within Simple Massage Output type: Debug, Error, Warning, Trace Message This will allow people to send a message into the Log during the flow of the Block Scene.
  9. I can't get a scene to work if I add a time interval. It looks ok but is not working and I don't know what I do wrong. It works if I remove the Time Range block... Please help!
  10. I want to activate a manual scene (Vaatwas Timer (number 2 in the picture)) with my ZRC-90. In this case I created a scene (Timer Vaatwas Active (number 1 in the picture)) that should activate the manual scene "Vaatwas Timer". The scene “Vaatwas Timer” is a manual scene and set to a certain time. I do not want this scene to be active every day at the programmed time and therefore I only want it to be active after I push and hold button 8 on my ZRC-90. As soon as I push button 8 the other scene is activated and does not wait until the time that is set in the scene. What do I need to do so that when I’ve pushed the botton, the scene “Vaatwas Timer” is active but not triggerd and turns on my dishwasher immediately. Short: when I hold down button 8 on my ZRC-90 I want my dishwasher (connected to the powerplug “Vaatwas PP2") to start at 23:30 the day I push the button and not immediately Button 8 hold --> activate Scene "Vaatwas Timer" --> Scene starts dishwasher at 23:30 as set in the scene
  11. Hi, Would like to have a quickapp that would enable me to start or stop a scene with a button. I tried fibaro.scene("execute", {id}) or fibaro.scene("kill", {id}) But it doesn't work and don't stop and restart the scene. The scene i want to trigger or stop is a move detection in a room to start ligne. I would sometime like this automation not being activated and stop from a QA that is controling all room parameter. thanks for the support
  12. For watering our plants I develop a Virtual Device with HC2 using control buttons to open a valve during 15, 30, 45 and 60sec. I also had a emergency STOP button to close the valve immediately within the same VD. When I reproduce the same with HC3, it is not possible to call the STOP button (interrupt) untill the watering in progress is not completed. Any help? (and not entionning those buttons are not displayed on the portable Android/IOS...)
  13. New HC3 on its way: Do I Migrate my HC2 via the transfer process or setup everything from new? I am sure many people are asking what are the pro's and con#'s of each route: Migrating Pros - Known: Sections, rooms and icons will be migrated Z-Wave devices assigned to the rooms and their icons parameters of these devices Cameras not created via plugins associations Migration Con's - Won't be transferred Scenes plugins virtual devices cameras via plugins schedules (watering & climate) Questions: If a device is transferred, does HC3 tell the device to use 500 series communications automatically and will HC2 put the device in secure mode? (All my Heating Controllers (Fibaro Thermostats) are not in secure mode as you cannot upgrade if they are in secure mode Can I force Secure mode of a device that is transferred or do I have to remove it and re-add it to enable secure mode? Are my LUA scenes compatible (Cut and Paste [Changing deviceid as needed] from HC2 to HC3)? What are the other Pro's and Con's people have seen? Any pit-falls to watch out for?
  14. Hi all, is anyone of you using an HC3 (Version 5.030.45) and able to add a Fibaro Walli Dimmer? When I start the inclusion on my HC3/ Walli Dimmer I only get the following message in the log and one new Device (191) without any child devices...so I'm not able to control the dimmer. [13.04.2020] [15:08:36] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Home Center in learning mode [13.04.2020] [15:08:50] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Device added[13.04.2020] [15:08:50] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Requesting neighbours, please wait... [13.04.2020] [15:08:53] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Requesting neighbours done. [13.04.2020] [15:08:53] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Add node status protocol done [13.04.2020] [15:08:54] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Adding devices complete I'm wondering if this is a a Problem with the HC3 or if the Walli Dimmer is broken in some way. Thanks Cheers and happy Easter
  15. How can i stop propagation of current scene. Eg. if luminescence is not high enough for some action i want to stop otherwise continue. local lum = fibaro.getValue(88, 'value') if lum > 50 then -- return, exit, quit, fibaro.kill() ... something to end propagation of current scnet end -- rest of code here ... EDIT: in Home center 3
  16. Hi, is there a way to export (for backup purposes) scenes? All scenes or just Lua scenes would be enough for me.
  17. Hi, Having recently purchased a HC3 to 'upgrade' from my Vera 3 controller I am now starting to get ready to transfer my devices (95% of them are Fibaro) across to the HC3 manually. I have successfully setup the HC3 and updated the software and it runs well. I have included a few spare devices, switches, and dimmers to familiarize myself with include exclude process. My Vera setup has 4 RGBW controllers on it running block scenes (I'm not a programmer yet!!) all working well. I have purchased several RGBW2 controllers for additional rooms in my house. So, after the latest software update to the HC3 I decided to connect one of the RGBW2 controllers. I assumed it would work like the RGBW on Vera controllers. In as much as I do not have any switches connected and control them through the app or a scene. I have added the RGBW2 and find that I cannot get any of the LED strip to turn on (unless I momentarily connect ground to one of the 4 inputs) in which case all the colours and white are correctly functioning (hardware eliminated). My understanding was that I could choose from the predefined or my own (I was able to add) colour palette or run one of the pre-defined scenes storm rainbow etc. I am confident the devices installed correctly is there a test I can run? I notice that even when I triggered the lights manually by bridging the inputs to ground no power in watts was showing? Unfortunately, I do not yet have another module included on the HC3 that reports power they are all older dimmers or switches. Is this because of configuration? I do have a few questions do I need to setup default parameters on the RGBW2 module? I did try changing some of the parameters as per the manual but my HC3 doesn't seem to accept this and I just getting a spinning wheel when it is trying to update. If anyone can put me in the right direction to get started even if this is by reading and understanding I am prepared to invest my time. I have just been investigating this further and I think that the issue is maybe because both the RGBW2 devices that I have included onto the network have all their parameters set to 0. looking at other modules I have included shows that they have what looks like their default set of parameters. However manually selecting the default value for each parameter just gives me a spinning wheel see above. Update: After doing another reconfigure, I left the module overnight this completed successfully. However, all parameters are zero! Although it appears in the android app as expected and responds and selects the scene / colour brightness etc. One unit I could maybe suspect as faulty but two brand new units behaving identically - No. Can anyone suggest a way of sending the parameters? Thanks,
  18. Hi all Is there a fibaro killscene and startscene command similar to hc2? Thanks
  19. Hi! I have 2 users in HC3, each user has their own ID and own mobile device in the access management. Every mobile phone has the new app and every user is logged in with their user account. Identifiable by the restricted rights. (Users are synchronized in the user administration). fibaro.alert('push', {301}, 'Karl-Heinz') fibaro.alert('push', {302}, 'Birgit') No matter who I send a push message to, all messages appears on both users on the iPhone. Whats going wrong? Greetings!
  20. Hello friends, I need to switch the ACs after opening doors for certain time. I'm using AEOTEC Door/Window Sensor for this reason but I don't know how to do in HC3. Please any help Thanks Ahmed
  21. Hello, I'm interested to learn more about scripting to automate the home with HC3. Which "languages" would you recommend to learn? I know there is documentation about LUA on manuals.fibaro.com, but I don't have any "programming skills" yet. So that a step to far for me at the moment. I also found this app https://getmimo.com/ (not sponsored content), maybe this is something easy to understand the basics. Let me know if you have any other suggestion!
  22. Hi, I'm trying to create a QA/QD to get through APIs all my Philips Hue Data: Button 1: Get all Hue Groups Button 2: Get all Hue Scenes Button 3: Get all Hue Lights The purpose is to store this in a global variable and then be in a position to use this in other QD and scenes (saving light parameters for instance, to come back to initial state after an alert...or naming hue light in fibaro HC3 as they are in Philips hue environment...) I've managed to make it run, see code below, hope it could help some one... That's kind of a miracle considering my skills ^^ My issue starts where i actually do have 2 hue bridges (more than 50 lights). I would like to extract data from each of them and then merge result in a single table that I would then set as a global variable. This table should have one more key than the hue table: for the bridge source (1 or 2). I guess it's something with a for k,v in pairs(result) but i can't manage making it run To understand the code below: * to avoid having device id coded in scene and QA, they are all part of a Global Variable (mappingTable). If I want to change a device Id because replacing it, changing the Id in mappingTable updates all scenes and QA * i have coded only bridge 1. user information for bridge 2 are prepared * I've deleted all my attempts to present a running code if someone is interested Another question is around the function to get hue information in return. I'm not sure really understanding and mastering the synthax which remains a little bit obscur for me. could it be simpler? May I request some help and attention? Covid alert gives me sometime to search, but honestly, i'm stuck Thanks in advance for your support ^^ roomName = "SSLBUR" -- nom de la pièce cible floorName = "SSL" -- nom de l'étage de référence function QuickApp:globalVariable() self:debug("-- Chargement des variables globales nécessaires au QA") mappingTable=json.decode(tostring(fibaro.getGlobalVariable("mappingTable"))) end function QuickApp:hueConfigUpload() hueIP1 = mappingTable["SYSTEME"]["devices"]["hueBridge"]["hueBridge1"]["hueIP1"] huePort1 = mappingTable["SYSTEME"]["devices"]["hueBridge"]["hueBridge1"]["huePort1"] hueUser1 = mappingTable["SYSTEME"]["devices"]["hueBridge"]["hueBridge1"]["hueuser1"] hueIP2 = mappingTable["SYSTEME"]["devices"]["hueBridge"]["hueBridge2"]["hueIP2"] huePort2 = mappingTable["SYSTEME"]["devices"]["hueBridge"]["hueBridge2"]["huePort2"] hueUser2 = mappingTable["SYSTEME"]["devices"]["hueBridge"]["hueBridge2"]["hueuser2"] end function QuickApp:mappingHueGroup() self:globalVariable() self:hueConfigUpload() local address = "http://"..hueIP1.."/api/"..hueUser1.."/groups" self.http:request(address, { options = { headers = { Accept = "application/json"}, checkCertificate = true, method = 'GET' }, success = function(response) self:debug("response status:", response.status) self:debug("headers:", response.headers["Content-Type"]) fibaro.setGlobalVariable("mappingHueGroup", response.data) self:debug(response.data) local data = json.decode(response.data) self:debug(data["1"].name) end}) self:debug(mappingHueGroup) end function QuickApp:onInit() self:debug("") self:debug("-- Démarrage du code principal") self.http = net.HTTPClient({timeout=3000}) self:mappingHueGroup() -- self:mappingHueLight() -- self:mappingHueScene() end
  23. I have Followed the described process (latest firmwares etc) --> HC3 applied latest backup (moved from HC2) --> configuration steps --> Added static IP --> Reboot --> Stuck! Dashboard/Devices forms hanging like trying to load and never stops) Then into Recovery mode --> only option "Reset Network setting" --> Reboot!! Now it gets funny! Now the system never comes up! All LED's is OK except for "Security" LED, which is blinking!? Only option is turn power off and try again --> never getting any further. When trying to "Reset to factory mode" ON PHYSICAL BUTTON as described in the manual (more than 20 secs) Press button in the back during startup - nothing happens. - was expecting to be able to switch between Static/dynamic IP (blink yellow/green), again it ends up with only the 'Security' LED blinking nothing happens????? The point is that it never gets an IP address and goes online! Is it not possible to do a 'Hard reset' on the box to 'factory settings'? Total swipe and start over? Have anyone seen this issue BR / Allan
  24. Hello, Today I received my brand new HC3 to replace my Homey Pro that has terrible z-wave performance. I unpacked and installed according to the setup steps. Software updated to 5.021.38. I excluded a Qubino Flush Dimmer from Homey and tried to add the device to HC3. The console shows HC3 going into learning mode but adding the Qubino (3 x switching) failed. Factory reset the Qubino and tried again with auto-inclusion and then again "normal" inclusion. No joy. Unpacked a brand new Fibaro Dimmer 2 and tried to add the device. Again, HC3 goes into learning mode but device is not added... HC3 shows nothing being wrong, Z-wave diagnostic show green "fully configured", also after I did a z-wave network reset. Z-wave version 4.33. Can anyone show this (still) inexperienced Home Center owner the way to a solution? Many thanks,
  25. Hi there, I know that this question may be better suited under the Home Center mobile application section, but at the same time - not.. I'll explain throughout the post why! The background (to start with); I recently bought one Home Center 3 device to try the new unit after having a great configuration with three HC2 units at my house and two appartments that I own. The first issue was of course the migration from HC2 to HC3. Frustrated over the fact that I needed to se up everything. Rooms and Sections should have been easy to move. The devices - ok.. I get why.. I can take that I needed to add them in the new system. So - to make a long story short(er).. I added everything, and got my house configured fine - and I've even managed to rewrite all the scripts except for one detail (a pause which could be used in the LUA-script before was used to wait for five minutes before turning bathroom lights off automatically when no motion detector had detected any new movement in the room). But other than that - I've managed to get everything up and running quite ok. So - to the problem description: As the Fibaro Home Center mobile app is not working for Home Center 3, I had to overcome the fact that I was forced to use the "new" Home Center app. Horrible as that is, it's just a fact. But - regardless if I have my Android devices which are; Samsung Z Flip, Huawei P30, Huawei P10 Plus, Samsung Galaxy S20 or the apple device; iPhone 10 - I get the same problem. The problem: The first time I start the Mobile App, everything works just fine, and I can use it as expected. But.. The second time I start the app I get stuck with this screen. I know.. In Swedish, but if you ever used the app, you know that this screen is when you would expect the application to log in to your system. When I start up the app for the first time after installing the app - everything works just fine as I said. The second time though.. not so functional as this is all I get. Regardless of which phone I use. But - this ONLY refers to Home Center 3 - which is why I think it's a HC3 issue rather than the mobile app - as this is regardless of Apple or Android. When I use the app with my Home Center 2 devices that I still have, everything works just fine. Time after time when I log in on HC2, it just works as expected. But as soon as I switch to HC3 - the screen above is all I see.. for the rest of my life (or until I choose to scrap all data for the app/or reinstall the app). So, the solution thus far; 1. Open the apps in the mobile phone settings and delete ALL data (not just the cache) 2. Start the app again, and do all the initial settings and choose "Skip" for the welcome wizards that are shown just as if the app was freshly installed 3. Operate the app as normal 4. But.. When I close the app, or don't use it for 15 minutes or so - I have to start over with number 1 in this solution to be able to use the app. Frustrating!!! Or... 1. Uninstall the app 2. Install the app. 3. Do all setup-things (login, skip wizards etc) 4. Operate as normal 5. Start over on 1 in this solution.. (frustrating... again) So - Is there anyone that have the same issue? Or - does anyone have HC3 functioning properly with the Home Center mobile app? Because - I'd think that it just may be my device that needs an upgrade or something? The MOBILE app (Android) is version: 1.6.0 The Home Center 3 software/firmware version is: 5.020.60 Appreciate any thoughts/tips about this issue. Thanks for reading! /Peter
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